The unit of money in MOO2 is 'BC'. They come from taxes and various other sources. The money are spent on various upkeeps automatically and can also be spent manually to speed up construction on any colony that is not Blockade. When your balance drops below zero the game automatically scraps stuff like ships and buildings. This process is best avoided due to its random nature.


Income and upkeep operations happen in the beginning of each turn. Income is calculated fist so that upkeep can be paid from it.


Comes from population, each unit of population produces a number of BCs depeding on your bonuses.

TODO taxation formulas and bonuses;

Industry Tax

The industry tax has nothing to do with the population. It can be set by clicking money button on the main screen to values ranging from 10% to 50% with a step of 10. This portion of production will be deduced on all of your colonies and converted into money 1:1. This only affects industry (worker) production, if none of your colonies have it than this won’t produce any money.

Trade Goods

A special product that converts production to money 2:1 for normal races or 1:1 with the fantastic_traders racial trait.


  • Gem Deposit planet special produces

  • Gold Deposit special

Megawealth Leaders

Leaders with a megawealth skill provide a fixed sum each turn.


Buildings Upkeep

Each building has a fixed upkeep. This upkeep is increased on hostile planets.

Fleet Upkeep

Each ship has a fixed upkeep. TODO ship upkeep how much;


Products except Trade Goods and Housing can be bought by pressing the buy button in a colony screen, or a coin button in the Colonies menu. The cost depends on level of product completion:

TODO buy costs and ratios;


Buildings & Freighters Free Cash Bug

Upon completion of a building or a spy in version 1.31, the corresponding maintenance fee is charged immediately. To prevent bankruptcies due to completion of such building or spy, the game compensates once for that fee. Due to a rule change introduced in patch 1.40 (a side effect of the Credit Cheat fix), maintenance is no longer charged immediately but starting from the next turn. The compensation however still exists, causing the player to receive free money upon completion of such projects. In 1.50 this compensation for buildings and spies was removed.

The same mechanic applied to freighter fleets, however the actual maintenance charged in version 1.31 is between 0 and 3 BC depending on food shortage (while the food is not actually freighted!), and the compensation is fixed at 5 BC. As a result, there always is a net benefit of 2-5 BC. In version 1.40 no maintenance is charged for freighters on the turn of building so the net benefit is always 5 BC. The default in 1.50 is 0 BC. Because freighters are a special case and some players are accustomed to the old behavior, the amount of BC compensation is tunable with parameter freighters_cash_bonus.

1.31 1.40 1.50

Maintenance cost from new building


Next turn

Next turn

Maintenance cost 1x compensation


Yes (free cash)


New spy immediate cost

1 BC

0 BC

0 BC

New spy 1x compensation

1 BC

1 BC (free cash)

0 BC

New freighter immediate cost if shortage

0-3 BC (0.5 BC each, rounded down)

0 BC

0 BC

New freighter cost 1x compensation

5 BC

5 BC (free cash)

0 BC (tunable)

New freighter actually used for food transport if shortage

Next turn

Next turn

Next turn

Food from new building used if shortage

Next turn

Next turn

Next turn

Food from new building sold if surplus


Next turn

Next turn

Tax from new population


Next turn

Next turn

Tax from new spaceport and stock exchange


Next turn

Next turn

Credit Cheat

Is a collective name for ways to obtain money by abusing build queue. These bugs were present in 1.31 and were partially fixed in 1.40. In 1.50 all such bugs have been fixed.