This file contains full list of configuration parameters available in 1.50 config. It is generated semi automatically and is guaranteed to contain all current parameters. Short descriptions provided are meant as rough outline of parameter function, the finer points are described in respective game mechanics articles. All specified values are set to classic MOO2 defaults, the same they are in unmodded game. For modded game values are different.

Configuration files have extension .CFG and are utf-8 plain text files. They can be edited in any plain text editor such as notepad. See Configuration Syntax for complete description.

Mods in 1.50 are essentially bundles of configuration files, see Modding.


# ============================================================================ #
# --                                                                        -- #
# --                    MOO2 1.50.24 GAME CONFIGURATION                     -- #
# --                                                                        -- #
# ============================================================================ #
# ================================= #
# --    LBX FILES & INTERFACE    -- #
# ================================= #
# Mod name, an arbitrary string. This string is displayed in Launcher. If not
# specified then mod_id is used instead.
mod_name = 0;
# Mod id, an arbitrary string. It's used as an argument to /enable/ command.
# It MUST be specified in a valid mod file. If two mod files with the same id
# are found then this is a conflict and both are disabled.
mod_id = 0;
# Mod class, an arbitrary string. Mods of the same classes are alternative,
# i.e. cannot be loaded together. Class denotes some aspect of the game,
# current well-known classes are:
#   core    -- Full mods, override every rule (0).
#   ai      -- AI tweaks, AI ship designs, etc. (100)
#   map     -- Mapgen weights, map postprocessor (200).
#   ruleset -- Rule switches (such as /noscan) and mapgen switches (such as
#              /fixedhw) (300).
# In parenthesis the default mod_order is specified. Mods are loaded (and
# displayed in Launcher) in that order. Underscore marks class as hidden,
# such mods are not displayed by launcher. Example: mod_class = _user;
# This parameter MUST be specified in a valid mod file.
mod_class = 0;
# Mod load order. The less the number, the earlier the mod is loaded.
mod_order = 0;
# Mod description, optional. Will be displayed in Launcher when selecting a mod.
mod_desc = 0;
# Set path where to find mods. All directories under this path are scanned for
# CFG files with mods: 150\mods\*\*.CFG. If you have non-mod configs put them
# to subdirectory or give another extension.
scan_mods = 0;
# Set template for BUILD*.CFG files. If not set BUILD$ID$.CFG will be used.
build.cfg = 0;
# Set template for MAIN*.LUA files. If not set MAIN$ID$.LUA will be used.
main.lua = 0;
# lbx REQUIRED for patch
# Specify custom path for newgame.lbx:
newgame.lbx = 0;
# Specify custom path for estrings.lbx:
estrings.lbx = 0;
# Specify custom path for eventmse.lbx:
eventmse.lbx = 0;
# lbx graphics
# Specify custom path for cmbtshp.lbx:
cmbtshp.lbx = 0;
# Specify custom path for colsysdi.lbx:
colsysdi.lbx = 0;
# Specify custom path for combat.lbx:
combat.lbx = 0;
# Specify custom path for design.lbx:
design.lbx = 0;
# Specify custom path for info.lbx:
info.lbx = 0;
# Specify custom path for officer.lbx:
officer.lbx = 0;
# Specify custom path for raceicon.lbx:
raceicon.lbx = 0;
# Specify custom path for races.lbx:
races.lbx = 0;
# Specify custom path for racesel.lbx:
racesel.lbx = 0;
# Specify custom path for ships.lbx:
ships.lbx = 0;
# Specify custom path for starbg.lbx:
starbg.lbx = 0;
# lbx text multilingual
# Specify custom path for kentext.lbx:
kentext.lbx = 0;
# Specify custom path for kentext1.lbx:
kentext1.lbx = 0;
# Specify custom path for racename.lbx:
racename.lbx = 0;
# Specify custom path for shipname.lbx:
shipname.lbx = 0;
# Specify custom path for starname.lbx:
starname.lbx = 0;
# Specify custom path for techname.lbx:
techname.lbx = 0;
# lbx text language specific
# Specify custom path for credits.lbx:
credits.lbx = 0;
# Specify custom path for diplomse.lbx:
diplomse.lbx = 0;
# Specify custom path for fonts.lbx:
fonts.lbx = 0;
# Specify custom path for help.lbx:
help.lbx = 0;
# Specify custom path for herodata.lbx:
herodata.lbx = 0;
# Specify custom path for hestrngs.lbx:
hestrngs.lbx = 0;
# Specify custom path for maintext.lbx:
maintext.lbx = 0;
# Specify custom path for rstring0.lbx:
rstring0.lbx = 0;
# Specify custom path for skildesc.lbx:
skildesc.lbx = 0;
# Specify custom path for techdesc.lbx:
techdesc.lbx = 0;
# If 1, vsync is turned off, greatly speeding up switching between screens. If 0, vsync is on (default).
disable_vsync = 0;
# Fade in and fade out speeds when switching screens.
# Default is 25, classic is 10, maximum is 100.
screen_fade_speed = 25;
# The index of the color used to draw wormholes. Default of 4 is a dark grey.
# Use 10 or 20 for lighter greys.
wormhole_color = 4;
# If 1, history graphs will not be smoothened.
# If 0 (default, classic), smoothing applies.
no_graph_smoothing = 0;
# If 0 (default, classic), at start of hotseat and networked multiplayer games,
# End Of Turn Wait is turned off (Game Settings menu).
# If 1, End Of Turn Wait setting is always preserved no matter the game type.
keep_eotw_setting = 0;
# If 1 (default), upon loading a saved game, the mod packed in the save is displayed.
# If 0, no such prompt is displayed.
loaded_config_prompt = 1;
# If 0, (classic, default), player is prompted on turn 1 to select
# new research if he hadn't done so on turn 0.
# If 1, player is not asked to select research on turn 1 (for melee mode).
no_initial_tech_prompt = 0;
# Controls the Outpost ship behaviour upon arrival at a new star.
# If 0 (classic, default), it prompts new outpost creation.
# If 1, outpost creation prompt is skipped.
no_outpost_prompt = 0;
# If 1 (default, classic), the game warns you upon exiting the colony build screen about
# housing, trade goods or repeat builds present in the queue above a product (blockers).
# If 0 it will not. Depending on the setting of option 'auto delete trade goods/housing'
# (on/off) in game settings, these blockers will be deleted or left as is.
warn_blockers = 1;
# Affects interface only. Controls how DESIGN button in construction orders screen
# behaves in regard to shield. Options are:
#  update -- update shield to the best available (default, classic)
#  intact -- don't change current shield in design
design_button_shield = update;
# Affects interface only. Controls how DESIGN button in construction orders screen
# behaves in regard to computer. Options are:
#  update -- update computer to the best available (default, classic)
#  intact -- don't change current computer in design
design_button_computer = update;
# Controls how CLEAR button in design screen behaves in regard to shield.
# Affects interface only. Options are:
#  intact -- don't change shield currently set (default, classic)
#  update -- update shield to the best available
#  clear  -- remove shield
clear_button_shield = intact;
# Controls how CLEAR button in design screen behaves in regard to computer.
# Affects interface only. Options are:
#  update -- update computer to the best available (default, classic)
#  clear  -- remove computer
#  intact -- don't change currently set computer
clear_button_computer = update;
# If 1, the default missile ammo per rack in ship design dock is x2,
# If 0, ammo is x5 (classic, default)
missile_ammo_x2 = 0;
# If 1, death spore damage is not listed as 'special' but with value,
# If 0 (default, classic), it's listed as special.
death_spore_list_damage = 0;
# If 1, bio terminator damage is not listed as 'special' but with value,
# If 0 (default, classic), it's listed as special.
bio_terminator_list_damage = 0;
# Timeout for disappearance of following confirmation messages in Multiplayer:
# 'X attacks Y at Z', 'outpost destroyed' and 'colony captured by mind control'.
# Timeout is in ticks. The default setting is 32767 (approximately 30 minutes).
confirm_battle_message_timeout = 32767;
# If 0, Raid and Capture results pop-up needs to be closed manually (classic).
# If 1, they time-out in the same way as AUTO resolve.
auto_close_board_result_popup = 0;
# Specify minimum interval in ticks between scroll events in tactical combat.
# Each tick is about 1/18 of a second. Decrease for faster scroll, increase for
# slower. Setting it to 0 will result in (classic) unreasonably fast scrolling.
# Default is 1.
scroll_interval = 1;
# Animation speeds for cloak specials for Normal and Fast Animations settings.
# Classic values are 1 for Normal and 2 for Fast Animations.
# Recommended range of setting is 1-12.
# rows:
#  normal fast
anim_speed_cloak normal = 1;
anim_speed_cloak   fast = 2;
# If 1, with ship initiative ON, combat screen is not centered on the next_ship,
# same way as in combat with ship initiative OFF.
# If 0 (default, classic), with ship initiative ON, the combat screen is always
# centered on the next_ship.
no_center_on_next_ship = 0;
# If 0 (default), the 'nooo' shout is heard when a leader is onboard a ship
# that is destroyed by drive explosion. (In classic, when a ship's drive
# explodes, there's a 10% chance to hear the 'nooo' shout, regardless of
# whether that ship has a leader onboard or not.
# If 1, 'nooo' is heard for ANY ship with leader onboard that is destroyed,
# so also for explosions with quantum detonator and regular ship explosions.
leader_dies_with_no = 0;
# Sets what research value is displayed in Empire Info Window of the Colonies screen:
#   classic     - empire_research generated this turn (default).
#   accumulated - empire_research generated this turn + accumulated_research for current project.
#   remaining   - remaining of max (2x) research_cost, negative number means overrun on project.
#   percentage1 - percentage chance for breakthrough, otherwise empire_research generated per turn.
#   percentage2 - percentage chance for breakthrough, otherwise remaining research_cost.
print_research_value = classic;
# Controls the way artifact planet tech finds are presented.
# If 0 (default), the trooper presents them.
# If 1, the scientist does the presenting.
finds_presented_by_scientist = 0;
# If 1, a rebel picture and bonus are shown in colony military popup.
# If 0, not shown. (classic, default)
rebel_display = 0;
# If 1, menu in INFO starts with Turn Summary instead of History Graph.
# Requires ICE version of picture file 'INFO.LBX' to be loaded with
# parameter 'info.lbx = [lbx file location]'.
info_lbx_menu = classic;
# Format for in-game text labels (affects interface only):
#  format <label-id> <property> = <value>;
# label-id is one of:
#  mod_name version prod prod2 leader_xp
# property is one of:
#  template -- a template with variable expansions
#  style    -- 0 to 5, from small to big fonts
#  align    -- l (left), r (right) or c (center)
#  x, y     -- screen coordinates (from top left corner)
# each parameter supports its own set of variables:
#  mod_name     MOD
#  version      VERSION
#  prod, prod2
#   TURNS           turns till completion
#   STORED_PROD     stored production
#   BOUGHT_PROD     bought production
#   TOTAL_PROD      stored + bought
#   PRODUCT_COST    total prod needed for product
#                           align
#                      style    |
#              template    |    |      x      y
#                     ▼    ▼    ▼      ▼      ▼
format  mod_name =    0    1    r    587    424;
format   version =    0    1    r    587    410;
format      prod =    0    0    l    531    103;
format     prod2 =    0    0    r    625    103;
format leader_xp =    0    0    r    293     91;
# Font color groups used for displaying the buildings list. There are 10 groups
# total, g0 through g9.
# Each group has a color for products not in the build queue (normal) and for
# products added to the build queue (queued). Each color has three components:
# base, dim and dark. The two latter are needed for anti aliasing. Each color
# is a palette index from 0 to 255, refer to the 1.50 Manual for palette info.
# By default all groups are set to classic orange color and all products are
# assigned g0. Use prod_format to assign different groups to products.
# actual products.
#                              base    dim   dark
#                                 ▼      ▼      ▼
font_color_group g0 normal =    203    202    183;
font_color_group g0 queued =    187    186    184;
font_color_group g1 normal =    203    202    183;
font_color_group g1 queued =    187    186    184;
font_color_group g2 normal =    203    202    183;
font_color_group g2 queued =    187    186    184;
font_color_group g3 normal =    203    202    183;
font_color_group g3 queued =    187    186    184;
font_color_group g4 normal =    203    202    183;
font_color_group g4 queued =    187    186    184;
font_color_group g5 normal =    203    202    183;
font_color_group g5 queued =    187    186    184;
font_color_group g6 normal =    203    202    183;
font_color_group g6 queued =    187    186    184;
font_color_group g7 normal =    203    202    183;
font_color_group g7 queued =    187    186    184;
font_color_group g8 normal =    203    202    183;
font_color_group g8 queued =    187    186    184;
font_color_group g9 normal =    203    202    183;
font_color_group g9 queued =    187    186    184;
# Sets order and color_group for each production item. Actual colors are
# defined in font_color_group. Order is used for sorting items in buildings
# list. Items with same order are sorted alphabetically. Available items are:
#  trade_goods housing alien_control_center armor_barracks artemis_system_net
#  astro_university atmosphere_renewer autolab automated_factory battlestation
#  capitol cloning_center colony_base deep_core_mine core_waste_dump
#  dimensional_portal biospheres food_replicators gaia_transformation
#  currency_exchange galactic_cybernet holo_simulator hydroponic_farm
#  marine_barracks barrier_shield flux_shield gravity_generator missile_base
#  ground_batteries radiation_shield stock_exchange supercomputer pleasure_dome
#  pollution_processor recyclotron robotic_factory research_lab robo_miner_plant
#  soil_enrichment space_academy spaceport star_base star_fortress
#  stellar_converter subterranean_farms terraforming warp_interdictor
#  weather_controller fighter_garrison artificial_planet
#                                  color_group
#                                  order     |
#                                      ▼     ▼
prod_format          trade_goods =    -2    g0;
prod_format              housing =    -1    g0;
prod_format alien_control_center =     0    g0;
prod_format       armor_barracks =     0    g0;
prod_format   artemis_system_net =     0    g0;
prod_format     astro_university =     0    g0;
prod_format   atmosphere_renewer =     0    g0;
prod_format              autolab =     0    g0;
prod_format    automated_factory =     0    g0;
prod_format        battlestation =     0    g0;
prod_format              capitol =     0    g0;
prod_format       cloning_center =     0    g0;
prod_format          colony_base =     0    g0;
prod_format       deep_core_mine =     0    g0;
prod_format      core_waste_dump =     0    g0;
prod_format   dimensional_portal =     0    g0;
prod_format           biospheres =     0    g0;
prod_format     food_replicators =     0    g0;
prod_format  gaia_transformation =     0    g0;
prod_format    currency_exchange =     0    g0;
prod_format    galactic_cybernet =     0    g0;
prod_format       holo_simulator =     0    g0;
prod_format      hydroponic_farm =     0    g0;
prod_format      marine_barracks =     0    g0;
prod_format       barrier_shield =     0    g0;
prod_format          flux_shield =     0    g0;
prod_format    gravity_generator =     0    g0;
prod_format         missile_base =     0    g0;
prod_format     ground_batteries =     0    g0;
prod_format     radiation_shield =     0    g0;
prod_format       stock_exchange =     0    g0;
prod_format        supercomputer =     0    g0;
prod_format        pleasure_dome =     0    g0;
prod_format  pollution_processor =     0    g0;
prod_format          recyclotron =     0    g0;
prod_format      robotic_factory =     0    g0;
prod_format         research_lab =     0    g0;
prod_format     robo_miner_plant =     0    g0;
prod_format      soil_enrichment =     0    g0;
prod_format        space_academy =     0    g0;
prod_format            spaceport =     0    g0;
prod_format            star_base =     0    g0;
prod_format        star_fortress =     0    g0;
prod_format    stellar_converter =     0    g0;
prod_format   subterranean_farms =     0    g0;
prod_format         terraforming =     0    g0;
prod_format     warp_interdictor =     0    g0;
prod_format   weather_controller =     0    g0;
prod_format     fighter_garrison =     0    g0;
prod_format    artificial_planet =     0    g0;
# ===================== #
# --    SCRIPTING    -- #
# ===================== #
# Path to script which is run just before players pick race. It runs in pregame
# context and can alter picks and tech tree.
pregame_script = 0;
# Path to script which is run right after new universe is generated. It runs in
# universal context and can alter anything. The game is saved/synced right after
# it stops.
newgame_postprocessor_script = 0;
# ======================== #
# --    GROUND RULES    -- #
# ======================== #
# Make all three types of androids available from the start.
# Default is 0 (classic).
/droids = 0;
# If 1, Housing is forbidden. Default is 0 (classic).
/nohousing = 0;
# If 1, Report button in diplomacy is forbidden, and in Audience the
# options Tech Exchange, Demand Tech and Offer Tech are forbidden.
# Default is 0 (classic).
/noreport = 0;
# If 1, Scan button in combat is forbidden. Default is 0 (classic).
/noscan = 0;
# If 0 (default, classic), future techs can be browsed in the research window
# using the grey category buttons.
# If 1, only techs currenlty available for research can be seen.
no_future_tech_peek = 0;
# Population, marines and money reserve at game start. Format:
#  starting_condition <modifier> = <value>;
# where modifier is one of:
#  starting_population starting_marines starting_money
starting_condition starting_population = 8;
starting_condition    starting_marines = 3;
starting_condition      starting_money = 50;
# If 0, (classic, default), avg and post-warp games start with 2 scouts and a colony ship.
# If 1, avg and post-warp games have no starting ships.
no_starting_ships = 0;
# If 1, on Average and Post-warp tech levels an Outpost Ship
# is added to each players' starting fleet.
# If 0 (default), no such ship will be given (classic).
starting_outpost_ship = 0;
# If 1, transport ships will have extended fuel tanks.
# If 0 (default, classic), they will not.
transport_ship_extended_range = 0;
# If 1, first pop on a new colony always becomes a worker.
# If 0 (default, classic), it becomes a farmer on food worlds,
# unless your race is cybernetic or lithovore.
first_pop_to_production = 0;
# Value that the base food per farmer on a colony must exceed
# for a new population unit to be assigned to farming.
# Default is 0 (classic).
new_farmer_food_threshold = 0;
# If 1, a new population unit on a housing colony will not become a farmer.
# If 0 (default, classic), normal assignment conditions apply.
housing_creates_no_farmers = 0;
# If 1, colony can build multiple queue items per turn. Default is 0 (classic).
# This causes undesirable behavior in mods with economy, which is most mods.
# Example: A colony on Trade Goods gets both the money and production (bug).
multibuild = 0;
# If 1, alternative refit formula is used: max(delta, 0) + min_refit_cost
# If 0 (default), classic formula is used: max(2*delta, min_refit_cost)
# In both formulas:
# delta = new_cost - old_cost.
# min_refit_cost = 1/4 standard hull cost (rounded down).
alternative_refit = 0;
# If 1, a ship's scrap value is 50% of its original build cost.
# If 0 (default, classic), scrap value is 25%.
double_ship_scrap_value = 0;
# Amount of money added to treasury when a freighter fleet is built. Defaults to 0 BC.
# Classic was 5, which was needed in v1.31 because these new freighters could also have
# a cost of 0-3 BC associated with them, depending on how many of them were used in that
# same turn. In v1.40, newly build freighters were no longer used immediately but the 5
# BC compensation remained, thus each completed freighter fleet essentially generated
# 5 BC free cash. This parameter allows to restore that v1.40 behaviour.
freighters_cash_bonus = 0;
# If 1, accumulated RPs exceeding doubled research cost
# of tech that is researched will be stored over.
# If 0 (default, classic), all RPs will be spent.
keep_research_on_breakthrough = 0;
# If 1, player's RP's are not reset when the tech that is researched
# is acquired by non-research means (artifact planet, capture, spying).
# If 0 (default, classic), all RPs will be spent.
keep_research_on_finds = 0;
# If 0, breakthrough chance applies (default, classic).
# If 1, random chance for research breakthrough is removed and
# breakthrough only happens at double the research cost.
fixed_research_cost = 0;
# Amount of research points given by the 'menlo' cheat. Default is a million. Maximum is 4 bytes (2^32).
menlo_research_points = 1000000;
# Default tech rewarded after defeating Orion. Default is 47 for Death Ray (classic).
defeat_orion_reward_tech = death_ray;
# If 0, (default, classic since v1.3): Loknar gives 1-2 random techs
# to player that rescues him (only if player has a leader slot free).
# If such tech is already in player's posession, it is not listed and
# no other tech is received instead.
# If 1, Loknar does not bring techs. This was behavior in v1.1 and 1.2.
loknar_gives_no_tech = 0;
# If 0, ship designs are auto updated when physics tech field 57 is given (default, classic).
# If 1, this auto update is disabled.
no_designs_update_for_laser = 0;
# Scores for defeating the Guardian and winning via Council or Antares. Format:
#  hi_score <modifier> = <value>;
# where modifier is one of:
#  orion antares council
hi_score   orion = 100;
hi_score antares = 250;
hi_score council = 100;
# =================================== #
# --    EVENTS & ANTARAN PACING    -- #
# =================================== #
# Turn delay of the first council meeting. Default is 25. Maximum is 127.
first_council_delay = 25;
# Frequency with which the council convenes. Default is every 25 turns.
# Value can be between 1 and 10000.
council_frequency = 25;
# Turn delay after which an AI can surrender to another AI. Default is 150.
ai_surrender_delay = 150;
# Base delay for all random events.
all_events_delay = 50;
# Minimum turns count between events.
between_events_delay = 5;
# Sets turn delay for each event. Events are:
#   derelict climatic_change comet computer_virus diplomatic_blunder
#   diplomatic_marriage donation earthquake freak_accident hyperspace_flux
#   industrial_accident overworking mineral_deposit pirate_activity pirate_raid
#   plague population_boom serendipity space_amoeba space_crystal space_dragon
#   space_eel space_hydra supernova time_space_anomaly warp_beast
#   unstable_wormhole
event_delay            derelict = 0;
event_delay     climatic_change = 0;
event_delay               comet = 200;
event_delay      computer_virus = 0;
event_delay  diplomatic_blunder = 0;
event_delay diplomatic_marriage = 0;
event_delay            donation = 0;
event_delay          earthquake = 0;
event_delay      freak_accident = 0;
event_delay     hyperspace_flux = 0;
event_delay industrial_accident = 0;
event_delay         overworking = 0;
event_delay     mineral_deposit = 0;
event_delay     pirate_activity = 0;
event_delay         pirate_raid = 0;
event_delay              plague = 0;
event_delay     population_boom = 0;
event_delay         serendipity = 0;
event_delay        space_amoeba = 100;
event_delay       space_crystal = 200;
event_delay        space_dragon = 300;
event_delay           space_eel = 150;
event_delay         space_hydra = 250;
event_delay           supernova = 200;
event_delay  time_space_anomaly = 0;
event_delay          warp_beast = 0;
event_delay   unstable_wormhole = 0;
# Random roll for events chance. If outcome of roll is lower than
# threshold, event will happen. Thus a lower value results in a
# higher chance for an event. Format:
#  event_roll <modifier> = <value>;
# where modifier is one of:
#  all_events lucky_player
event_roll   all_events = 512;
event_roll lucky_player = 1000;
# Minimum turns for event (#+2) and % chance to stop each turn (100/#). Format:
#  event_duration <modifier> = <value>;
# where modifier is one of:
#  anomaly_min beast_min flux_min anomaly_chance beast_chance flux_chance
event_duration    anomaly_min = 4;
event_duration      beast_min = 4;
event_duration       flux_min = 4;
event_duration anomaly_chance = 20;
event_duration   beast_chance = 20;
event_duration    flux_chance = 20;
# Chance for wandering space monsters to stay after battle.
# Value sets the range of a random roll, which causes monster
# to leave if it rolls 1 twice. Thus, at default value 2, space
# monster has 1/2^2=1/4 chance to stay. At 3, chance is 2/3^2=4/9.
# Does not apply to Amoeba that always leaves after battle.
monsters_stay_chance = 2;
# If 0, wandering monsters ensured to stay after battle.
monsters_stay = 0;
# Frequency of Eel producing an offspring after it settled at a system.
# Value range is 1-100. Default is 30 (classic).
eel_spawn_frequency = 30;
# Maximum amount of wandering Space Eels that may be present in the galaxy.
# Value range is 1-100. Default is 4 (classic).
max_eels = 4;
# If 1, Crystal keeps captured ships as part of own fleet after combat.
# If 0 (classic, default), ships captured by Crystal disappear after combat.
crystal_keep = 0;
# Amount of BC to bribe the Space Dragon to go elsewhere. Default is 500. Maximum is 4 bytes (2^32).
dragon_bribe_bc = 500;
# Research points lost due to a computer virus is: random_research + fixed_research.
# Range of random amount 0-65536. Range of fixed amount 0-255.
# rows:
#  random_research fixed_research
computer_virus random_research = 50;
computer_virus  fixed_research = 50;
# Amount of BC for the donation event is: rounddown(#turns/turn_divisor) * multiplier + base.
# rows:
#  turn_divisor multiplier base
donation_bc turn_divisor = 20;
donation_bc   multiplier = 100;
donation_bc         base = 100;
# Percent stolen from your treasury by a pirate raid is: random_percent + fixed_percent.
# rows:
#  random_percent fixed_percent
pirate_raid random_percent = 21;
pirate_raid  fixed_percent = 29;
# Minimum research points needed *per turn* on the colonies in the system
# to the invent the solar rejuvenator that ends the supernova threat.
# Default is 0 (classic). Maximum is 2 bytes (2^16).
nova_minimum_research_per_turn = 0;
# If set to event only this kind of event can happen. If set to no_event (the
# default) events are generated as normal. Intended for testing. Events are:
#  no_event derelict climatic_change comet computer_virus diplomatic_blunder
#  diplomatic_marriage donation earthquake freak_accident hyperspace_flux
#  industrial_accident overworking mineral_deposit mutiny pirate_activity
#  pirate_raid plague population_boom serendipity space_amoeba space_crystal
#  space_dragon space_eel space_hydra supernova time_space_anomaly warp_beast
#  warp_funnel unstable_wormhole empire_destroyed empire_grown_in_strength
#  empires_ranking orion_visited antarans_defeated empire_surrenders
#  rebel_assimilation
force_event_type = no_event;
# Lucky race chance of being attacked by Antarans is divided by this value.
# Value range is 1-100. Default is 3 (classic).
antaran_attack_chance_lucky_divisor = 3;
# Antaran fleet pacing configuration table
# rows:
#  prewarp_delay average_delay advanced_delay
#  resource_increment_calculation_frequency normal_offensive_resource_multiplier
#  hard_offensive_resource_multiplier impossible_offensive_resource_multiplier
#  normal_defensive_resource_multiplier hard_defensive_resource_multiplier
#  impossible_defensive_resource_multiplier attack_frequency_determinant
#  antaran_cease_of_attacks_coefficient
#  impossible_human_attack_chance_multiplier offensive_raiders
#  offensive_marauders offensive_intruders offensive_interdictors
#  offensive_harbingers defensive_raiders defensive_marauders
#  defensive_intruders defensive_interdictors defensive_harbingers
#  antaran_ship_cost_raider antaran_ship_cost_marauder
#  antaran_ship_cost_intruder antaran_ship_cost_interdictor
#  antaran_ship_cost_harbinger cease_building_frigates_after_n_turns
#  cease_building_destroyers_after_n_turns frigates_cease_normal_divisor
#  frigates_cease_hard_divisor frigates_cease_impossible_divisor
#  destroyers_cease_normal_divisor destroyers_cease_hard_divisor
#  destroyers_cease_impossible_divisor
antaran_fleet                             prewarp_delay = 200;
antaran_fleet                             average_delay = 100;
antaran_fleet                            advanced_delay = 0;
antaran_fleet  resource_increment_calculation_frequency = 25;
antaran_fleet      normal_offensive_resource_multiplier = 100;
antaran_fleet        hard_offensive_resource_multiplier = 150;
antaran_fleet  impossible_offensive_resource_multiplier = 200;
antaran_fleet      normal_defensive_resource_multiplier = 100;
antaran_fleet        hard_defensive_resource_multiplier = 150;
antaran_fleet  impossible_defensive_resource_multiplier = 200;
antaran_fleet              attack_frequency_determinant = 200;
antaran_fleet      antaran_cease_of_attacks_coefficient = 2;
antaran_fleet impossible_human_attack_chance_multiplier = 3;
antaran_fleet                         offensive_raiders = 4;
antaran_fleet                       offensive_marauders = 4;
antaran_fleet                       offensive_intruders = 3;
antaran_fleet                    offensive_interdictors = 2;
antaran_fleet                      offensive_harbingers = 2;
antaran_fleet                         defensive_raiders = 0;
antaran_fleet                       defensive_marauders = 0;
antaran_fleet                       defensive_intruders = 3;
antaran_fleet                    defensive_interdictors = 2;
antaran_fleet                      defensive_harbingers = 7;
antaran_fleet                  antaran_ship_cost_raider = 2;
antaran_fleet                antaran_ship_cost_marauder = 5;
antaran_fleet                antaran_ship_cost_intruder = 12;
antaran_fleet             antaran_ship_cost_interdictor = 30;
antaran_fleet               antaran_ship_cost_harbinger = 75;
antaran_fleet     cease_building_frigates_after_n_turns = 100;
antaran_fleet   cease_building_destroyers_after_n_turns = 199;
antaran_fleet             frigates_cease_normal_divisor = 100;
antaran_fleet               frigates_cease_hard_divisor = 150;
antaran_fleet         frigates_cease_impossible_divisor = 200;
antaran_fleet           destroyers_cease_normal_divisor = 100;
antaran_fleet             destroyers_cease_hard_divisor = 150;
antaran_fleet       destroyers_cease_impossible_divisor = 200;
# ============================== #
# --    RACE CUSTOMIZATION    -- #
# ============================== #
# Number of Race Picks.
# rows:
#  maximum_positive_picks maximum_negative_picks evolutionary_mutation_bonus
number_of_race_picks      maximum_positive_picks = 10;
number_of_race_picks      maximum_negative_picks = -10;
number_of_race_picks evolutionary_mutation_bonus = 4;
# Race pics costs and values. Possible items are:
#  growth1_cost growth1_value
#  growth2_cost growth2_value
#  growth3_cost growth3_value
#  farming1_cost    ... {the same repeat pattern as for growth}
#  industry1_cost   ...
#  science1_cost    ...
#  money1_cost      ...
#  defense1_cost    ...
#  attack1_cost     ...
#  ground1_cost     ...
#  spying1_cost     ...
#  {for the rest of the options only cost can be changed}
#  feudal dictatorship democracy unification
#  lowg_world highg_world
#  aquatic
#  subterranean
#  large_hw rich_hw poor_hw arti_world
#  cybernetic
#  lithovore
#  repulsive charismatic
#  uncreative creative
#  tolerant
#  fantastic_traders
#  telepathic
#  lucky
#  omniscient
#  stealthy_ships
#  trans_dimensional
#  warlord
race_pick      growth1_cost = -4;
race_pick     growth1_value = -50;
race_pick      growth2_cost = 3;
race_pick     growth2_value = 50;
race_pick      growth3_cost = 6;
race_pick     growth3_value = 100;
race_pick     farming1_cost = -3;
race_pick    farming1_value = -1;
race_pick     farming2_cost = 4;
race_pick    farming2_value = 2;
race_pick     farming3_cost = 7;
race_pick    farming3_value = 4;
race_pick    industry1_cost = -3;
race_pick   industry1_value = -1;
race_pick    industry2_cost = 3;
race_pick   industry2_value = 1;
race_pick    industry3_cost = 6;
race_pick   industry3_value = 2;
race_pick     science1_cost = -3;
race_pick    science1_value = -1;
race_pick     science2_cost = 3;
race_pick    science2_value = 1;
race_pick     science3_cost = 6;
race_pick    science3_value = 2;
race_pick       money1_cost = -4;
race_pick      money1_value = -1;
race_pick       money2_cost = 5;
race_pick      money2_value = 1;
race_pick       money3_cost = 8;
race_pick      money3_value = 2;
race_pick     defense1_cost = -2;
race_pick    defense1_value = -20;
race_pick     defense2_cost = 3;
race_pick    defense2_value = 25;
race_pick     defense3_cost = 7;
race_pick    defense3_value = 50;
race_pick      attack1_cost = -2;
race_pick     attack1_value = -20;
race_pick      attack2_cost = 2;
race_pick     attack2_value = 20;
race_pick      attack3_cost = 4;
race_pick     attack3_value = 50;
race_pick      ground1_cost = -2;
race_pick     ground1_value = -10;
race_pick      ground2_cost = 2;
race_pick     ground2_value = 10;
race_pick      ground3_cost = 4;
race_pick     ground3_value = 20;
race_pick      spying1_cost = -3;
race_pick     spying1_value = -10;
race_pick      spying2_cost = 3;
race_pick     spying2_value = 10;
race_pick      spying3_cost = 6;
race_pick     spying3_value = 20;
race_pick            feudal = -4;
race_pick      dictatorship = 0;
race_pick         democracy = 7;
race_pick       unification = 6;
race_pick        lowg_world = -5;
race_pick       highg_world = 6;
race_pick           aquatic = 5;
race_pick      subterranean = 6;
race_pick          large_hw = 1;
race_pick           rich_hw = 2;
race_pick           poor_hw = -1;
race_pick        arti_world = 3;
race_pick        cybernetic = 4;
race_pick         lithovore = 10;
race_pick         repulsive = -6;
race_pick       charismatic = 3;
race_pick        uncreative = -4;
race_pick          creative = 8;
race_pick          tolerant = 10;
race_pick fantastic_traders = 4;
race_pick        telepathic = 6;
race_pick             lucky = 3;
race_pick        omniscient = 3;
race_pick    stealthy_ships = 4;
race_pick trans_dimensional = 5;
race_pick           warlord = 4;
# Stock races.
# stock_race <race> <pick> = <value>;
# Where race is one of:
#  Alkari Bulrathi Darloks Elerians Gnolams Humans Klackons Meklars Mrrshan
#  Psilons Sakkra Silicoids Trilarians
# Where pick is one of:
#  government growth farming industry science money defense attack ground spying
#  lowg_world highg_world aquatic subterranean large_hw hw_richness arti_world
#  cybernetic lithovore repulsive charismatic uncreative creative tolerant
#  fantastic_traders telepathic lucky omniscient stealthy_ships
#  trans_dimensional warlord
stock_race     Alkari        government = dictatorship;
stock_race     Alkari            growth = g0;
stock_race     Alkari           farming = f0;
stock_race     Alkari          industry = i0;
stock_race     Alkari           science = s0;
stock_race     Alkari             money = m0;
stock_race     Alkari           defense = sd3;
stock_race     Alkari            attack = sa0;
stock_race     Alkari            ground = gc0;
stock_race     Alkari            spying = spy0;
stock_race     Alkari        lowg_world = 0;
stock_race     Alkari       highg_world = 0;
stock_race     Alkari           aquatic = 0;
stock_race     Alkari      subterranean = 0;
stock_race     Alkari          large_hw = 0;
stock_race     Alkari       hw_richness = 0;
stock_race     Alkari        arti_world = 1;
stock_race     Alkari        cybernetic = 0;
stock_race     Alkari         lithovore = 0;
stock_race     Alkari         repulsive = 0;
stock_race     Alkari       charismatic = 0;
stock_race     Alkari        uncreative = 0;
stock_race     Alkari          creative = 0;
stock_race     Alkari          tolerant = 0;
stock_race     Alkari fantastic_traders = 0;
stock_race     Alkari        telepathic = 0;
stock_race     Alkari             lucky = 0;
stock_race     Alkari        omniscient = 0;
stock_race     Alkari    stealthy_ships = 0;
stock_race     Alkari trans_dimensional = 0;
stock_race     Alkari           warlord = 0;
stock_race   Bulrathi        government = dictatorship;
stock_race   Bulrathi            growth = g0;
stock_race   Bulrathi           farming = f0;
stock_race   Bulrathi          industry = i0;
stock_race   Bulrathi           science = s0;
stock_race   Bulrathi             money = m0;
stock_race   Bulrathi           defense = sd0;
stock_race   Bulrathi            attack = sa2;
stock_race   Bulrathi            ground = gc2;
stock_race   Bulrathi            spying = spy0;
stock_race   Bulrathi        lowg_world = 0;
stock_race   Bulrathi       highg_world = 1;
stock_race   Bulrathi           aquatic = 0;
stock_race   Bulrathi      subterranean = 0;
stock_race   Bulrathi          large_hw = 0;
stock_race   Bulrathi       hw_richness = 0;
stock_race   Bulrathi        arti_world = 0;
stock_race   Bulrathi        cybernetic = 0;
stock_race   Bulrathi         lithovore = 0;
stock_race   Bulrathi         repulsive = 0;
stock_race   Bulrathi       charismatic = 0;
stock_race   Bulrathi        uncreative = 0;
stock_race   Bulrathi          creative = 0;
stock_race   Bulrathi          tolerant = 0;
stock_race   Bulrathi fantastic_traders = 0;
stock_race   Bulrathi        telepathic = 0;
stock_race   Bulrathi             lucky = 0;
stock_race   Bulrathi        omniscient = 0;
stock_race   Bulrathi    stealthy_ships = 0;
stock_race   Bulrathi trans_dimensional = 0;
stock_race   Bulrathi           warlord = 0;
stock_race    Darloks        government = dictatorship;
stock_race    Darloks            growth = g0;
stock_race    Darloks           farming = f0;
stock_race    Darloks          industry = i0;
stock_race    Darloks           science = s0;
stock_race    Darloks             money = m0;
stock_race    Darloks           defense = sd0;
stock_race    Darloks            attack = sa0;
stock_race    Darloks            ground = gc0;
stock_race    Darloks            spying = spy3;
stock_race    Darloks        lowg_world = 0;
stock_race    Darloks       highg_world = 0;
stock_race    Darloks           aquatic = 0;
stock_race    Darloks      subterranean = 0;
stock_race    Darloks          large_hw = 0;
stock_race    Darloks       hw_richness = 0;
stock_race    Darloks        arti_world = 0;
stock_race    Darloks        cybernetic = 0;
stock_race    Darloks         lithovore = 0;
stock_race    Darloks         repulsive = 0;
stock_race    Darloks       charismatic = 0;
stock_race    Darloks        uncreative = 0;
stock_race    Darloks          creative = 0;
stock_race    Darloks          tolerant = 0;
stock_race    Darloks fantastic_traders = 0;
stock_race    Darloks        telepathic = 0;
stock_race    Darloks             lucky = 0;
stock_race    Darloks        omniscient = 0;
stock_race    Darloks    stealthy_ships = 1;
stock_race    Darloks trans_dimensional = 0;
stock_race    Darloks           warlord = 0;
stock_race   Elerians        government = feudal;
stock_race   Elerians            growth = g0;
stock_race   Elerians           farming = f0;
stock_race   Elerians          industry = i0;
stock_race   Elerians           science = s0;
stock_race   Elerians             money = m0;
stock_race   Elerians           defense = sd2;
stock_race   Elerians            attack = sa2;
stock_race   Elerians            ground = gc0;
stock_race   Elerians            spying = spy0;
stock_race   Elerians        lowg_world = 0;
stock_race   Elerians       highg_world = 0;
stock_race   Elerians           aquatic = 0;
stock_race   Elerians      subterranean = 0;
stock_race   Elerians          large_hw = 0;
stock_race   Elerians       hw_richness = 0;
stock_race   Elerians        arti_world = 0;
stock_race   Elerians        cybernetic = 0;
stock_race   Elerians         lithovore = 0;
stock_race   Elerians         repulsive = 0;
stock_race   Elerians       charismatic = 0;
stock_race   Elerians        uncreative = 0;
stock_race   Elerians          creative = 0;
stock_race   Elerians          tolerant = 0;
stock_race   Elerians fantastic_traders = 0;
stock_race   Elerians        telepathic = 1;
stock_race   Elerians             lucky = 0;
stock_race   Elerians        omniscient = 1;
stock_race   Elerians    stealthy_ships = 0;
stock_race   Elerians trans_dimensional = 0;
stock_race   Elerians           warlord = 0;
stock_race    Gnolams        government = dictatorship;
stock_race    Gnolams            growth = g0;
stock_race    Gnolams           farming = f0;
stock_race    Gnolams          industry = i0;
stock_race    Gnolams           science = s0;
stock_race    Gnolams             money = m3;
stock_race    Gnolams           defense = sd0;
stock_race    Gnolams            attack = sa0;
stock_race    Gnolams            ground = gc0;
stock_race    Gnolams            spying = spy0;
stock_race    Gnolams        lowg_world = 1;
stock_race    Gnolams       highg_world = 0;
stock_race    Gnolams           aquatic = 0;
stock_race    Gnolams      subterranean = 0;
stock_race    Gnolams          large_hw = 0;
stock_race    Gnolams       hw_richness = 0;
stock_race    Gnolams        arti_world = 0;
stock_race    Gnolams        cybernetic = 0;
stock_race    Gnolams         lithovore = 0;
stock_race    Gnolams         repulsive = 0;
stock_race    Gnolams       charismatic = 0;
stock_race    Gnolams        uncreative = 0;
stock_race    Gnolams          creative = 0;
stock_race    Gnolams          tolerant = 0;
stock_race    Gnolams fantastic_traders = 1;
stock_race    Gnolams        telepathic = 0;
stock_race    Gnolams             lucky = 1;
stock_race    Gnolams        omniscient = 0;
stock_race    Gnolams    stealthy_ships = 0;
stock_race    Gnolams trans_dimensional = 0;
stock_race    Gnolams           warlord = 0;
stock_race     Humans        government = democracy;
stock_race     Humans            growth = g0;
stock_race     Humans           farming = f0;
stock_race     Humans          industry = i0;
stock_race     Humans           science = s0;
stock_race     Humans             money = m0;
stock_race     Humans           defense = sd0;
stock_race     Humans            attack = sa0;
stock_race     Humans            ground = gc0;
stock_race     Humans            spying = spy0;
stock_race     Humans        lowg_world = 0;
stock_race     Humans       highg_world = 0;
stock_race     Humans           aquatic = 0;
stock_race     Humans      subterranean = 0;
stock_race     Humans          large_hw = 0;
stock_race     Humans       hw_richness = 0;
stock_race     Humans        arti_world = 0;
stock_race     Humans        cybernetic = 0;
stock_race     Humans         lithovore = 0;
stock_race     Humans         repulsive = 0;
stock_race     Humans       charismatic = 1;
stock_race     Humans        uncreative = 0;
stock_race     Humans          creative = 0;
stock_race     Humans          tolerant = 0;
stock_race     Humans fantastic_traders = 0;
stock_race     Humans        telepathic = 0;
stock_race     Humans             lucky = 0;
stock_race     Humans        omniscient = 0;
stock_race     Humans    stealthy_ships = 0;
stock_race     Humans trans_dimensional = 0;
stock_race     Humans           warlord = 0;
stock_race   Klackons        government = unification;
stock_race   Klackons            growth = g0;
stock_race   Klackons           farming = f2;
stock_race   Klackons          industry = i2;
stock_race   Klackons           science = s0;
stock_race   Klackons             money = m0;
stock_race   Klackons           defense = sd0;
stock_race   Klackons            attack = sa0;
stock_race   Klackons            ground = gc0;
stock_race   Klackons            spying = spy0;
stock_race   Klackons        lowg_world = 0;
stock_race   Klackons       highg_world = 0;
stock_race   Klackons           aquatic = 0;
stock_race   Klackons      subterranean = 0;
stock_race   Klackons          large_hw = 1;
stock_race   Klackons       hw_richness = 0;
stock_race   Klackons        arti_world = 0;
stock_race   Klackons        cybernetic = 0;
stock_race   Klackons         lithovore = 0;
stock_race   Klackons         repulsive = 0;
stock_race   Klackons       charismatic = 0;
stock_race   Klackons        uncreative = 1;
stock_race   Klackons          creative = 0;
stock_race   Klackons          tolerant = 0;
stock_race   Klackons fantastic_traders = 0;
stock_race   Klackons        telepathic = 0;
stock_race   Klackons             lucky = 0;
stock_race   Klackons        omniscient = 0;
stock_race   Klackons    stealthy_ships = 0;
stock_race   Klackons trans_dimensional = 0;
stock_race   Klackons           warlord = 0;
stock_race    Meklars        government = dictatorship;
stock_race    Meklars            growth = g0;
stock_race    Meklars           farming = f0;
stock_race    Meklars          industry = i3;
stock_race    Meklars           science = s0;
stock_race    Meklars             money = m0;
stock_race    Meklars           defense = sd0;
stock_race    Meklars            attack = sa0;
stock_race    Meklars            ground = gc0;
stock_race    Meklars            spying = spy0;
stock_race    Meklars        lowg_world = 0;
stock_race    Meklars       highg_world = 0;
stock_race    Meklars           aquatic = 0;
stock_race    Meklars      subterranean = 0;
stock_race    Meklars          large_hw = 0;
stock_race    Meklars       hw_richness = 0;
stock_race    Meklars        arti_world = 0;
stock_race    Meklars        cybernetic = 1;
stock_race    Meklars         lithovore = 0;
stock_race    Meklars         repulsive = 0;
stock_race    Meklars       charismatic = 0;
stock_race    Meklars        uncreative = 0;
stock_race    Meklars          creative = 0;
stock_race    Meklars          tolerant = 0;
stock_race    Meklars fantastic_traders = 0;
stock_race    Meklars        telepathic = 0;
stock_race    Meklars             lucky = 0;
stock_race    Meklars        omniscient = 0;
stock_race    Meklars    stealthy_ships = 0;
stock_race    Meklars trans_dimensional = 0;
stock_race    Meklars           warlord = 0;
stock_race    Mrrshan        government = dictatorship;
stock_race    Mrrshan            growth = g0;
stock_race    Mrrshan           farming = f0;
stock_race    Mrrshan          industry = i0;
stock_race    Mrrshan           science = s0;
stock_race    Mrrshan             money = m0;
stock_race    Mrrshan           defense = sd0;
stock_race    Mrrshan            attack = sa3;
stock_race    Mrrshan            ground = gc0;
stock_race    Mrrshan            spying = spy0;
stock_race    Mrrshan        lowg_world = 0;
stock_race    Mrrshan       highg_world = 0;
stock_race    Mrrshan           aquatic = 0;
stock_race    Mrrshan      subterranean = 0;
stock_race    Mrrshan          large_hw = 0;
stock_race    Mrrshan       hw_richness = 1;
stock_race    Mrrshan        arti_world = 0;
stock_race    Mrrshan        cybernetic = 0;
stock_race    Mrrshan         lithovore = 0;
stock_race    Mrrshan         repulsive = 0;
stock_race    Mrrshan       charismatic = 0;
stock_race    Mrrshan        uncreative = 0;
stock_race    Mrrshan          creative = 0;
stock_race    Mrrshan          tolerant = 0;
stock_race    Mrrshan fantastic_traders = 0;
stock_race    Mrrshan        telepathic = 0;
stock_race    Mrrshan             lucky = 0;
stock_race    Mrrshan        omniscient = 0;
stock_race    Mrrshan    stealthy_ships = 0;
stock_race    Mrrshan trans_dimensional = 0;
stock_race    Mrrshan           warlord = 1;
stock_race    Psilons        government = dictatorship;
stock_race    Psilons            growth = g0;
stock_race    Psilons           farming = f0;
stock_race    Psilons          industry = i0;
stock_race    Psilons           science = s3;
stock_race    Psilons             money = m0;
stock_race    Psilons           defense = sd0;
stock_race    Psilons            attack = sa0;
stock_race    Psilons            ground = gc0;
stock_race    Psilons            spying = spy0;
stock_race    Psilons        lowg_world = 1;
stock_race    Psilons       highg_world = 0;
stock_race    Psilons           aquatic = 0;
stock_race    Psilons      subterranean = 0;
stock_race    Psilons          large_hw = 1;
stock_race    Psilons       hw_richness = 0;
stock_race    Psilons        arti_world = 0;
stock_race    Psilons        cybernetic = 0;
stock_race    Psilons         lithovore = 0;
stock_race    Psilons         repulsive = 0;
stock_race    Psilons       charismatic = 0;
stock_race    Psilons        uncreative = 0;
stock_race    Psilons          creative = 1;
stock_race    Psilons          tolerant = 0;
stock_race    Psilons fantastic_traders = 0;
stock_race    Psilons        telepathic = 0;
stock_race    Psilons             lucky = 0;
stock_race    Psilons        omniscient = 0;
stock_race    Psilons    stealthy_ships = 0;
stock_race    Psilons trans_dimensional = 0;
stock_race    Psilons           warlord = 0;
stock_race     Sakkra        government = feudal;
stock_race     Sakkra            growth = g3;
stock_race     Sakkra           farming = f2;
stock_race     Sakkra          industry = i0;
stock_race     Sakkra           science = s0;
stock_race     Sakkra             money = m0;
stock_race     Sakkra           defense = sd0;
stock_race     Sakkra            attack = sa0;
stock_race     Sakkra            ground = gc0;
stock_race     Sakkra            spying = spy1;
stock_race     Sakkra        lowg_world = 0;
stock_race     Sakkra       highg_world = 0;
stock_race     Sakkra           aquatic = 0;
stock_race     Sakkra      subterranean = 1;
stock_race     Sakkra          large_hw = 1;
stock_race     Sakkra       hw_richness = 0;
stock_race     Sakkra        arti_world = 0;
stock_race     Sakkra        cybernetic = 0;
stock_race     Sakkra         lithovore = 0;
stock_race     Sakkra         repulsive = 0;
stock_race     Sakkra       charismatic = 0;
stock_race     Sakkra        uncreative = 0;
stock_race     Sakkra          creative = 0;
stock_race     Sakkra          tolerant = 0;
stock_race     Sakkra fantastic_traders = 0;
stock_race     Sakkra        telepathic = 0;
stock_race     Sakkra             lucky = 0;
stock_race     Sakkra        omniscient = 0;
stock_race     Sakkra    stealthy_ships = 0;
stock_race     Sakkra trans_dimensional = 0;
stock_race     Sakkra           warlord = 0;
stock_race  Silicoids        government = dictatorship;
stock_race  Silicoids            growth = g1;
stock_race  Silicoids           farming = f0;
stock_race  Silicoids          industry = i0;
stock_race  Silicoids           science = s0;
stock_race  Silicoids             money = m0;
stock_race  Silicoids           defense = sd0;
stock_race  Silicoids            attack = sa0;
stock_race  Silicoids            ground = gc0;
stock_race  Silicoids            spying = spy0;
stock_race  Silicoids        lowg_world = 0;
stock_race  Silicoids       highg_world = 0;
stock_race  Silicoids           aquatic = 0;
stock_race  Silicoids      subterranean = 0;
stock_race  Silicoids          large_hw = 0;
stock_race  Silicoids       hw_richness = 0;
stock_race  Silicoids        arti_world = 0;
stock_race  Silicoids        cybernetic = 0;
stock_race  Silicoids         lithovore = 1;
stock_race  Silicoids         repulsive = 1;
stock_race  Silicoids       charismatic = 0;
stock_race  Silicoids        uncreative = 0;
stock_race  Silicoids          creative = 0;
stock_race  Silicoids          tolerant = 1;
stock_race  Silicoids fantastic_traders = 0;
stock_race  Silicoids        telepathic = 0;
stock_race  Silicoids             lucky = 0;
stock_race  Silicoids        omniscient = 0;
stock_race  Silicoids    stealthy_ships = 0;
stock_race  Silicoids trans_dimensional = 0;
stock_race  Silicoids           warlord = 0;
stock_race Trilarians        government = dictatorship;
stock_race Trilarians            growth = g0;
stock_race Trilarians           farming = f0;
stock_race Trilarians          industry = i0;
stock_race Trilarians           science = s0;
stock_race Trilarians             money = m0;
stock_race Trilarians           defense = sd0;
stock_race Trilarians            attack = sa0;
stock_race Trilarians            ground = gc0;
stock_race Trilarians            spying = spy0;
stock_race Trilarians        lowg_world = 0;
stock_race Trilarians       highg_world = 0;
stock_race Trilarians           aquatic = 1;
stock_race Trilarians      subterranean = 0;
stock_race Trilarians          large_hw = 0;
stock_race Trilarians       hw_richness = 0;
stock_race Trilarians        arti_world = 0;
stock_race Trilarians        cybernetic = 0;
stock_race Trilarians         lithovore = 0;
stock_race Trilarians         repulsive = 0;
stock_race Trilarians       charismatic = 0;
stock_race Trilarians        uncreative = 0;
stock_race Trilarians          creative = 0;
stock_race Trilarians          tolerant = 0;
stock_race Trilarians fantastic_traders = 0;
stock_race Trilarians        telepathic = 0;
stock_race Trilarians             lucky = 0;
stock_race Trilarians        omniscient = 0;
stock_race Trilarians    stealthy_ships = 0;
stock_race Trilarians trans_dimensional = 1;
stock_race Trilarians           warlord = 0;
# Choose a number of AI race variants used in generation of AI player:
#  1-3  -- variants available in classic game (default)
#  4-5  -- only previously unused variants
#  1-5  -- all variants
ai_race_variants = 1-3;
# Customization table for Hard and Impossible levels race variants.
# See modding section of the 1.50 Manual for further explanation.
# Format:
#   ai_race_variant_table <race> <difficulty> <variant> =
#       <N extra traits>
#       <extra trait 1 id> <extra trait 1 value>
#       ...
#       <extra trait N id> <extra trait N value>
#   ;
# Races are:
#  Alkari Bulrathi Darloks Elerians Gnolams Humans Klackons Meklars Mrrshan
#  Psilons Sakkra Silicoids Trilarians
# Difficulties are:
#  hard impossible
# Variants are:
#  v1 v2 v3 v4 v5
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v1     n_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v1       skill1 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v1      skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v1       skill2 = 8;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v1      skill2b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v1       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v1      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v1       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v1      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v1       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v1      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v1       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v1      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v1       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v1      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v1       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v1      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v1 n_evo_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v1   evo_skill1 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v1  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v1   evo_skill2 = 8;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v1  evo_skill2b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v2     n_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v2       skill1 = 29;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v2      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v2       skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v2      skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v2       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v2      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v2       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v2      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v2       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v2      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v2       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v2      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v2       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v2      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v2       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v2      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v2 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v2   evo_skill1 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v2  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v2   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v2  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v3     n_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v3       skill1 = 15;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v3      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v3       skill2 = 14;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v3      skill2b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v3       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v3      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v3       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v3      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v3       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v3      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v3       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v3      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v3       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v3      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v3       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v3      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v3 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v3   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v3  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v3   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v3  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v4     n_skills = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v4       skill1 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v4      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v4       skill2 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v4      skill2b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v4       skill3 = 17;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v4      skill3b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v4       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v4      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v4       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v4      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v4       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v4      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v4       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v4      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v4       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v4      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v4 n_evo_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v4   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v4  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v4   evo_skill2 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v4  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v5     n_skills = 4;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v5       skill1 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v5      skill1b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v5       skill2 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v5      skill2b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v5       skill3 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v5      skill3b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v5       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v5      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v5       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v5      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v5       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v5      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v5       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v5      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v5       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v5      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v5 n_evo_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v5   evo_skill1 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v5  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v5   evo_skill2 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari       hard v5  evo_skill2b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v1     n_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v1       skill1 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v1      skill1b = 4;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v1       skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v1      skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v1       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v1      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v1       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v1      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v1       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v1      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v1       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v1      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v1       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v1      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v1       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v1      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v1 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v1   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v1  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v1   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v1  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v2     n_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v2       skill1 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v2      skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v2       skill2 = 29;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v2      skill2b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v2       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v2      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v2       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v2      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v2       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v2      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v2       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v2      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v2       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v2      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v2       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v2      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v2 n_evo_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v2   evo_skill1 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v2  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v2   evo_skill2 = 8;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v2  evo_skill2b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v3     n_skills = 4;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v3       skill1 = 29;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v3      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v3       skill2 = 17;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v3      skill2b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v3       skill3 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v3      skill3b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v3       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v3      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v3       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v3      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v3       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v3      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v3       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v3      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v3       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v3      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v3 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v3   evo_skill1 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v3  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v3   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v3  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v4     n_skills = 6;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v4       skill1 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v4      skill1b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v4       skill2 = 15;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v4      skill2b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v4       skill3 = 14;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v4      skill3b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v4       skill4 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v4      skill4b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v4       skill5 = 8;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v4      skill5b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v4       skill6 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v4      skill6b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v4       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v4      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v4       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v4      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v4 n_evo_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v4   evo_skill1 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v4  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v4   evo_skill2 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v4  evo_skill2b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v5     n_skills = 4;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v5       skill1 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v5      skill1b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v5       skill2 = 30;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v5      skill2b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v5       skill3 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v5      skill3b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v5       skill4 = 29;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v5      skill4b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v5       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v5      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v5       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v5      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v5       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v5      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v5       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v5      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v5 n_evo_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v5   evo_skill1 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v5  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v5   evo_skill2 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Alkari impossible v5  evo_skill2b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v1     n_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v1       skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v1      skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v1       skill2 = 8;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v1      skill2b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v1       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v1      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v1       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v1      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v1       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v1      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v1       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v1      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v1       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v1      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v1       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v1      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v1 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v1   evo_skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v1  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v1   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v1  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v2     n_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v2       skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v2      skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v2       skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v2      skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v2       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v2      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v2       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v2      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v2       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v2      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v2       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v2      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v2       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v2      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v2       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v2      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v2 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v2   evo_skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v2  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v2   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v2  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v3     n_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v3       skill1 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v3      skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v3       skill2 = 8;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v3      skill2b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v3       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v3      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v3       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v3      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v3       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v3      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v3       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v3      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v3       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v3      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v3       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v3      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v3 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v3   evo_skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v3  evo_skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v3   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v3  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v4     n_skills = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v4       skill1 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v4      skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v4       skill2 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v4      skill2b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v4       skill3 = 19;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v4      skill3b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v4       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v4      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v4       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v4      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v4       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v4      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v4       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v4      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v4       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v4      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v4 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v4   evo_skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v4  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v4   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v4  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v5     n_skills = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v5       skill1 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v5      skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v5       skill2 = 21;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v5      skill2b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v5       skill3 = 23;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v5      skill3b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v5       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v5      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v5       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v5      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v5       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v5      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v5       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v5      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v5       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v5      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v5 n_evo_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v5   evo_skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v5  evo_skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v5   evo_skill2 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi       hard v5  evo_skill2b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v1     n_skills = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v1       skill1 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v1      skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v1       skill2 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v1      skill2b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v1       skill3 = 8;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v1      skill3b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v1       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v1      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v1       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v1      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v1       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v1      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v1       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v1      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v1       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v1      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v1 n_evo_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v1   evo_skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v1  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v1   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v1  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v2     n_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v2       skill1 = 19;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v2      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v2       skill2 = 23;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v2      skill2b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v2       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v2      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v2       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v2      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v2       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v2      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v2       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v2      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v2       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v2      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v2       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v2      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v2 n_evo_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v2   evo_skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v2  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v2   evo_skill2 = 8;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v2  evo_skill2b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v3     n_skills = 4;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v3       skill1 = 19;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v3      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v3       skill2 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v3      skill2b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v3       skill3 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v3      skill3b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v3       skill4 = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v3      skill4b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v3       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v3      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v3       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v3      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v3       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v3      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v3       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v3      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v3 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v3   evo_skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v3  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v3   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v3  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v4     n_skills = 6;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v4       skill1 = 21;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v4      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v4       skill2 = 19;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v4      skill2b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v4       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v4      skill3b = 6;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v4       skill4 = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v4      skill4b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v4       skill5 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v4      skill5b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v4       skill6 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v4      skill6b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v4       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v4      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v4       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v4      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v4 n_evo_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v4   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v4  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v4   evo_skill2 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v4  evo_skill2b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v5     n_skills = 7;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v5       skill1 = 21;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v5      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v5       skill2 = 19;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v5      skill2b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v5       skill3 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v5      skill3b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v5       skill4 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v5      skill4b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v5       skill5 = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v5      skill5b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v5       skill6 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v5      skill6b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v5       skill7 = 4;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v5      skill7b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v5       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v5      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v5 n_evo_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v5   evo_skill1 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v5  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v5   evo_skill2 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Bulrathi impossible v5  evo_skill2b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v1     n_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v1       skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v1      skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v1       skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v1      skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v1       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v1      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v1       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v1      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v1       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v1      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v1       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v1      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v1       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v1      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v1       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v1      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v1 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v1   evo_skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v1  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v1   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v1  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v2     n_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v2       skill1 = 4;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v2      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v2       skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v2      skill2b = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v2       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v2      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v2       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v2      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v2       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v2      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v2       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v2      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v2       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v2      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v2       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v2      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v2 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v2   evo_skill1 = 4;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v2  evo_skill1b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v2   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v2  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v3     n_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v3       skill1 = 19;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v3      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v3       skill2 = 29;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v3      skill2b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v3       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v3      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v3       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v3      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v3       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v3      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v3       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v3      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v3       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v3      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v3       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v3      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v3 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v3   evo_skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v3  evo_skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v3   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v3  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v4     n_skills = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v4       skill1 = 19;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v4      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v4       skill2 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v4      skill2b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v4       skill3 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v4      skill3b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v4       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v4      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v4       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v4      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v4       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v4      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v4       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v4      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v4       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v4      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v4 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v4   evo_skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v4  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v4   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v4  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v5     n_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v5       skill1 = 4;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v5      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v5       skill2 = 13;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v5      skill2b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v5       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v5      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v5       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v5      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v5       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v5      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v5       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v5      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v5       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v5      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v5       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v5      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v5 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v5   evo_skill1 = 4;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v5  evo_skill1b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v5   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks       hard v5  evo_skill2b = 0;
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ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v1       skill1 = 19;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v1      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v1       skill2 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v1      skill2b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v1       skill3 = 13;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v1      skill3b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v1       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v1      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v1       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v1      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v1       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v1      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v1       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v1      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v1       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v1      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v1 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v1   evo_skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v1  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v1   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v1  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v2     n_skills = 4;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v2       skill1 = 21;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v2      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v2       skill2 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v2      skill2b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v2       skill3 = 23;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v2      skill3b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v2       skill4 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v2      skill4b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v2       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v2      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v2       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v2      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v2       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v2      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v2       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v2      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v2 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v2   evo_skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v2  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v2   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v2  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v3     n_skills = 4;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v3       skill1 = 21;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v3      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v3       skill2 = 29;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v3      skill2b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v3       skill3 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v3      skill3b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v3       skill4 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v3      skill4b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v3       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v3      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v3       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v3      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v3       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v3      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v3       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v3      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v3 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v3   evo_skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v3  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v3   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v3  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v4     n_skills = 7;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v4       skill1 = 4;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v4      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v4       skill2 = 21;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v4      skill2b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v4       skill3 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v4      skill3b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v4       skill4 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v4      skill4b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v4       skill5 = 29;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v4      skill5b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v4       skill6 = 16;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v4      skill6b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v4       skill7 = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v4      skill7b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v4       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v4      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v4 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v4   evo_skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v4  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v4   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v4  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v5     n_skills = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v5       skill1 = 4;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v5      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v5       skill2 = 19;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v5      skill2b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v5       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v5      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v5       skill4 = 13;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v5      skill4b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v5       skill5 = 23;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v5      skill5b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v5       skill6 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v5      skill6b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v5       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v5      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v5       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v5      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v5 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v5   evo_skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v5  evo_skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v5   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Darloks impossible v5  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v1     n_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v1       skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v1      skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v1       skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v1      skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v1       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v1      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v1       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v1      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v1       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v1      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v1       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v1      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v1       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v1      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v1       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v1      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v1 n_evo_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v1   evo_skill1 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v1  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v1   evo_skill2 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v1  evo_skill2b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v2     n_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v2       skill1 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v2      skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v2       skill2 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v2      skill2b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v2       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v2      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v2       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v2      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v2       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v2      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v2       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v2      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v2       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v2      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v2       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v2      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v2 n_evo_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v2   evo_skill1 = 8;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v2  evo_skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v2   evo_skill2 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v2  evo_skill2b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v3     n_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v3       skill1 = 16;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v3      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v3       skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v3      skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v3       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v3      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v3       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v3      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v3       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v3      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v3       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v3      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v3       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v3      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v3       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v3      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v3 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v3   evo_skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v3  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v3   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v3  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v4     n_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v4       skill1 = 9;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v4      skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v4       skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v4      skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v4       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v4      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v4       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v4      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v4       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v4      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v4       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v4      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v4       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v4      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v4       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v4      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v4 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v4   evo_skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v4  evo_skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v4   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v4  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v5     n_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v5       skill1 = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v5      skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v5       skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v5      skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v5       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v5      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v5       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v5      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v5       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v5      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v5       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v5      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v5       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v5      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v5       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v5      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v5 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v5   evo_skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v5  evo_skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v5   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians       hard v5  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v1     n_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v1       skill1 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v1      skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v1       skill2 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v1      skill2b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v1       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v1      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v1       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v1      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v1       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v1      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v1       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v1      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v1       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v1      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v1       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v1      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v1 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v1   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v1  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v1   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v1  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v2     n_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v2       skill1 = 4;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v2      skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v2       skill2 = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v2      skill2b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v2       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v2      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v2       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v2      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v2       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v2      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v2       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v2      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v2       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v2      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v2       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v2      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v2 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v2   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v2  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v2   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v2  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v3     n_skills = 4;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v3       skill1 = 9;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v3      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v3       skill2 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v3      skill2b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v3       skill3 = 30;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v3      skill3b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v3       skill4 = 4;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v3      skill4b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v3       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v3      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v3       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v3      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v3       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v3      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v3       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v3      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v3 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v3   evo_skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v3  evo_skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v3   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v3  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v4     n_skills = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v4       skill1 = 8;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v4      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v4       skill2 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v4      skill2b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v4       skill3 = 29;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v4      skill3b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v4       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v4      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v4       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v4      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v4       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v4      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v4       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v4      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v4       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v4      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v4 n_evo_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v4   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v4  evo_skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v4   evo_skill2 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v4  evo_skill2b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v5     n_skills = 6;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v5       skill1 = 8;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v5      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v5       skill2 = 9;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v5      skill2b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v5       skill3 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v5      skill3b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v5       skill4 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v5      skill4b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v5       skill5 = 30;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v5      skill5b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v5       skill6 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v5      skill6b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v5       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v5      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v5       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v5      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v5 n_evo_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v5   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v5  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v5   evo_skill2 = 9;
ai_race_variant_table   Elerians impossible v5  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v1     n_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v1       skill1 = 15;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v1      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v1       skill2 = 14;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v1      skill2b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v1       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v1      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v1       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v1      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v1       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v1      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v1       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v1      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v1       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v1      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v1       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v1      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v1 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v1   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v1  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v1   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v1  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v2     n_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v2       skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v2      skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v2       skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v2      skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v2       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v2      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v2       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v2      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v2       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v2      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v2       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v2      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v2       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v2      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v2       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v2      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v2 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v2   evo_skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v2  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v2   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v2  evo_skill2b = 0;
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ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v3      skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v3       skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v3      skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v3       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v3      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v3       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v3      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v3       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v3      skill5b = 0;
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ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v3      skill6b = 0;
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ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v3      skill7b = 0;
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ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v3      skill8b = 0;
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ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v3  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v3   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v3  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v4     n_skills = 2;
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ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v4      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v4       skill2 = 13;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v4      skill2b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v4       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v4      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v4       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v4      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v4       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v4      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v4       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v4      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v4       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v4      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v4       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v4      skill8b = 0;
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ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v4  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v4   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v4  evo_skill2b = 0;
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ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v5      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v5       skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v5      skill2b = 4;
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ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v5      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v5       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v5      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v5       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v5      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v5       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v5      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v5       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v5      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v5       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v5      skill8b = 0;
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ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v5   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v5  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v5   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams       hard v5  evo_skill2b = 0;
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ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v1       skill1 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v1      skill1b = 4;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v1       skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v1      skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v1       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v1      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v1       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v1      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v1       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v1      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v1       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v1      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v1       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v1      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v1       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v1      skill8b = 0;
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ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v1  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v1   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v1  evo_skill2b = 0;
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ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v2       skill1 = 10;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v2      skill1b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v2       skill2 = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v2      skill2b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v2       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v2      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v2       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v2      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v2       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v2      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v2       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v2      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v2       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v2      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v2       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v2      skill8b = 0;
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ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v2   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v2  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v2   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v2  evo_skill2b = 0;
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ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v3       skill1 = 8;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v3      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v3       skill2 = 4;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v3      skill2b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v3       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v3      skill3b = 4;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v3       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v3      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v3       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v3      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v3       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v3      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v3       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v3      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v3       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v3      skill8b = 0;
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ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v3   evo_skill1 = 8;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v3  evo_skill1b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v3   evo_skill2 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v3  evo_skill2b = 2;
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ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v4      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v4       skill2 = 19;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v4      skill2b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v4       skill3 = 13;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v4      skill3b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v4       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v4      skill4b = 4;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v4       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v4      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v4       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v4      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v4       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v4      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v4       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v4      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v4 n_evo_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v4   evo_skill1 = 8;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v4  evo_skill1b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v4   evo_skill2 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v4  evo_skill2b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v5     n_skills = 5;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v5       skill1 = 8;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v5      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v5       skill2 = 19;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v5      skill2b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v5       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v5      skill3b = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v5       skill4 = 4;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v5      skill4b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v5       skill5 = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v5      skill5b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v5       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v5      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v5       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v5      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v5       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v5      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v5 n_evo_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v5   evo_skill1 = 8;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v5  evo_skill1b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v5   evo_skill2 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Gnolams impossible v5  evo_skill2b = 2;
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ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v1       skill1 = 9;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v1      skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v1       skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v1      skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v1       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v1      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v1       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v1      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v1       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v1      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v1       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v1      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v1       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v1      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v1       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v1      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v1 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v1   evo_skill1 = 9;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v1  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v1   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v1  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v2     n_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v2       skill1 = 24;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v2      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v2       skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v2      skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v2       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v2      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v2       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v2      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v2       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v2      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v2       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v2      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v2       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v2      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v2       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v2      skill8b = 0;
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ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v2   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v2  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v2   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v2  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v3     n_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v3       skill1 = 2;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v3      skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v3       skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v3      skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v3       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v3      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v3       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v3      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v3       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v3      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v3       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v3      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v3       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v3      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v3       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v3      skill8b = 0;
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ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v3   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v3  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v3   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v3  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v4     n_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v4       skill1 = 16;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v4      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v4       skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v4      skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v4       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v4      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v4       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v4      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v4       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v4      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v4       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v4      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v4       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v4      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v4       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v4      skill8b = 0;
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ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v4  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v4   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v4  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v5     n_skills = 1;
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ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v5      skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v5       skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v5      skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v5       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v5      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v5       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v5      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v5       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v5      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v5       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v5      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v5       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v5      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v5       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v5      skill8b = 0;
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ai_race_variant_table     Humans       hard v5   evo_skill2 = 0;
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ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v1       skill2 = 5;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v1      skill2b = 2;
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ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v1      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v1       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v1      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v1       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v1      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v1       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v1      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v1       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v1      skill7b = 0;
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ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v2       skill2 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v2      skill2b = 2;
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ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v2      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v2       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v2      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v2       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v2      skill5b = 0;
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ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v2      skill6b = 0;
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ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v2      skill7b = 0;
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ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v2   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v2  evo_skill2b = 0;
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ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v3       skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v3      skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v3       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v3      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v3       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v3      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v3       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v3      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v3       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v3      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v3       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v3      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v3       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v3      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v3 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v3   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v3  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v3   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v3  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v4     n_skills = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v4       skill1 = 14;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v4      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v4       skill2 = 15;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v4      skill2b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v4       skill3 = 16;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v4      skill3b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v4       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v4      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v4       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v4      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v4       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v4      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v4       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v4      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v4       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v4      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v4 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v4   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v4  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v4   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v4  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v5     n_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v5       skill1 = 24;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v5      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v5       skill2 = 9;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v5      skill2b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v5       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v5      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v5       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v5      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v5       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v5      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v5       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v5      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v5       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v5      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v5       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v5      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v5 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v5   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v5  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v5   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Humans impossible v5  evo_skill2b = 0;
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ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v1       skill1 = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v1      skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v1       skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v1      skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v1       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v1      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v1       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v1      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v1       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v1      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v1       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v1      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v1       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v1      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v1       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v1      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v1 n_evo_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v1   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v1  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v1   evo_skill2 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v1  evo_skill2b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v2     n_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v2       skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v2      skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v2       skill2 = 15;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v2      skill2b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v2       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v2      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v2       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v2      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v2       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v2      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v2       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v2      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v2       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v2      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v2       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v2      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v2 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v2   evo_skill1 = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v2  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v2   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v2  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v3     n_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v3       skill1 = 12;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v3      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v3       skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v3      skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v3       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v3      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v3       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v3      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v3       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v3      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v3       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v3      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v3       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v3      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v3       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v3      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v3 n_evo_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v3   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v3  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v3   evo_skill2 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v3  evo_skill2b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v4     n_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v4       skill1 = 11;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v4      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v4       skill2 = 9;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v4      skill2b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v4       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v4      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v4       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v4      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v4       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v4      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v4       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v4      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v4       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v4      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v4       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v4      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v4 n_evo_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v4   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v4  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v4   evo_skill2 = 9;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v4  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v5     n_skills = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v5       skill1 = 21;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v5      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v5       skill2 = 23;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v5      skill2b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v5       skill3 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v5      skill3b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v5       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v5      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v5       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v5      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v5       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v5      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v5       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v5      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v5       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v5      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v5 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v5   evo_skill1 = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v5  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v5   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons       hard v5  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v1     n_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v1       skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v1      skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v1       skill2 = 12;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v1      skill2b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v1       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v1      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v1       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v1      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v1       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v1      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v1       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v1      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v1       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v1      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v1       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v1      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v1 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v1   evo_skill1 = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v1  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v1   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v1  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v2     n_skills = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v2       skill1 = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v2      skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v2       skill2 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v2      skill2b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v2       skill3 = 15;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v2      skill3b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v2       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v2      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v2       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v2      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v2       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v2      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v2       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v2      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v2       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v2      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v2 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v2   evo_skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v2  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v2   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v2  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v3     n_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v3       skill1 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v3      skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v3       skill2 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v3      skill2b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v3       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v3      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v3       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v3      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v3       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v3      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v3       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v3      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v3       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v3      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v3       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v3      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v3 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v3   evo_skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v3  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v3   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v3  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v4     n_skills = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v4       skill1 = 21;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v4      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v4       skill2 = 23;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v4      skill2b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v4       skill3 = 13;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v4      skill3b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v4       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v4      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v4       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v4      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v4       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v4      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v4       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v4      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v4       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v4      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v4 n_evo_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v4   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v4  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v4   evo_skill2 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v4  evo_skill2b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v5     n_skills = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v5       skill1 = 9;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v5      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v5       skill2 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v5      skill2b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v5       skill3 = 23;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v5      skill3b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v5       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v5      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v5       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v5      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v5       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v5      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v5       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v5      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v5       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v5      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v5 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v5   evo_skill1 = 2;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v5  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v5   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table   Klackons impossible v5  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v1     n_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v1       skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v1      skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v1       skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v1      skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v1       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v1      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v1       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v1      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v1       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v1      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v1       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v1      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v1       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v1      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v1       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v1      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v1 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v1   evo_skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v1  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v1   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v1  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v2     n_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v2       skill1 = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v2      skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v2       skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v2      skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v2       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v2      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v2       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v2      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v2       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v2      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v2       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v2      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v2       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v2      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v2       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v2      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v2 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v2   evo_skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v2  evo_skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v2   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v2  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v3     n_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v3       skill1 = 4;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v3      skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v3       skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v3      skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v3       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v3      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v3       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v3      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v3       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v3      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v3       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v3      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v3       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v3      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v3       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v3      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v3 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v3   evo_skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v3  evo_skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v3   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v3  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v4     n_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v4       skill1 = 19;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v4      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v4       skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v4      skill2b = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v4       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v4      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v4       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v4      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v4       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v4      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v4       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v4      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v4       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v4      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v4       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v4      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v4 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v4   evo_skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v4  evo_skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v4   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v4  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v5     n_skills = 4;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v5       skill1 = 19;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v5      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v5       skill2 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v5      skill2b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v5       skill3 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v5      skill3b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v5       skill4 = 14;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v5      skill4b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v5       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v5      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v5       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v5      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v5       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v5      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v5       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v5      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v5 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v5   evo_skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v5  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v5   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars       hard v5  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v1     n_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v1       skill1 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v1      skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v1       skill2 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v1      skill2b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v1       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v1      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v1       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v1      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v1       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v1      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v1       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v1      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v1       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v1      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v1       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v1      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v1 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v1   evo_skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v1  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v1   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v1  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v2     n_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v2       skill1 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v2      skill1b = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v2       skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v2      skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v2       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v2      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v2       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v2      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v2       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v2      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v2       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v2      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v2       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v2      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v2       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v2      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v2 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v2   evo_skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v2  evo_skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v2   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v2  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v3     n_skills = 4;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v3       skill1 = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v3      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v3       skill2 = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v3      skill2b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v3       skill3 = 4;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v3      skill3b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v3       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v3      skill4b = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v3       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v3      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v3       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v3      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v3       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v3      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v3       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v3      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v3 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v3   evo_skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v3  evo_skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v3   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v3  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v4     n_skills = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v4       skill1 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v4      skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v4       skill2 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v4      skill2b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v4       skill3 = 8;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v4      skill3b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v4       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v4      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v4       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v4      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v4       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v4      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v4       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v4      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v4       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v4      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v4 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v4   evo_skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v4  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v4   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v4  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v5     n_skills = 4;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v5       skill1 = 19;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v5      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v5       skill2 = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v5      skill2b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v5       skill3 = 4;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v5      skill3b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v5       skill4 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v5      skill4b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v5       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v5      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v5       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v5      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v5       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v5      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v5       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v5      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v5 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v5   evo_skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v5  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v5   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Meklars impossible v5  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v1     n_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v1       skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v1      skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v1       skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v1      skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v1       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v1      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v1       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v1      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v1       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v1      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v1       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v1      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v1       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v1      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v1       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v1      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v1 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v1   evo_skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v1  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v1   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v1  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v2     n_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v2       skill1 = 28;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v2      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v2       skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v2      skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v2       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v2      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v2       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v2      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v2       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v2      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v2       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v2      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v2       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v2      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v2       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v2      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v2 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v2   evo_skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v2  evo_skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v2   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v2  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v3     n_skills = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v3       skill1 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v3      skill1b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v3       skill2 = 5;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v3      skill2b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v3       skill3 = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v3      skill3b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v3       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v3      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v3       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v3      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v3       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v3      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v3       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v3      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v3       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v3      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v3 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v3   evo_skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v3  evo_skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v3   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v3  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v4     n_skills = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v4       skill1 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v4      skill1b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v4       skill2 = 29;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v4      skill2b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v4       skill3 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v4      skill3b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v4       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v4      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v4       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v4      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v4       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v4      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v4       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v4      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v4       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v4      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v4 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v4   evo_skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v4  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v4   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v4  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v5     n_skills = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v5       skill1 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v5      skill1b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v5       skill2 = 28;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v5      skill2b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v5       skill3 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v5      skill3b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v5       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v5      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v5       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v5      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v5       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v5      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v5       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v5      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v5       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v5      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v5 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v5   evo_skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v5  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v5   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan       hard v5  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v1     n_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v1       skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v1      skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v1       skill2 = 28;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v1      skill2b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v1       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v1      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v1       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v1      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v1       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v1      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v1       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v1      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v1       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v1      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v1       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v1      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v1 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v1   evo_skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v1  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v1   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v1  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v2     n_skills = 4;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v2       skill1 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v2      skill1b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v2       skill2 = 5;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v2      skill2b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v2       skill3 = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v2      skill3b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v2       skill4 = 4;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v2      skill4b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v2       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v2      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v2       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v2      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v2       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v2      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v2       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v2      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v2 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v2   evo_skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v2  evo_skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v2   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v2  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v3     n_skills = 4;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v3       skill1 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v3      skill1b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v3       skill2 = 4;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v3      skill2b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v3       skill3 = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v3      skill3b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v3       skill4 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v3      skill4b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v3       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v3      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v3       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v3      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v3       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v3      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v3       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v3      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v3 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v3   evo_skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v3  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v3   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v3  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v4     n_skills = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v4       skill1 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v4      skill1b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v4       skill2 = 19;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v4      skill2b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v4       skill3 = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v4      skill3b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v4       skill4 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v4      skill4b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v4       skill5 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v4      skill5b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v4       skill6 = 17;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v4      skill6b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v4       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v4      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v4       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v4      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v4 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v4   evo_skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v4  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v4   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v4  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v5     n_skills = 4;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v5       skill1 = 19;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v5      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v5       skill2 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v5      skill2b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v5       skill3 = 28;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v5      skill3b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v5       skill4 = 8;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v5      skill4b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v5       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v5      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v5       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v5      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v5       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v5      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v5       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v5      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v5 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v5   evo_skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v5  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v5   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Mrrshan impossible v5  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v1     n_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v1       skill1 = 15;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v1      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v1       skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v1      skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v1       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v1      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v1       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v1      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v1       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v1      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v1       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v1      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v1       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v1      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v1       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v1      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v1 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v1   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v1  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v1   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v1  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v2     n_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v2       skill1 = 9;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v2      skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v2       skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v2      skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v2       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v2      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v2       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v2      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v2       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v2      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v2       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v2      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v2       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v2      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v2       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v2      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v2 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v2   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v2  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v2   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v2  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v3     n_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v3       skill1 = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v3      skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v3       skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v3      skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v3       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v3      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v3       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v3      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v3       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v3      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v3       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v3      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v3       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v3      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v3       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v3      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v3 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v3   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v3  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v3   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v3  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v4     n_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v4       skill1 = 19;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v4      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v4       skill2 = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v4      skill2b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v4       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v4      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v4       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v4      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v4       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v4      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v4       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v4      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v4       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v4      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v4       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v4      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v4 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v4   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v4  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v4   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v4  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v5     n_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v5       skill1 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v5      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v5       skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v5      skill2b = 4;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v5       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v5      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v5       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v5      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v5       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v5      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v5       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v5      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v5       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v5      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v5       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v5      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v5 n_evo_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v5   evo_skill1 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v5  evo_skill1b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v5   evo_skill2 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons       hard v5  evo_skill2b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v1     n_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v1       skill1 = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v1      skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v1       skill2 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v1      skill2b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v1       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v1      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v1       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v1      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v1       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v1      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v1       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v1      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v1       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v1      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v1       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v1      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v1 n_evo_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v1   evo_skill1 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v1  evo_skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v1   evo_skill2 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v1  evo_skill2b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v2     n_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v2       skill1 = 15;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v2      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v2       skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v2      skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v2       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v2      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v2       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v2      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v2       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v2      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v2       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v2      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v2       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v2      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v2       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v2      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v2 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v2   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v2  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v2   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v2  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v3     n_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v3       skill1 = 10;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v3      skill1b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v3       skill2 = 9;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v3      skill2b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v3       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v3      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v3       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v3      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v3       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v3      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v3       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v3      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v3       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v3      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v3       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v3      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v3 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v3   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v3  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v3   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v3  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v4     n_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v4       skill1 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v4      skill1b = 4;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v4       skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v4      skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v4       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v4      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v4       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v4      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v4       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v4      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v4       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v4      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v4       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v4      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v4       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v4      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v4 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v4   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v4  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v4   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v4  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v5     n_skills = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v5       skill1 = 19;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v5      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v5       skill2 = 9;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v5      skill2b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v5       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v5      skill3b = 4;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v5       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v5      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v5       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v5      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v5       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v5      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v5       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v5      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v5       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v5      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v5 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v5   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v5  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v5   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table    Psilons impossible v5  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v1     n_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v1       skill1 = 2;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v1      skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v1       skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v1      skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v1       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v1      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v1       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v1      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v1       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v1      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v1       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v1      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v1       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v1      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v1       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v1      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v1 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v1   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v1  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v1   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v1  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v2     n_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v2       skill1 = 19;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v2      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v2       skill2 = 12;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v2      skill2b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v2       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v2      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v2       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v2      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v2       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v2      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v2       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v2      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v2       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v2      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v2       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v2      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v2 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v2   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v2  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v2   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v2  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v3     n_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v3       skill1 = 19;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v3      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v3       skill2 = 11;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v3      skill2b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v3       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v3      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v3       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v3      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v3       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v3      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v3       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v3      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v3       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v3      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v3       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v3      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v3 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v3   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v3  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v3   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v3  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v4     n_skills = 4;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v4       skill1 = 21;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v4      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v4       skill2 = 2;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v4      skill2b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v4       skill3 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v4      skill3b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v4       skill4 = 4;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v4      skill4b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v4       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v4      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v4       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v4      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v4       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v4      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v4       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v4      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v4 n_evo_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v4   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v4  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v4   evo_skill2 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v4  evo_skill2b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v5     n_skills = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v5       skill1 = 21;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v5      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v5       skill2 = 23;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v5      skill2b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v5       skill3 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v5      skill3b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v5       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v5      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v5       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v5      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v5       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v5      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v5       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v5      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v5       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v5      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v5 n_evo_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v5   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v5  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v5   evo_skill2 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra       hard v5  evo_skill2b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v1     n_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v1       skill1 = 2;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v1      skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v1       skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v1      skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v1       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v1      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v1       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v1      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v1       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v1      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v1       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v1      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v1       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v1      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v1       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v1      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v1 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v1   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v1  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v1   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v1  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v2     n_skills = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v2       skill1 = 19;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v2      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v2       skill2 = 2;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v2      skill2b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v2       skill3 = 12;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v2      skill3b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v2       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v2      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v2       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v2      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v2       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v2      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v2       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v2      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v2       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v2      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v2 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v2   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v2  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v2   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v2  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v3     n_skills = 4;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v3       skill1 = 19;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v3      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v3       skill2 = 21;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v3      skill2b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v3       skill3 = 11;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v3      skill3b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v3       skill4 = 23;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v3      skill4b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v3       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v3      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v3       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v3      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v3       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v3      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v3       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v3      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v3 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v3   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v3  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v3   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v3  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v4     n_skills = 4;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v4       skill1 = 21;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v4      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v4       skill2 = 19;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v4      skill2b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v4       skill3 = 23;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v4      skill3b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v4       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v4      skill4b = 4;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v4       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v4      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v4       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v4      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v4       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v4      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v4       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v4      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v4 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v4   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v4  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v4   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v4  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v5     n_skills = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v5       skill1 = 21;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v5      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v5       skill2 = 23;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v5      skill2b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v5       skill3 = 5;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v5      skill3b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v5       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v5      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v5       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v5      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v5       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v5      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v5       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v5      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v5       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v5      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v5 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v5   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v5  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v5   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table     Sakkra impossible v5  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v1     n_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v1       skill1 = 15;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v1      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v1       skill2 = 14;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v1      skill2b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v1       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v1      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v1       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v1      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v1       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v1      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v1       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v1      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v1       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v1      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v1       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v1      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v1 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v1   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v1  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v1   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v1  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v2     n_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v2       skill1 = 16;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v2      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v2       skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v2      skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v2       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v2      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v2       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v2      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v2       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v2      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v2       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v2      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v2       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v2      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v2       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v2      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v2 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v2   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v2  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v2   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v2  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v3     n_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v3       skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v3      skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v3       skill2 = 15;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v3      skill2b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v3       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v3      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v3       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v3      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v3       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v3      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v3       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v3      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v3       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v3      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v3       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v3      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v3 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v3   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v3  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v3   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v3  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v4     n_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v4       skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v4      skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v4       skill2 = 14;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v4      skill2b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v4       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v4      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v4       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v4      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v4       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v4      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v4       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v4      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v4       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v4      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v4       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v4      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v4 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v4   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v4  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v4   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v4  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v5     n_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v5       skill1 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v5      skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v5       skill2 = 8;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v5      skill2b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v5       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v5      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v5       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v5      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v5       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v5      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v5       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v5      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v5       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v5      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v5       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v5      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v5 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v5   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v5  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v5   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids       hard v5  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v1     n_skills = 3;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v1       skill1 = 19;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v1      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v1       skill2 = 1;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v1      skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v1       skill3 = 13;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v1      skill3b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v1       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v1      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v1       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v1      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v1       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v1      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v1       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v1      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v1       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v1      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v1 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v1   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v1  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v1   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v1  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v2     n_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v2       skill1 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v2      skill1b = 6;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v2       skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v2      skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v2       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v2      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v2       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v2      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v2       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v2      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v2       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v2      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v2       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v2      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v2       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v2      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v2 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v2   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v2  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v2   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v2  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v3     n_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v3       skill1 = 1;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v3      skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v3       skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v3      skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v3       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v3      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v3       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v3      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v3       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v3      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v3       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v3      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v3       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v3      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v3       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v3      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v3 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v3   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v3  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v3   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v3  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v4     n_skills = 3;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v4       skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v4      skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v4       skill2 = 4;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v4      skill2b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v4       skill3 = 15;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v4      skill3b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v4       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v4      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v4       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v4      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v4       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v4      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v4       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v4      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v4       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v4      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v4 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v4   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v4  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v4   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v4  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v5     n_skills = 3;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v5       skill1 = 15;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v5      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v5       skill2 = 14;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v5      skill2b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v5       skill3 = 16;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v5      skill3b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v5       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v5      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v5       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v5      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v5       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v5      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v5       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v5      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v5       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v5      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v5 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v5   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v5  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v5   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table  Silicoids impossible v5  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v1     n_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v1       skill1 = 15;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v1      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v1       skill2 = 14;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v1      skill2b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v1       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v1      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v1       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v1      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v1       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v1      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v1       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v1      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v1       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v1      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v1       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v1      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v1 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v1   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v1  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v1   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v1  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v2     n_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v2       skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v2      skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v2       skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v2      skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v2       skill3 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v2      skill3b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v2       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v2      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v2       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v2      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v2       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v2      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v2       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v2      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v2       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v2      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v2 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v2   evo_skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v2  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v2   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v2  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v3     n_skills = 3;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v3       skill1 = 19;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v3      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v3       skill2 = 1;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v3      skill2b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v3       skill3 = 14;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v3      skill3b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v3       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v3      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v3       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v3      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v3       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v3      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v3       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v3      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v3       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v3      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v3 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v3   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v3  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v3   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v3  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v4     n_skills = 5;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v4       skill1 = 21;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v4      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v4       skill2 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v4      skill2b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v4       skill3 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v4      skill3b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v4       skill4 = 14;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v4      skill4b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v4       skill5 = 16;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v4      skill5b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v4       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v4      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v4       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v4      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v4       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v4      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v4 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v4   evo_skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v4  evo_skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v4   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v4  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v5     n_skills = 5;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v5       skill1 = 2;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v5      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v5       skill2 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v5      skill2b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v5       skill3 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v5      skill3b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v5       skill4 = 14;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v5      skill4b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v5       skill5 = 15;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v5      skill5b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v5       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v5      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v5       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v5      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v5       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v5      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v5 n_evo_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v5   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v5  evo_skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v5   evo_skill2 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians       hard v5  evo_skill2b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v1     n_skills = 3;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v1       skill1 = 14;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v1      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v1       skill2 = 16;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v1      skill2b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v1       skill3 = 15;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v1      skill3b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v1       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v1      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v1       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v1      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v1       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v1      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v1       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v1      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v1       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v1      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v1 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v1   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v1  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v1   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v1  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v2     n_skills = 3;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v2       skill1 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v2      skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v2       skill2 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v2      skill2b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v2       skill3 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v2      skill3b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v2       skill4 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v2      skill4b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v2       skill5 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v2      skill5b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v2       skill6 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v2      skill6b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v2       skill7 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v2      skill7b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v2       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v2      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v2 n_evo_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v2   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v2  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v2   evo_skill2 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v2  evo_skill2b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v3     n_skills = 8;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v3       skill1 = 21;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v3      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v3       skill2 = 19;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v3      skill2b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v3       skill3 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v3      skill3b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v3       skill4 = 4;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v3      skill4b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v3       skill5 = 14;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v3      skill5b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v3       skill6 = 16;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v3      skill6b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v3       skill7 = 15;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v3      skill7b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v3       skill8 = 1;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v3      skill8b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v3 n_evo_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v3   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v3  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v3   evo_skill2 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v3  evo_skill2b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v4     n_skills = 8;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v4       skill1 = 19;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v4      skill1b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v4       skill2 = 2;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v4      skill2b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v4       skill3 = 1;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v4      skill3b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v4       skill4 = 14;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v4      skill4b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v4       skill5 = 16;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v4      skill5b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v4       skill6 = 15;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v4      skill6b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v4       skill7 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v4      skill7b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v4       skill8 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v4      skill8b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v4 n_evo_skills = 2;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v4   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v4  evo_skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v4   evo_skill2 = 2;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v4  evo_skill2b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v5     n_skills = 7;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v5       skill1 = 6;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v5      skill1b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v5       skill2 = 7;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v5      skill2b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v5       skill3 = 17;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v5      skill3b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v5       skill4 = 2;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v5      skill4b = 2;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v5       skill5 = 14;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v5      skill5b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v5       skill6 = 21;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v5      skill6b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v5       skill7 = 19;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v5      skill7b = 1;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v5       skill8 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v5      skill8b = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v5 n_evo_skills = 1;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v5   evo_skill1 = 3;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v5  evo_skill1b = 3;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v5   evo_skill2 = 0;
ai_race_variant_table Trilarians impossible v5  evo_skill2b = 0;
# Table used for determining AI's personality. Format:
#  race_personality <race_personality-name> <property-name> = <property-value>;
# race_personality-name may be one of:
#  Alkari Bulrathi Darloks Elerians Gnolams Humans Klackons Meklars Mrrshan
#  Psilons Sakkra Silicoids Trilarians
# property-name may be one of:
#  random0 random1 random2 random3 random4 random5 random6 random7 random8
#  random9
# property-value may be one of:
#  0 (Xenophobic) 1 (Ruthless) 2 (Aggressive) 3 (Erratic)
#  4 (Honorable) 5 (Pacifist) 6 (Dishonored)
#                                                                       random9
#                                                                  random8    |
#                                                             random7    |    |
#                                                        random6    |    |    |
#                                                   random5    |    |    |    |
#                                              random4    |    |    |    |    |
#                                         random3    |    |    |    |    |    |
#                                    random2    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
#                               random1    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
#                          random0    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
#                                ▼    ▼    ▼    ▼    ▼    ▼    ▼    ▼    ▼    ▼
race_personality     Alkari =    3    4    4    4    4    4    4    4    5    5;
race_personality   Bulrathi =    1    2    2    2    2    2    2    2    3    3;
race_personality    Darloks =    1    1    0    2    2    2    2    2    2    2;
race_personality   Elerians =    0    0    1    1    1    1    1    2    2    2;
race_personality    Gnolams =    1    1    2    2    3    3    3    5    5    5;
race_personality     Humans =    3    4    4    4    4    4    4    4    5    5;
race_personality   Klackons =    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    1    2    2;
race_personality    Meklars =    0    2    2    3    3    3    3    3    3    3;
race_personality    Mrrshan =    0    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    2    2;
race_personality    Psilons =    3    3    4    5    5    5    5    5    5    5;
race_personality     Sakkra =    1    2    2    2    2    2    2    2    3    3;
race_personality  Silicoids =    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    2    2    3;
race_personality Trilarians =    3    4    4    4    4    4    5    5    5    5;
# AI bonus for food, production and research,
# where value/20 is unit bonus. Format:
#  ai_productivity_bonus <difficulty level> = <value>;
# where difficulty level is one of:
#  tutor easy average hard impossible
ai_productivity_bonus      tutor = -10;
ai_productivity_bonus       easy = 0;
ai_productivity_bonus    average = 10;
ai_productivity_bonus       hard = 20;
ai_productivity_bonus impossible = 40;
# AI bonus for income per population unit,
# where value/4 is BC bonus. Format:
#  ai_income_bonus <difficulty level> = <value>;
# where difficulty level is one of:
#  tutor easy average hard impossible
ai_income_bonus      tutor = 0;
ai_income_bonus       easy = 0;
ai_income_bonus    average = 1;
ai_income_bonus       hard = 2;
ai_income_bonus impossible = 3;
# If 0, ai player needs fuel, a drive and colony ship tech to build colony bases (classic).
# If 1, ai can build colony bases as soon as it has colony base tech.
ai_builds_colony_bases_prewarp = 0;
# Uncolonized_Planet_Worth_To_Player takes into account if a planet has
# a special, which increases ai's valuation for colonization. Format:
#  ai_planet_value <modifier> = <value>;
# where modifier is one of:
#  gold_deposits gem_deposits ancient_artifacts orion
ai_planet_value     gold_deposits = 1280;
ai_planet_value      gem_deposits = 2560;
ai_planet_value ancient_artifacts = 640;
ai_planet_value             orion = 1600;
# If 1, test restore of proper treaty modifiers used.
# If 0 (classic, default), maybe it was intentional.
alternate_diplomacy = 0;
# ========================== #
# --    MAP GENERATION    -- #
# ========================== #
# MAP_GENERATION Table to customize the galaxy size for:
# map width, map height, star spacing, zoom factor, max_zoom_count (determines the
# size of stars and ship icons on the main map), and zoom_count (unknown what it does,
# recommend to keep same as max_zoom_count). Varying star_spacing, creates more or
# less clustered star placements.
# rows:
#  small medium large huge
#                                                  zoom_count
#                                         max_zoom_count    |
#                                       zoom_factor    |    |
#                                star_spacing     |    |    |
#                         width  height     |     |    |    |
#                             ▼       ▼     ▼     ▼    ▼    ▼
map_generation  small =     506     400    10    10    0    0;
map_generation medium =     759     600    15    15    1    1;
map_generation  large =    1012     800    20    20    2    2;
map_generation   huge =    1518    1200    30    30    3    3;
# Number of stars in a galaxy size. Minimum is 3 and maximum is 71.
# Note that some values can cause Galaxy Generation to get stuck
# in an endless loop. The value for a next Galaxy size must be at
# least prev. galaxy size +1. Format:
stars_in_galaxy  small = 20;
stars_in_galaxy medium = 36;
stars_in_galaxy  large = 54;
stars_in_galaxy   huge = 71;
# Table used for determining star class distribution per galaxy age.
# young = mineral rich; old = organic rich.
#  star_class_chance <star_class_chance-name> <property-name> = <property-value>;
# star_class_chance-name may be one of:
#  blue white yellow orange red brown black_hole
# property-name may be one of:
#  young average old
#                                  average
#                              young     |   old
#                                  ▼     ▼     ▼
star_class_chance       blue =    20    10     5;
star_class_chance      white =    25    15     5;
star_class_chance     yellow =    10    16    30;
star_class_chance     orange =    10    16    21;
star_class_chance        red =    32    37    30;
star_class_chance      brown =     1     2     3;
star_class_chance black_hole =     2     4     6;
# Table used for determining the number of planets in a star system.
# When the star is created, a random number between 0-9 (row) is generated.
# This number is used to lookup the number of satellites that need to be
# generated for that star. (A satellite can be a planet, an asteroid or a
# gas giant.) Example: With classic values, brown star class has 30% chance
# of having a single satellite. Format:
#  class_to_num_satellites <class_to_num_satellites-name> <property-name> = <property-value>;
# class_to_num_satellites-name may be one of:
#  random0 random1 random2 random3 random4 random5 random6 random7 random8
#  random9
# property-name may be one of:
#  blue white yellow orange red brown
#                                              orange
#                                         yellow    |
#                                     white    |    |     brown
#                                 blue    |    |    |  red    |
#                                    ▼    ▼    ▼    ▼    ▼    ▼
class_to_num_satellites random0 =    0    0    1    2    0    0;
class_to_num_satellites random1 =    1    1    2    2    1    0;
class_to_num_satellites random2 =    1    1    2    2    1    0;
class_to_num_satellites random3 =    2    1    2    3    1    0;
class_to_num_satellites random4 =    3    2    3    3    2    0;
class_to_num_satellites random5 =    3    2    3    4    2    0;
class_to_num_satellites random6 =    4    3    4    4    2    0;
class_to_num_satellites random7 =    4    3    4    5    3    1;
class_to_num_satellites random8 =    5    4    5    5    3    1;
class_to_num_satellites random9 =    5    4    5    5    4    1;
# Table holds weighted chance for satellite in an orbit for each galaxy age.
# If roll hits an already occupied orbit, it rolls again. Format:
#  satellite_orbit_chance <satellite_orbit_chance-name> <property-name> = <property-value>;
# satellite_orbit_chance-name may be one of:
#  orbit1 orbit2 orbit3 orbit4 orbit5
# property-name may be one of:
#  young average old
#                                   average
#                               young     |   old
#                                   ▼     ▼     ▼
satellite_orbit_chance orbit1 =    25    20    10;
satellite_orbit_chance orbit2 =    18    20    22;
satellite_orbit_chance orbit3 =    17    20    30;
satellite_orbit_chance orbit4 =    15    20    33;
satellite_orbit_chance orbit5 =    25    20     5;
# Table used for determining the satellite type in an orbit.
# When the satellites are created, a random number between 0-9 (row) is generated.
# This number is used to lookup the type of satellite in an orbit, if there is a
# satellite at all. #1 = Asteroid; #2 = Gas Giant; #3 = Planet; #4 = Special
# (Companion Star, not implemented in game, becomes an Asteroid instead.) Format:
#  orbit_to_satellite_type <orbit_to_satellite_type-name> <property-name> = <property-value>;
# orbit_to_satellite_type-name may be one of:
#  random0 random1 random2 random3 random4 random5 random6 random7 random8
#  random9
# property-name may be one of:
#  orbit1 orbit2 orbit3 orbit4 orbit5
#                                                   orbit5
#                                              orbit4    |
#                                         orbit3    |    |
#                                    orbit2    |    |    |
#                               orbit1    |    |    |    |
#                                    ▼    ▼    ▼    ▼    ▼
orbit_to_satellite_type random0 =    1    1    1    1    1;
orbit_to_satellite_type random1 =    4    1    1    1    2;
orbit_to_satellite_type random2 =    3    2    1    2    2;
orbit_to_satellite_type random3 =    3    3    2    2    2;
orbit_to_satellite_type random4 =    3    3    2    2    2;
orbit_to_satellite_type random5 =    3    3    3    3    2;
orbit_to_satellite_type random6 =    3    3    3    3    3;
orbit_to_satellite_type random7 =    3    3    3    3    3;
orbit_to_satellite_type random8 =    3    3    3    3    3;
orbit_to_satellite_type random9 =    3    3    3    3    3;
# Chance table for a planet to get a certain size: tiny %; small % of
# remainder after tiny; medium % of remainder after small; large % of
# remainder after medium; huge % of remainder after large. With default
# values of 1-3-7-9-10 this translates to 10-20-40-20-10%. Format:
#  planet_size_chance <planet size> = <value>;
# where planet size is one of:
#  tiny small medium large huge
planet_size_chance   tiny = 1;
planet_size_chance  small = 3;
planet_size_chance medium = 7;
planet_size_chance  large = 9;
planet_size_chance   huge = 10;
# Table used for determining the mineral classification of a planet.
# During the generation of planets, a random number between 0-9 (row) is
# generated. It is used to lookup the planets mineral class, factoring in
# the star type. #0 = Ultra Poor; #1 = Poor; #2 = Abundant; #3 = Rich;
# #4 = Ultra Rich. Format:
#  class_to_mineral <class_to_mineral-name> <property-name> = <property-value>;
# class_to_mineral-name may be one of:
#  random0 random1 random2 random3 random4 random5 random6 random7 random8
#  random9
# property-name may be one of:
#  blue white yellow orange red brown
#                                       orange
#                                  yellow    |
#                              white    |    |     brown
#                          blue    |    |    |  red    |
#                             ▼    ▼    ▼    ▼    ▼    ▼
class_to_mineral random0 =    2    1    1    0    0    1;
class_to_mineral random1 =    2    1    1    1    0    2;
class_to_mineral random2 =    2    2    1    1    1    2;
class_to_mineral random3 =    2    2    2    1    1    2;
class_to_mineral random4 =    3    2    2    1    1    2;
class_to_mineral random5 =    3    2    2    2    1    2;
class_to_mineral random6 =    3    3    2    2    2    3;
class_to_mineral random7 =    3    3    3    2    2    3;
class_to_mineral random8 =    4    3    3    2    2    3;
class_to_mineral random9 =    4    4    4    3    2    4;
# Table used for determining the gravity of a planet.
# Planet mineral classification (row) and size (column) determine its gravity.
# Format:
#  planet_size_to_gravity <planet_size_to_gravity-name> <property-name> = <property-value>;
# planet_size_to_gravity-name may be one of:
#  ultra_poor poor abundant rich ultra_rich
# property-name may be one of:
#  tiny small medium large huge
#                                                 large
#                                           medium    |
#                                       small    |    |
#                                   tiny    |    |    | huge
#                                      ▼    ▼    ▼    ▼    ▼
planet_size_to_gravity ultra_poor =    0    0    0    1    1;
planet_size_to_gravity       poor =    0    0    1    1    1;
planet_size_to_gravity   abundant =    0    1    1    1    2;
planet_size_to_gravity       rich =    1    1    1    2    2;
planet_size_to_gravity ultra_rich =    1    1    2    2    2;
# Table used for determining the planet's climate group in an orbit.
# The star type (row) and the orbit (column) determine from which planet
# group a planet is selected. Groups are: #0 = Bombarded; #1 = Hostile;
# #2 = Life Supporting; #3 = Lifeless. Format:
#  orbit_to_climate_group <orbit_to_climate_group-name> <property-name> = <property-value>;
# orbit_to_climate_group-name may be one of:
#  blue white yellow orange red brown
# property-name may be one of:
#  orbit1 orbit2 orbit3 orbit4 orbit5
#                                                 orbit5
#                                            orbit4    |
#                                       orbit3    |    |
#                                  orbit2    |    |    |
#                             orbit1    |    |    |    |
#                                  ▼    ▼    ▼    ▼    ▼
orbit_to_climate_group   blue =    0    0    0    0    1;
orbit_to_climate_group  white =    0    0    1    2    3;
orbit_to_climate_group yellow =    0    1    2    2    3;
orbit_to_climate_group orange =    1    2    2    2    3;
orbit_to_climate_group    red =    1    2    3    3    3;
orbit_to_climate_group  brown =    0    0    1    2    3;
# Table with weighted chance for a planet's climate for each climate group.
# For mineral rich and average galaxies. During the generation of planets,
# a random number between 0-99 (row) is generated. It is used to lookup the
# planets climate, factoring in its planet group. Format:
#  climate_chance_young_avg_gal <climate_chance_young_avg_gal-name> <property-name> = <property-value>;
# climate_chance_young_avg_gal-name may be one of:
#  toxic radiated barren desert tundra ocean swamp arid terran gaia
# property-name may be one of:
#  bombarded hostile life_supporting lifeless
#                                                      lifeless
#                                         life_supporting     |
#                                           hostile     |     |
#                                   bombarded     |     |     |
#                                           ▼     ▼     ▼     ▼
climate_chance_young_avg_gal    toxic =    15    15    10    20;
climate_chance_young_avg_gal radiated =    55    50    15     0;
climate_chance_young_avg_gal   barren =    25    25    10    70;
climate_chance_young_avg_gal   desert =     5    10    10     0;
climate_chance_young_avg_gal   tundra =     0     5    10     8;
climate_chance_young_avg_gal    ocean =     0     0    10     2;
climate_chance_young_avg_gal    swamp =     0     0    11     0;
climate_chance_young_avg_gal     arid =     0     0    11     0;
climate_chance_young_avg_gal   terran =     0     0    11     0;
climate_chance_young_avg_gal     gaia =     0     0     2     0;
# Table with weighted chance for a planet's climate for each climate group.
# For organic rich galaxies. During the generation of planets, a random
# number between 0-99 (row) is generated. It is used to lookup the planets
# climate, factoring in its planet group. Format:
#  climate_chance_old_gal <climate_chance_old_gal-name> <property-name> = <property-value>;
# climate_chance_old_gal-name may be one of:
#  toxic radiated barren desert tundra ocean swamp arid terran gaia
# property-name may be one of:
#  bombarded hostile life_supporting lifeless
#                                                lifeless
#                                   life_supporting     |
#                                     hostile     |     |
#                             bombarded     |     |     |
#                                     ▼     ▼     ▼     ▼
climate_chance_old_gal    toxic =    15     5     5    20;
climate_chance_old_gal radiated =    40    30     8     0;
climate_chance_old_gal   barren =    20    20     8    50;
climate_chance_old_gal   desert =    25    25    13     0;
climate_chance_old_gal   tundra =     0    20    13    30;
climate_chance_old_gal    ocean =     0     0    13     0;
climate_chance_old_gal    swamp =     0     0    13     0;
climate_chance_old_gal     arid =     0     0    13     0;
climate_chance_old_gal   terran =     0     0    10     0;
climate_chance_old_gal     gaia =     0     0     4     0;
# Sets chance value to generate a special at star.
# If random(100) > value, then generate special.
# Value range is 0-100. Default is 64 (classic).
star_special_chance = 64;
# Weighted chance for a special to be placed on a planet during mapgen. Format:
#  planet_special_chance <special> = <value>;
# where special is one of:
#  no_special wormhole space_debris pirate_cache gold_deposits gem_deposits
#  natives splinter_colony hero monster ancient_artifacts unused?
# Defaults to classic values: 64, 5, 3, 2, 3, 2, 9, 4, 3, 0, 5, 0.
# Note that mapgen can stall if % wormholes or heroes is set too high or too
# many parameters are zero.
planet_special_chance        no_special = 64;
planet_special_chance          wormhole = 5;
planet_special_chance      space_debris = 3;
planet_special_chance      pirate_cache = 2;
planet_special_chance     gold_deposits = 3;
planet_special_chance      gem_deposits = 2;
planet_special_chance           natives = 9;
planet_special_chance   splinter_colony = 4;
planet_special_chance              hero = 3;
planet_special_chance           monster = 0;
planet_special_chance ancient_artifacts = 5;
planet_special_chance           unused? = 0;
# Map generation parameters. Options mimic switches present in v1.40 and
# command line switches of the mapgen tool. Format:
#  mapgen <option> = <value>;
# option may be one of:
#  -ttoxic -tupoor -tlowg -theavyg -ttiny -tsmall -tflathw -tfixedhw -tgaia
#  -trichhw -thugehw -tgoodhw -ssplint -snatives -sarti -shero -smarooned -mgrav
#  -mterraform -mmonst -bshowring /monsters /planets /minstart /hugestart
#  /richstart /goodstart /nobh /nowh /nonebula /nosplint /noorion
# Except for /planets and /monsters all options are binary on/off switches.
# Refer to the 1.50 Manual for options description. Note that v1.40 command
# line switches are still supported and override config parameters.
mapgen     -ttoxic = 0;
mapgen     -tupoor = 0;
mapgen      -tlowg = 0;
mapgen    -theavyg = 0;
mapgen      -ttiny = 0;
mapgen     -tsmall = 0;
mapgen    -tflathw = 0;
mapgen   -tfixedhw = 0;
mapgen      -tgaia = 0;
mapgen    -trichhw = 0;
mapgen    -thugehw = 0;
mapgen    -tgoodhw = 0;
mapgen    -ssplint = 0;
mapgen   -snatives = 0;
mapgen      -sarti = 0;
mapgen      -shero = 0;
mapgen  -smarooned = 0;
mapgen      -mgrav = 0;
mapgen -mterraform = 0;
mapgen     -mmonst = 0;
mapgen  -bshowring = 0;
mapgen   /monsters = 255;
mapgen    /planets = 3;
mapgen   /minstart = 0;
mapgen  /hugestart = 0;
mapgen  /richstart = 0;
mapgen  /goodstart = 0;
mapgen       /nobh = 0;
mapgen       /nowh = 0;
mapgen   /nonebula = 0;
mapgen   /nosplint = 0;
mapgen    /noorion = 0;
# ================================================================= #
# ================================================================= #
# Maximum population capacity for each size of gaia planet. Format:
#  pop_max <planet-size> = <pop>;
# where planet-size is one of:
#  tiny small medium large huge
# Defaults to classic values: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25.
pop_max   tiny = 5;
pop_max  small = 10;
pop_max medium = 15;
pop_max  large = 20;
pop_max   huge = 25;
# Percentage of max pop available for certain climate. Format:
#  pop_climate <planet-climate> = <pop-percentage>;
# where planet-climate is one of:
#  toxic radiated barren desert tundra ocean swamp arid terran gaia
# Defaults to classic values.
pop_climate    toxic = 25;
pop_climate radiated = 25;
pop_climate   barren = 25;
pop_climate   desert = 25;
pop_climate   tundra = 25;
pop_climate    ocean = 25;
pop_climate    swamp = 40;
pop_climate     arid = 60;
pop_climate   terran = 80;
pop_climate     gaia = 100;
# Population capacity modifier for Biospheres, default is 2 (classic).
pop_bonus_biospheres = 2;
# Population bonus for Advanced City Planning. Default is 5 (classic).
pop_bonus_advanced_city_planning = 5;
# Population capacity modifier for Subterranean bonus,
# default is 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 as in classic game.
pop_bonus_subterranean   tiny = 2;
pop_bonus_subterranean  small = 4;
pop_bonus_subterranean medium = 6;
pop_bonus_subterranean  large = 8;
pop_bonus_subterranean   huge = 10;
# Population capacity modifier for Tolerant bonus, default is 25%
# (Bonus is an increase of habitable space of given planet by X percents).
pop_bonus_tolerant = 25;
# Growth rate modifiers to add to a base of 100 in growth formula.
# General modifier default is 0 as in classic game. Microbiotics and
# Universal Antidote are 25 and 50 respectively. Population Boom
# event default value is 100, doubling standard population growth.
# Default Plague event value is minus 200.
# rows:
#  general_modifier microbiotics_tech antidote_tech boom_event plague_event
growth_rate_bonus  general_modifier = 0;
growth_rate_bonus microbiotics_tech = 25;
growth_rate_bonus     antidote_tech = 50;
growth_rate_bonus        boom_event = 100;
growth_rate_bonus      plague_event = -200;
# If 1, microbiotics and universal antidote are cumulative.
# if 0, they are not cumulative (default, classic).
microbiotics_and_antidote_cumulative = 0;
# Growth bonus provided by Cloning Center. Maximum bonus is 127. Default is 100.
cloners_growth_bonus = 100;
# The formula for basic growth is: trunc{[FACTOR*POPRACE*(POPMAX-POPAGG)/POPMAX]^0.5}
# POPAGG is the Aggregated Population of the planet (natives, droids, POPRACE and annexed pop).
# POPRACE is the population of the considered race and POPMAX is the maximum pop of the planet.
# The default value of FACTOR is 2000.
growth_formula_factor = 2000;
# The formula for housing is (FACTOR*PROD/POPAGG)/100, where POPAGG is the Aggregated Population
# of the planet (natives, droids, POPRACE and annexed pop). The default value of FACTOR is 40.
housing_formula_factor = 40;
# If 1, popagg (or n_pops) removed from housing formula.
# If 0 (default, classic), it's classic formula.
housing_no_popagg = 0;
# If 0, (default, classic), you cannot send natives away from the colony.
# If 1, you can send natives to another colony.
send_native = 0;
# If 0, (default, classic), you cannot send the last unit of population from a colony.
# If 1, you can send the last unit.
send_last_pop = 0;
# If 1, the last pop on human player's colonies can die from starvation,
# making it possible to create ghost colony from starving populace.
# Does not affect AI as it tends to starve its citizens and suffers too
# much from such a rule.
# If 0 (default), a colony's population cannot fully starve to extinction.
planet_extinction = 0;
# If 1, a zero colony (zero buildings and zero colonists) is always
# lost on the next turn, even if freighted pop is inbound.
# If 0 (default, classic), a zero colony that has colonist(s) inbound,
# stays intact (even if these are enemy's colonists). Note that unlike
# in classic, such colony can be destroyed by orbital bombardment.
zero_colony_lost = 0;
# Amount of population units simultaneously freighted. Default is 25 (classic).
max_pop_freighted = 25;
# Base food per farmer per planet climate.
# rows:
#  toxic radiated barren desert tundra ocean swamp arid terran gaia
food_farmer_base    toxic = 0;
food_farmer_base radiated = 0;
food_farmer_base   barren = 0;
food_farmer_base   desert = 2;
food_farmer_base   tundra = 2;
food_farmer_base    ocean = 4;
food_farmer_base    swamp = 4;
food_farmer_base     arid = 2;
food_farmer_base   terran = 4;
food_farmer_base     gaia = 6;
# Food production modifiers for colony.
# In-game value is a half of config value
# (default = 2 means +1 food in game).
#   food_farmer_bonus <modifier> = <value>;
#  where value is a production bonus.
#  where modifier is one of:
#   soil_enrichment biomorphic_fungi weather_controller astro_university native
#   android_farmer
food_farmer_bonus    soil_enrichment = 2;
food_farmer_bonus   biomorphic_fungi = 2;
food_farmer_bonus weather_controller = 4;
food_farmer_bonus   astro_university = 2;
food_farmer_bonus             native = 4;
food_farmer_bonus     android_farmer = 6;
# Colony fixed food bonuses.
# rows:
#  hydroponic_farms subterranean_farms
food_colony_bonus   hydroponic_farms = 2;
food_colony_bonus subterranean_farms = 4;
# If 1, aquatic races treat tundra climates as swamps.
# If 0 (default, classic), tundra's are treated as terrans.
aquatic_treats_tundra_as_swamp = 0;
# If 0, (classic, default), biomorphic fungi not in tech tree for Lithovores.
# If 1, biomorphic fungi is placed in the tech tree for Lithovores.
lithovore_has_fungi_in_tech_tree = 0;
# Placing the selected building on a colony with a Toxic climate causes it to become Barren.
# If 0, Toxic remains toxic (default, classic).
terraform_toxic_building = no_building;
# Sets the minimum climate where a weather controller can be built, provided farming
# is possible on that world. With default 'toxic' (classic), it can be built on all
# food worlds and on all dead worlds once biomorphic fungi are known. An exception
# is the setting 'radiated' that allows weather controller to be built on all climates
# EXCEPT radiated ones. Climate is one of:
#  toxic radiated barren desert tundra ocean swamp arid terran gaia
weather_control_climate = toxic;
# Defines which panets benefit from biomorphic fungi:
#   classic     - bonus applies on toxic, radiated and barren worlds (default)
#   reversed    - bonus applies on farmable planets
#   united      - bonus applies on all planets
fungi_climate = classic;
# Amount (0-127) of production points (PP) needed to replicate 1 food.
# Default is 2 PP per 1 food (classic).
# (BC cost per food is handled in separate parameter.)
replicator_food_pp = 2;
# Amount (0-127) of BC needed to replicate 1 food.
# Default is 1 BC per 1 food (classic).
# (PP cost per food is handled in separate parameter.)
replicator_food_bc = 1;
# Production per worker per planet mineral classification.
# rows:
#  ultra_poor poor abundant rich ultra_rich
# Defaults are 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 (classic values).
production_worker_base ultra_poor = 1;
production_worker_base       poor = 2;
production_worker_base   abundant = 3;
production_worker_base       rich = 5;
production_worker_base ultra_rich = 8;
# Industry production modifiers for colony.
#  production_worker_bonus <modifier> = <value>;
#  where value is a production bonus.
#  where modifier is one of:
#   automated_factory robo_miner_plant deep_core_mine recyclotron
#   astro_university android_worker microlite_construction
production_worker_bonus      automated_factory = 1;
production_worker_bonus       robo_miner_plant = 2;
production_worker_bonus         deep_core_mine = 3;
production_worker_bonus            recyclotron = 1;
production_worker_bonus       astro_university = 1;
production_worker_bonus         android_worker = 3;
production_worker_bonus microlite_construction = 1;
# Colony fixed production bonuses for Auto Factory,
# Robo's, Deep Core Mines and Robotic Factory.
# rows:
#  automated_factory robo_miners deep_core_mines robotic_factory_up
#  robotic_factory_p robotic_factory_ab robotic_factory_r robotic_factory_ur
production_colony_bonus  automated_factory = 5;
production_colony_bonus        robo_miners = 10;
production_colony_bonus    deep_core_mines = 15;
production_colony_bonus robotic_factory_up = 5;
production_colony_bonus  robotic_factory_p = 8;
production_colony_bonus robotic_factory_ab = 10;
production_colony_bonus  robotic_factory_r = 15;
production_colony_bonus robotic_factory_ur = 20;
# Pollution percent remaining after applying pollution processor.
# Default is 50 (classic).
pollution_processor_ratio = 50;
# Pollution percent remaining after applying atmospheric renewer.
# Default is 25 (classic).
atmospheric_renewer_ratio = 25;
# Production from workers and Robotic Factory output generates pollution.
# (Static bonuses of automated factory, robo mining plant and deep core mines do not.)
# Every planet is inherently tolerant to pollution to a certain level of production.
# The amount of this tolerance or 'pollution exempt production' depends on the planet
# size (2,4,6,8,10 for tiny-huge). Nano Disassemblers technology doubles these values.
# Half of the production exceeding this amount (rounded up) goes to cleaning up the
# pollution. The remainder is usable production.
# Note that the effects of Pollution Processor and Atmosphere Renewer are applied first
# and pollution exempt production is subtracted from the remaining worker production.
# rows:
#  tiny small medium large huge
planet_no_pollution_prod   tiny = 2;
planet_no_pollution_prod  small = 4;
planet_no_pollution_prod medium = 6;
planet_no_pollution_prod  large = 8;
planet_no_pollution_prod   huge = 10;
# Nano disassemblers multiplier increases a planets tolerance to pollution.
# Ref. parameter planet_no_pollution_prod for more info on mechanics.
# Default is 2, doubling the standard tolerance value (classic).
nano_disassemblers_coeff = 2;
# Research production modifiers for colony.
#  research_scientist_bonus <modifier> = <value>;
#  where value is a production bonus.
#  where modifier is one of:
#   base_scientist artifacts_planet orion_planet research_lab supercomputer
#   galactic_cybernet astro_university android_scientist heightened_intelligence
research_scientist_bonus          base_scientist = 3;
research_scientist_bonus        artifacts_planet = 2;
research_scientist_bonus            orion_planet = 5;
research_scientist_bonus            research_lab = 1;
research_scientist_bonus           supercomputer = 2;
research_scientist_bonus       galactic_cybernet = 3;
research_scientist_bonus        astro_university = 1;
research_scientist_bonus       android_scientist = 3;
research_scientist_bonus heightened_intelligence = 1;
# Colony fixed research bonuses.
# rows:
#  research_lab supercomputer galactic_cybernet autolab
research_colony_bonus      research_lab = 5;
research_colony_bonus     supercomputer = 10;
research_colony_bonus galactic_cybernet = 15;
research_colony_bonus           autolab = 30;
# System bc bonus (lumpsum) for finding space debris and pirate cache.
# Max value is 127. Update maintext.lbx accordingly.
# rows:
#  space_debris pirate_cache
bc_system_discovery space_debris = 50;
bc_system_discovery pirate_cache = 100;
# Planet bc bonus per unit of population for gold and gem deposits.
# rows:
#  gold_deposits gem_deposits
bc_planet_bonus gold_deposits = 5;
bc_planet_bonus  gem_deposits = 10;
# Money production modifiers for colony.
#  bc_bonus <modifier> = <value>;
# where value is percent bonus and modifier is one of:
#  spaceport planetary_stock_exchange galactic_currency_exchange
bc_bonus                  spaceport = 50;
bc_bonus   planetary_stock_exchange = 100;
bc_bonus galactic_currency_exchange = 50;
# Trade goods production to money conversion ratio (percentage).
# Defaults to 50 for normal case and to 100 for fantastic traders.
trade_goods_ratio            normal = 50;
trade_goods_ratio fantastic_traders = 100;
# Maintenance penalty percent per planet climate.
# rows:
#  toxic radiated barren desert tundra ocean swamp arid terran gaia
planet_maintenance    toxic = 50;
planet_maintenance radiated = 25;
planet_maintenance   barren = 0;
planet_maintenance   desert = 25;
planet_maintenance   tundra = 0;
planet_maintenance    ocean = 0;
planet_maintenance    swamp = 0;
planet_maintenance     arid = 0;
planet_maintenance   terran = 0;
planet_maintenance     gaia = 0;
# Morale modifier value of 4 is multiplied x5, for a bonus of +20.
# rows:
#  holo_simulator pleasure_dome psionics virtual_reality_network
morale_bonus          holo_simulator = 4;
morale_bonus           pleasure_dome = 6;
morale_bonus                psionics = 2;
morale_bonus virtual_reality_network = 4;
# You can extend morale to apply to farmers also, or have morale apply to all droids. Format:
#  android_morale = <selection name>;
# where selection name is one of:
#  workers_only farmers_only scientists_only farmers_and_workers
#  workers_and_scientists farmers_and_scientists all_droids none
# Default is 'workers_only' which is how original game behaves.
android_morale = workers_only;
# Government economy bonuses (mixed) table.
# Feud & Confed: Ship Cost discount (ratio), Research penalty,
# Demo & Fed: Research and Money bonus,
# Uni & Gal. Uni: Food and Prod bonus. Format:
#  govt_bonus <modifier> = <value>;
# where value*5 is percent bonus.
# where modifier is one of:
#  feudal_reduction confederation_reduction feudal_science confederation_science
#  democracy_science federation_science democracy_money federation_money
#  unification_food gal_unification_food unification_production
#  gal_unification_production
govt_bonus           feudal_reduction = 1/3;
govt_bonus    confederation_reduction = 2/3;
govt_bonus             feudal_science = -10;
govt_bonus      confederation_science = -5;
govt_bonus          democracy_science = 10;
govt_bonus         federation_science = 15;
govt_bonus            democracy_money = 10;
govt_bonus           federation_money = 15;
govt_bonus           unification_food = 10;
govt_bonus       gal_unification_food = 20;
govt_bonus     unification_production = 10;
govt_bonus gal_unification_production = 20;
# If 1, feudal and confederation ship cost reductions apply to freighters.
# If 0 (default, classic), freighter cost is not affected.
feudal_affects_freighters = 0;
# Government morale penalty table, where value*5 is percent
# penalty. Note that unified govts have no morale, no matter
# what is set here. Format:
#  govt_morale_penalty <government> = <value>;
# where government is one of:
#  feudal confederation dictatorship imperium democracy federation unification
#  gal_unification
govt_morale_penalty          feudal = -4;
govt_morale_penalty   confederation = -4;
govt_morale_penalty    dictatorship = -4;
govt_morale_penalty        imperium = 0;
govt_morale_penalty       democracy = 0;
govt_morale_penalty      federation = 0;
govt_morale_penalty     unification = 0;
govt_morale_penalty gal_unification = 0;
# Barracks morale bonus per government table, where value*5
# is percent bonus. Note that unified govts have no morale,
# no matter what is set here. Format:
#  barracks_morale_bonus <government> = <value>;
# where government is one of:
#  feudal confederation dictatorship imperium democracy federation unification
#  gal_unification
barracks_morale_bonus          feudal = 4;
barracks_morale_bonus   confederation = 4;
barracks_morale_bonus    dictatorship = 4;
barracks_morale_bonus        imperium = 4;
barracks_morale_bonus       democracy = 0;
barracks_morale_bonus      federation = 0;
barracks_morale_bonus     unification = 0;
barracks_morale_bonus gal_unification = 0;
# Morale penalty per government type for not having a Capitol.
# Value*5 is percent penalty. Format:
#  no_capitol_morale_penalty <government type> = <value>;
# where government type is one of:
#  feud_confed dict_imp demo_fed
no_capitol_morale_penalty feud_confed = -10;
no_capitol_morale_penalty    dict_imp = -7;
no_capitol_morale_penalty    demo_fed = -4;
# If 1, psionics morale bonus applies to democratic and federation governments.
# If 0 (default, classic), it does not apply.
democracy_gets_psionics_morale = 0;
# If 1, mixed races penalty does not apply for federation government.
# If 0 (default), it does apply as in classic.
federation_no_mixed_races_penalty = 0;
# Assimilation points per government table, where 240/value
# is rate in turns at which 1 conquered pop is assimilated.
# Format:
#  govt_assimilation_points <government> = <value>;
# where government is one of:
#  feudal confederation dictatorship imperium democracy federation unification
#  gal_unification
govt_assimilation_points          feudal = 30;
govt_assimilation_points   confederation = 60;
govt_assimilation_points    dictatorship = 30;
govt_assimilation_points        imperium = 60;
govt_assimilation_points       democracy = 60;
govt_assimilation_points      federation = 120;
govt_assimilation_points     unification = 12;
govt_assimilation_points gal_unification = 16;
# ======================= #
# --    SPY BONUSES    -- #
# ======================= #
# Government spying bonuses table. Format:
#  spy_govt_bonus <government> = <value>;
# where government is one of:
#  feudal confederation dictatorship imperium democracy federation unification
#  gal_unification
spy_govt_bonus          feudal = 0;
spy_govt_bonus   confederation = 0;
spy_govt_bonus    dictatorship = 10;
spy_govt_bonus        imperium = 15;
spy_govt_bonus       democracy = -10;
spy_govt_bonus      federation = -10;
spy_govt_bonus     unification = 15;
spy_govt_bonus gal_unification = 15;
# Spy bonus for Telepathic ability. Default is 10 (classic).
spy_telepathic_bonus = 10;
# Technology spying bonuses table. Format:
#  spy_tech_bonus <modifier> = <value>;
# where modifier is one of:
#  neural_scanner xeno_psychology telepathic_training cyber_security_link
#  stealth_suit psionics
spy_tech_bonus      neural_scanner = 10;
spy_tech_bonus     xeno_psychology = 0;
spy_tech_bonus telepathic_training = 5;
spy_tech_bonus cyber_security_link = 10;
spy_tech_bonus        stealth_suit = 10;
spy_tech_bonus            psionics = 10;
# Default, classic spy formula: first 5 spies add +2 each, spies 6-10 add +1 each.
# Subsequently each pair of spies add +1. With the maximum of 63 spies, bonus is +41.
# The number of spies that get +2 and +1 bonus can be changed. Note that value for
# plus_one must always be higher than value for plus_two.
# rows:
#  plus_two plus_one
n_spies_bonus plus_two = 5;
n_spies_bonus plus_one = 10;
# Attacker and defender each get a random bonus of 1 - value. Format:
#  spy_random_bonus <modifier> = <value>;
# where modifier is one of:
#  attacker defender
spy_random_bonus attacker = 100;
spy_random_bonus defender = 100;
# If attacker's random roll hits set value, then attacker gets a steal/sabotage
# regardless of attacker and defender other spy bonuses. Format:
#  spy_roll_random_success <modifier> = <value>;
# where modifier is one of:
#  steal sabotage
spy_roll_random_success    steal = 100;
spy_roll_random_success sabotage = 100;
# Success if outcome of spyroll is higher than threshold value.
#  spy_roll_success_threshold <modifier> = <value>;
# where modifier is one of:
#  steal steal_and_frame sabotage sabotage_and_frame
spy_roll_success_threshold              steal = 80;
spy_roll_success_threshold    steal_and_frame = 90;
spy_roll_success_threshold           sabotage = 70;
spy_roll_success_threshold sabotage_and_frame = 90;
# Specify what spies can steal:
#  except_current_field -- anything but techs from field currently being researched (default, classic)
#  except_current_tech  -- anything but tech currently being researched
#  anything             -- anything
steal_mode = except_current_field;
# If 0, (classic, default), spies can only frame opponents in contact who do not have the stolen technology.
# If 1, spies can frame any opponent in contact regardless if they have the tech or not.
spies_can_frame_anyone = 0;
# ============================= #
# --    BUILDINGS & UNITS    -- #
# ============================= #
# Buildings table. Format:
#  building <building-name> <property-name> = <property-value>;
# building-name may be one of:
#  alien_control_center armor_barracks artemis_system_net astro_university
#  atmosphere_renewer autolab automated_factory battlestation capitol
#  cloning_center colony_base deep_core_mine core_waste_dump dimensional_portal
#  biospheres food_replicators gaia_transformation currency_exchange
#  galactic_cybernet holo_simulator hydroponic_farm marine_barracks
#  barrier_shield flux_shield gravity_generator missile_base ground_batteries
#  radiation_shield stock_exchange supercomputer pleasure_dome
#  pollution_processor recyclotron robotic_factory research_lab robo_miner_plant
#  soil_enrichment space_academy spaceport star_base star_fortress
#  stellar_converter subterranean_farms terraforming warp_interdictor
#  weather_controller fighter_garrison artificial_planet
# property-name may be one of:
#  id tech_id cost maintenance group
#                                                         group
#                                    tech_id   maintenance    |
#                                  id      |    cost     |    |
#                                   ▼      ▼       ▼     ▼    ▼
building alien_control_center =     1      5      60     1    4;
building       armor_barracks =     2     14     150     2    0;
building   artemis_system_net =     3     15    1000     5    7;
building     astro_university =     4     18     200     4    1;
building   atmosphere_renewer =     5     19     150     3    2;
building              autolab =     6     21     200     3    1;
building    automated_factory =     7     22      60     1    3;
building        battlestation =     8     27    1000     3    7;
building              capitol =     9     32     200     0    1;
building       cloning_center =    10     39     100     2    0;
building          colony_base =    11     40     200     0    0;
building       deep_core_mine =    12     49     250     3    0;
building      core_waste_dump =    13     50     200     8    0;
building   dimensional_portal =    14     52     500     2    7;
building           biospheres =    15     61      60     1    3;
building     food_replicators =    16     68     200    10    1;
building  gaia_transformation =    17     74     500     0    1;
building    currency_exchange =    18     75     250     3    5;
building    galactic_cybernet =    19     76     250     3    5;
building       holo_simulator =    20     86     120     1    3;
building      hydroponic_farm =    21     87      60     2    0;
building      marine_barracks =    22    103      60     1    0;
building       barrier_shield =    23    129     500     5    2;
building          flux_shield =    24    130     200     3    1;
building    gravity_generator =    25    131     120     2    1;
building         missile_base =    26    132     120     2    2;
building     ground_batteries =    27    133     200     2    2;
building     radiation_shield =    28    134      80     1    0;
building       stock_exchange =    29    135     150     2    1;
building        supercomputer =    30    136     150     2    2;
building        pleasure_dome =    31    141     250     3    0;
building  pollution_processor =    32    142      80     1    0;
building          recyclotron =    33    152     200     3    1;
building      robotic_factory =    34    154     200     3    1;
building         research_lab =    35    155      60     1    0;
building     robo_miner_plant =    36    156     150     2    3;
building      soil_enrichment =    37    162     120     0    0;
building        space_academy =    38    163     100     2    1;
building            spaceport =    39    164      80     1    0;
building            star_base =    40    168     400     2    7;
building        star_fortress =    41    169    2500     4    7;
building    stellar_converter =    42    174    1000     6    0;
building   subterranean_farms =    43    178     150     4    0;
building         terraforming =    44    183     250     0    0;
building     warp_interdictor =    45    197     300     3    0;
building   weather_controller =    46    198     200     3    0;
building     fighter_garrison =    47     67     150     2    0;
building    artificial_planet =    48     16     800     0    0;
# Cost of landing ships. Format:
#  lander_ship_cost <ship> = <value>;
# where ship is one of:
#  colony_ship outpost_ship transport_ship
# Defaults to 500, 100, 100 as in classic game.
lander_ship_cost    colony_ship = 500;
lander_ship_cost   outpost_ship = 100;
lander_ship_cost transport_ship = 100;
# Assorted costs, maximum value is 32767, items:
#  freighters android_farmer android_worker android_scientist spy
#  terraforming_step
misc_costs        freighters = 50;
misc_costs    android_farmer = 50;
misc_costs    android_worker = 50;
misc_costs android_scientist = 50;
misc_costs               spy = 100;
misc_costs terraforming_step = 250;
# ======================================================= #
# ======================================================= #
# Command points values.
# Format: command_points <modifier> = <value>;
# where modifier is one of:
#  starting star_base battlestation star_fortress tachyon_communications
#  sub_space_communications hyperspace_communications warlord_planet
# Defaults to classic game values.
command_points                  starting = 5;
command_points                 star_base = 1;
command_points             battlestation = 2;
command_points             star_fortress = 3;
command_points    tachyon_communications = 1;
command_points  sub_space_communications = 2;
command_points hyperspace_communications = 3;
command_points            warlord_planet = 2;
# Command points usage per ship class.
# Format: ship_command_points_usage <size-class> = <bonus>;
# size-class is one of:
#  frigate destroyer cruiser battleship titan doomstar
# Defaults are 1 2 3 4 5 6 as in classic game (Lander ships are of frigate class).
ship_command_points_usage    frigate = 1;
ship_command_points_usage  destroyer = 2;
ship_command_points_usage    cruiser = 3;
ship_command_points_usage battleship = 4;
ship_command_points_usage      titan = 5;
ship_command_points_usage   doomstar = 6;
# Size class of lander ships. Default is 0 (frigate, classic).
landers_size_class = frigate;
# Ship communication range from a satellite, allowing a fleet to receive orders.
# rows:
#  tachyon_communications sub_space_communications
ship_communication_range   tachyon_communications = 3;
ship_communication_range sub_space_communications = 6;
# Overmap scan bonuses for scanners and satellites. Note that
# Battle Scanner and Scout Lab only works on ships, not on bases.
# Format:
#  scan_bonus <modifier> = <value>;
# where modifier is one of:
#  battle_scanner scout_lab star_base battlestation star_fortress no_scanner
#  space_scanner tachyon_scanner neutron_scanner sensors
# Defaults to classic game values.
scan_bonus  battle_scanner = 2;
scan_bonus       scout_lab = 0;
scan_bonus       star_base = 2;
scan_bonus   battlestation = 4;
scan_bonus   star_fortress = 6;
scan_bonus      no_scanner = 2;
scan_bonus   space_scanner = 2;
scan_bonus tachyon_scanner = 4;
scan_bonus neutron_scanner = 6;
scan_bonus         sensors = 9;
# Overmap stealth range bonus. Format:
#  stealth_bonus <modifier> = <value>;
# where modifier is one of:
#  stealthy_ships stealth_field cloaking_device phasing_cloak
# Defaults to 500 for every bonus (classic).
stealth_bonus  stealthy_ships = 500;
stealth_bonus   stealth_field = 500;
stealth_bonus cloaking_device = 500;
stealth_bonus   phasing_cloak = 500;
# Defines to which stealth type the (detection) size penalty does not apply:
#   none      - size penalty applies to stealthy races and stealth techs.
#   race      - no size penalty for stealthy races.
#   race_tech - no size penalty for stealthy races and stealth tech (v1.40 default).
stealth_no_size_penalty = race_tech;
# If 0, stealthy AI races will never use stealth field tech; if 1, they can (for mods).
stealthy_race_uses_stealth_field = 0;
# Equip landing ships with best stealth device. Format:
#  lander_ship_uses_stealth <ship> = <value>;
# where ship is one of:
#  colony_ship outpost_ship transport_ship
# Defaults to 0 for every ship as in classic game.
lander_ship_uses_stealth    colony_ship = 0;
lander_ship_uses_stealth   outpost_ship = 0;
lander_ship_uses_stealth transport_ship = 0;
# ======================== #
# --    COMBAT RULES    -- #
# ======================== #
# Maximum duration of combat. Default is 50 turns. Maximum is 127 turns.
max_combat_turns = 50;
# If 2, turn order is based on current ship initiative, not on initiative at
# turn beginning as in classic. Wait can only be used once per ship per turn.
# Post-wait ships move in reverse order, from lowest initiative to highest.
# Previously known as strict_combat_sequencing.
# If 1, classic ship initiative is enabled.
# If 0, ship initiative is off.
# if -1 (default), in-game ship initiative setting applies (game settings).
# Note that 0,1,2 force-enable the option regardless of the Ship Initiative
# setting in the in-game Game/Settings menu.
ship_initiative = -1;
# Movement points lost each time ship waits, default is 0 (classic).
wait_movement_cost = 0;
# If 1, Interactive Combat Stats (ICS) is enabled.
# ICS causes ship stats to update *within* the turn, as soon as
# any event affecting them occurs. Note that with ICS enabled,
# each ship's initiative rating can also change during the turn,
# affecting ship ordering instantly.
# Refer to the 1.50 Manual for more information about ICS.
# If 0, new mechanic is not used (default).
interactive_combat_stats = 0;
# Parameter for games with ship initiative ON.
# If ship initiative is OFF, Defensive fire is always on (as in classic)
# regardless of the setting in this parameter.
# If 1, standard mount beams can fire automatically as a defense measure
# against approaching ships.
# If 0, defensive fire is turned off (default).
defensive_fire = 0;
# Maximum range at which Defensive Fire is active. Default is 8 (24 squares).
defensive_fire_max_range = 8;
# If 1, alternate DF option is enabled, using static values instead of DFR.
# If 0 (default), classic DFR formula is used.
alternate_defensive_fire = 0;
# Probability of DF trigger for alternate_DF option for a given range.
# Note: amount of rolls is per square, not per range, so actual chance
# to not trigger a shot for a ship trying to pass through a range set
# to 90% chance is approximately 1/1000, not 1/10.
alternate_defensive_fire_range r1 = 100;
alternate_defensive_fire_range r2 = 95;
alternate_defensive_fire_range r3 = 90;
alternate_defensive_fire_range r4 = 80;
alternate_defensive_fire_range r5 = 70;
alternate_defensive_fire_range r6 = 50;
alternate_defensive_fire_range r7 = 30;
alternate_defensive_fire_range r8 = 10;
# If 1, on AUTO, combat ships that have no weapons or are out of ammo do not retreat from combat.
# If 0, they do retreat (default, classic).
combat_ships_without_ammo_stay = 0;
# If 1, on AUTO a human player fleet can retreat according same rules of AI.
# If 0, human player fleet never retreats on AUTO combat (classic, default).
human_player_fleet_auto_retreat = 0;
# If 0, (default, classic), bombardment cannot destroy the Capitol. It is an indestructible building.
# If 1, bombardment can destroy the Capitol. It is treated as a regular building.
capitol_can_be_bombed = 0;
# ====================================== #
# ====================================== #
# Miscellaneous ground defenses properties. Defaults are classic except battery space,
# where Hv increased from 225 to 338 and PD from 75 to 112, compensating for arc cost
# change from 0 to +50% in version 1.50. Fighter Garrison slots maximum setting is 3,
# setting a higher value causes bugs. Garrison's default ammo is 1 with 10 turns
# replacement time (classic). Format:
#  ground_defense <property> = <value>;
# where property is one of:
#  missile_base_space missile_base_ammo garrison_slots garrison_interceptors
#  garrison_bombers garrison_heavy_fighters garrison_ammo
#  garrison_turns_to_replace battery_hv_space battery_pd_space stellar_amount
ground_defense        missile_base_space = 300;
ground_defense         missile_base_ammo = 125;
ground_defense            garrison_slots = 2;
ground_defense     garrison_interceptors = 5;
ground_defense          garrison_bombers = 3;
ground_defense   garrison_heavy_fighters = 2;
ground_defense             garrison_ammo = 1;
ground_defense garrison_turns_to_replace = 10;
ground_defense          battery_hv_space = 338;
ground_defense          battery_pd_space = 112;
ground_defense            stellar_amount = 1;
# Structure of each ground defense building is multiplied by value/100, where
# value can be max 10000. Default is 100, for 100 structure points at titanium
# armor level.
ground_defense_armor_multiplier = 100;
# Hit points per armor type of a civilian structure or
# a population unit during bombardment.
# armor types are:
#  no_armor titanium tritanium zortrium neutronium adamantium xentronium
# Default is 100 hp regardless of armor (classic).
civilian_armor   no_armor = 100;
civilian_armor   titanium = 100;
civilian_armor  tritanium = 100;
civilian_armor   zortrium = 100;
civilian_armor neutronium = 100;
civilian_armor adamantium = 100;
civilian_armor xentronium = 100;
# Planetary shields table.
# rows:
#  planetary_radiation_shield planetary_flux_shield planetary_barrier_shield
# columns:
#  col1 col2 col3
#                                               col1 col2  col3
#                                                  ▼    ▼     ▼
planetary_shield planetary_radiation_shield =    134    0     5;
planetary_shield      planetary_flux_shield =    130    0    10;
planetary_shield   planetary_barrier_shield =    129    0    20;
# If 0, (classic, default), only Barrier Shield blocks bioweapons.
# If 1, all planetary shields block bioweapons.
all_planet_shields_block_bioweapons = 0;
# If 1, planetary defensive buildings are equipped with damper field instead of regular shields,
# if player possess that technology. Planetary shield is applied prior damper's reduction.
# damper field doesn't reduce the damage when there are no defensive buildings left (similar
# to regular shields), so civilian structures and colonists are not protected by it.
# If 0 (default), no damper field will be used on a planets (classic).
planet_damper = 0;
# If 1, planet will get achilles targeting unit if the tech is known.
# If 0 (default, classic), atu is not used on planet.
planet_achilles = 0;
# If 1, planet will get structural analyzer if the tech is known.
# If 0 (default, classic), analyzer is not used on planet.
planet_analyzer = 0;
# If 1, planet will get high energy focus if the tech is known.
# If 0 (default, classic), hef is not used on planet.
planet_hef = 0;
# If 1, planet will get rangemaster unit if the tech is known.
# If 0 (default, classic), rmu is not used on planet.
planet_rangemaster = 0;
#                                         _________tactical_______    _________strategic_________
#                      COST  SPACE  MAR   ARM   STR  CMP  DRV   SH    b    m   s    b    bd    hp
# Hull properties table (the above header is for extract.cfg). Format:
#  hull <hull-name> <property-name> = <property-value>;
# hull-name may be one of:
#  frigate destroyer cruiser battleship titan doomstar star_base battlestation
#  star_fortress
# property-name may be one of:
#  cost size marines armor_hp structure_hp computer_hp drive_hp shield_hp
#  strat_beam strat_missile strat_special strat_bomb strat_def_bonus strat_hits
hull       frigate            cost = 20;
hull       frigate            size = 25;
hull       frigate         marines = 5;
hull       frigate        armor_hp = 4;
hull       frigate    structure_hp = 4;
hull       frigate     computer_hp = 1;
hull       frigate        drive_hp = 2;
hull       frigate       shield_hp = 1;
hull       frigate      strat_beam = 1;
hull       frigate   strat_missile = 0;
hull       frigate   strat_special = 0;
hull       frigate      strat_bomb = 0;
hull       frigate strat_def_bonus = 50;
hull       frigate      strat_hits = 4;
hull     destroyer            cost = 70;
hull     destroyer            size = 60;
hull     destroyer         marines = 8;
hull     destroyer        armor_hp = 10;
hull     destroyer    structure_hp = 10;
hull     destroyer     computer_hp = 2;
hull     destroyer        drive_hp = 5;
hull     destroyer       shield_hp = 2;
hull     destroyer      strat_beam = 2;
hull     destroyer   strat_missile = 0;
hull     destroyer   strat_special = 0;
hull     destroyer      strat_bomb = 0;
hull     destroyer strat_def_bonus = 40;
hull     destroyer      strat_hits = 15;
hull       cruiser            cost = 250;
hull       cruiser            size = 120;
hull       cruiser         marines = 12;
hull       cruiser        armor_hp = 30;
hull       cruiser    structure_hp = 30;
hull       cruiser     computer_hp = 5;
hull       cruiser        drive_hp = 10;
hull       cruiser       shield_hp = 6;
hull       cruiser      strat_beam = 2;
hull       cruiser   strat_missile = 1;
hull       cruiser   strat_special = 0;
hull       cruiser      strat_bomb = 2;
hull       cruiser strat_def_bonus = 30;
hull       cruiser      strat_hits = 25;
hull    battleship            cost = 600;
hull    battleship            size = 250;
hull    battleship         marines = 20;
hull    battleship        armor_hp = 50;
hull    battleship    structure_hp = 50;
hull    battleship     computer_hp = 7;
hull    battleship        drive_hp = 15;
hull    battleship       shield_hp = 7;
hull    battleship      strat_beam = 4;
hull    battleship   strat_missile = 2;
hull    battleship   strat_special = 1;
hull    battleship      strat_bomb = 5;
hull    battleship strat_def_bonus = 25;
hull    battleship      strat_hits = 40;
hull         titan            cost = 1500;
hull         titan            size = 500;
hull         titan         marines = 30;
hull         titan        armor_hp = 80;
hull         titan    structure_hp = 80;
hull         titan     computer_hp = 10;
hull         titan        drive_hp = 20;
hull         titan       shield_hp = 10;
hull         titan      strat_beam = 6;
hull         titan   strat_missile = 4;
hull         titan   strat_special = 3;
hull         titan      strat_bomb = 10;
hull         titan strat_def_bonus = 20;
hull         titan      strat_hits = 80;
hull      doomstar            cost = 4000;
hull      doomstar            size = 1200;
hull      doomstar         marines = 50;
hull      doomstar        armor_hp = 150;
hull      doomstar    structure_hp = 150;
hull      doomstar     computer_hp = 20;
hull      doomstar        drive_hp = 40;
hull      doomstar       shield_hp = 20;
hull      doomstar      strat_beam = 10;
hull      doomstar   strat_missile = 10;
hull      doomstar   strat_special = 5;
hull      doomstar      strat_bomb = 25;
hull      doomstar strat_def_bonus = 15;
hull      doomstar      strat_hits = 300;
hull     star_base            cost = 400;
hull     star_base            size = 400;
hull     star_base         marines = 20;
hull     star_base        armor_hp = 60;
hull     star_base    structure_hp = 60;
hull     star_base     computer_hp = 10;
hull     star_base        drive_hp = 0;
hull     star_base       shield_hp = 15;
hull     star_base      strat_beam = 3;
hull     star_base   strat_missile = 3;
hull     star_base   strat_special = 0;
hull     star_base      strat_bomb = 0;
hull     star_base strat_def_bonus = -10;
hull     star_base      strat_hits = 100;
hull battlestation            cost = 1000;
hull battlestation            size = 800;
hull battlestation         marines = 40;
hull battlestation        armor_hp = 90;
hull battlestation    structure_hp = 90;
hull battlestation     computer_hp = 15;
hull battlestation        drive_hp = 0;
hull battlestation       shield_hp = 20;
hull battlestation      strat_beam = 6;
hull battlestation   strat_missile = 6;
hull battlestation   strat_special = 0;
hull battlestation      strat_bomb = 0;
hull battlestation strat_def_bonus = -10;
hull battlestation      strat_hits = 200;
hull star_fortress            cost = 2500;
hull star_fortress            size = 1600;
hull star_fortress         marines = 80;
hull star_fortress        armor_hp = 120;
hull star_fortress    structure_hp = 120;
hull star_fortress     computer_hp = 20;
hull star_fortress        drive_hp = 0;
hull star_fortress       shield_hp = 30;
hull star_fortress      strat_beam = 10;
hull star_fortress   strat_missile = 10;
hull star_fortress   strat_special = 0;
hull star_fortress      strat_bomb = 0;
hull star_fortress strat_def_bonus = -10;
hull star_fortress      strat_hits = 500;
# If 0, racial defense bonus is not applied to satellites and planetary bases (default, classic).
satellite_racial_defense_bonus = 0;
# If 1, Warlord has satellite and planet crew level increased by 1.
# If 0 (classic, default), satellites and planets crew level is unaffected.
satellite_warlord_bonus = 0;
# If 1, a star base, battlestation or star fortress (satellite) that has been
# captured in battle remains as a colony building if that colony is captured
# right after the battle.
# If 0 (default), the satellite will be destroyed like in classic.
satellite_capture = 0;
# If 1, star base size class is 3 (battleship size class), battlestation is 4,
# star fortress and Antaran fortress are size class 5. This affects satellite
# specials size, as well as damage inflicted by Pulsars and Gyro's. Also star
# base will use 3x3 space on the battle map instead of 2x2.
# If 0 (default, classic), star base size class is 2 (cruiser size class).
satellite_size_class_plus_one = 0;
# Orbital and ground installations range bonus in 3-square range units. Default is 0 (classic).
defensive_range_bonus = 0;
# If 1, satellites and missile base can be armed with torpedoes.
# Default is 0 (classic).
satellite_uses_torpedoes = 0;
# Satellite ammo basis for calculating amount of missiles in allocated missile space.
# Default is 20 (classic).
satellite_ammo_basis = 20;
# Missile Base ammo basis for calculating amount of missiles in allocated missile space.
# Default is 5 (classic).
missile_base_ammo_basis = 5;
# Satellite space allocation values for the 3 beam weapon mounts and missiles.
# Format: satellite_space_allocation <modifier> = <value>;
# where modifier is one of:
#  heavy normal pd missile_torp
# Defaults to classic game values.
satellite_space_allocation        heavy = 26;
satellite_space_allocation       normal = 13;
satellite_space_allocation           pd = 12;
satellite_space_allocation missile_torp = 49;
#        special slot 0 is heavy armor and cannot be changed with config.
# Star Base specials priority list.
# A combat satellite has a maximum of 8 special systems. Slot 0 is reserved for
# Heavy Armor which is always fitted if known. Other specials are fitted in order
# of ranking in this list. So if all techs are known, Heavy Armor + specials 1-4,
# 5a, 6a and 7 are used. Specials are not mutually exclusive, except for slots
# 5a-5c and 6a-6c. Example: If you place ECM Jammer in slot 1, and Multi-Wave ECM
# Jammer in slot 2, both are fitted if known, but their bonuses do not stack!
# Of slots 5a-5c and 6a-6c, only the highest known special will be fitted.
# (a before b and c, b before c)
# columns:
#  slot_1 slot_2 slot_3 slot_4 slot_5a slot_5b slot_5c slot_6a slot_6b slot_6c
#  slot_7 slot_8 slot_9 slot_10 slot_11 slot_12 slot_13 slot_14
# Special names:
#  no_special achilles_targeting_unit augmented_engines automated_repair_unit
#  battle_pods battle_scanner cloaking_device damper_field displacement_device
#  ecm_jammer energy_absorber extended_fuel_tanks fast_missile_racks
#  hard_shields heavy_armor high_energy_focus hyper_x_capacitors
#  inertial_nullifier inertial_stabilizer lightning_field multi_phased_shields
#  multi_wave_ecm_jammer phase_shifter phasing_cloak quantum_detonator
#  rangemaster_unit reflection_field reinforced_hull scout_lab security_stations
#  shield_capacitor stealth_field structural_analyzer sub_space_teleporter
#  time_warp_facilitator transporters troop_pods warp_dissipator
#  wide_area_jammer regeneration
starbase_special  slot_1 = reinforced_hull;
starbase_special  slot_2 = shield_capacitor;
starbase_special  slot_3 = hard_shields;
starbase_special  slot_4 = multi_phased_shields;
starbase_special slot_5a = wide_area_jammer;
starbase_special slot_5b = multi_wave_ecm_jammer;
starbase_special slot_5c = ecm_jammer;
starbase_special slot_6a = warp_dissipator;
starbase_special slot_6b = warp_dissipator;
starbase_special slot_6c = warp_dissipator;
starbase_special  slot_7 = security_stations;
starbase_special  slot_8 = battle_scanner;
starbase_special  slot_9 = high_energy_focus;
starbase_special slot_10 = structural_analyzer;
starbase_special slot_11 = achilles_targeting_unit;
starbase_special slot_12 = rangemaster_unit;
starbase_special slot_13 = transporters;
starbase_special slot_14 = transporters;
# Reinforced Hull Multiplier for combat satellites.
# rows:
#  regular_satellites antaran_fortress
reinforced_hull_multiplier regular_satellites = 3;
reinforced_hull_multiplier   antaran_fortress = 3;
# If an enemy ship sets-off the net, it gets hit by a certain number of mines.
# Each mine inflicts single_hit_damage less shields. Formula for total number
# of mines is (minimum_total_damage + random_total_damage) / counter.
# Each ship has chance to set-off these mines based on its size-class.
# To ensure consistent behaviour of Artemis, counter and single_hit_damage need
# to be the same, and total damage should be a multiple of them. (Not the case
# in classic and Artemis does 160-560 instead of advertised 150-550 damage!)
# Set inherent_mod_flag to 32 to turn on the ESD mod.
# rows:
#  random_total_damage minimum_total_damage counter single_hit_damage
#  inherent_mod_flag percent_to_hit_frigate percent_to_hit_destroyer
#  percent_to_hit_cruiser percent_to_hit_battleship percent_to_hit_titan
#  percent_to_hit_doomstar
artemis_system_net       random_total_damage = 401;
artemis_system_net      minimum_total_damage = 149;
artemis_system_net                   counter = 20;
artemis_system_net         single_hit_damage = 20;
artemis_system_net         inherent_mod_flag = 0;
artemis_system_net    percent_to_hit_frigate = 20;
artemis_system_net  percent_to_hit_destroyer = 30;
artemis_system_net    percent_to_hit_cruiser = 40;
artemis_system_net percent_to_hit_battleship = 50;
artemis_system_net      percent_to_hit_titan = 80;
artemis_system_net   percent_to_hit_doomstar = 100;
# Warp Interdictor range. Default is 8100 for 3 parsecs range.
warp_interdictor_range = 8100;
# Jump Gate speed bonus.
jump_gate_speed_bonus = 3;
# If 1, jump gate travelling fleets are unaffected by nebulae.
# If 0 (default, classic), nebulae reduce speed (while Black holes are passable).
jump_gate_pass_nebula = 0;
# ============================= #
# --    SHIP CORE SYSTEMS    -- #
# ============================= #
# rows:
#  standard_fuel_cells deuterium_fuel_cells iridium_fuel_cells
#  uridium_fuel_cells thorium_fuel_cells
# columns:
#  range
#                                  range
#                                      ▼
fuel_cells  standard_fuel_cells =      4;
fuel_cells deuterium_fuel_cells =      6;
fuel_cells   iridium_fuel_cells =      9;
fuel_cells   uridium_fuel_cells =     12;
fuel_cells   thorium_fuel_cells =    255;
#                           ________space________   _________cost________   _________speed_full________   ________speed_empty________
# Drives table (the above header is for extract.cfg).
# rows:
#  nuclear_drive fusion_drive ion_drive anti_matter_drive hyper_drive
#  interphased_drive
# columns:
#  ff_s dd_s ca_s bb_s tt_s ds_s ff_c dd_c ca_c bb_c tt_c ds_c ff_min dd_min
#  ca_min bb_min tt_min ds_min ff_max dd_max ca_max bb_max tt_max ds_max
#  warp_speed
drive     nuclear_drive       ff_s = 0;
drive     nuclear_drive       dd_s = 0;
drive     nuclear_drive       ca_s = 0;
drive     nuclear_drive       bb_s = 0;
drive     nuclear_drive       tt_s = 0;
drive     nuclear_drive       ds_s = 0;
drive     nuclear_drive       ff_c = 0;
drive     nuclear_drive       dd_c = 0;
drive     nuclear_drive       ca_c = 0;
drive     nuclear_drive       bb_c = 0;
drive     nuclear_drive       tt_c = 0;
drive     nuclear_drive       ds_c = 0;
drive     nuclear_drive     ff_min = 10;
drive     nuclear_drive     dd_min = 8;
drive     nuclear_drive     ca_min = 6;
drive     nuclear_drive     bb_min = 5;
drive     nuclear_drive     tt_min = 4;
drive     nuclear_drive     ds_min = 3;
drive     nuclear_drive     ff_max = 20;
drive     nuclear_drive     dd_max = 18;
drive     nuclear_drive     ca_max = 16;
drive     nuclear_drive     bb_max = 15;
drive     nuclear_drive     tt_max = 14;
drive     nuclear_drive     ds_max = 13;
drive     nuclear_drive warp_speed = 2;
drive      fusion_drive       ff_s = 0;
drive      fusion_drive       dd_s = 0;
drive      fusion_drive       ca_s = 0;
drive      fusion_drive       bb_s = 0;
drive      fusion_drive       tt_s = 0;
drive      fusion_drive       ds_s = 0;
drive      fusion_drive       ff_c = 0;
drive      fusion_drive       dd_c = 0;
drive      fusion_drive       ca_c = 0;
drive      fusion_drive       bb_c = 0;
drive      fusion_drive       tt_c = 0;
drive      fusion_drive       ds_c = 0;
drive      fusion_drive     ff_min = 12;
drive      fusion_drive     dd_min = 10;
drive      fusion_drive     ca_min = 8;
drive      fusion_drive     bb_min = 7;
drive      fusion_drive     tt_min = 6;
drive      fusion_drive     ds_min = 5;
drive      fusion_drive     ff_max = 22;
drive      fusion_drive     dd_max = 20;
drive      fusion_drive     ca_max = 18;
drive      fusion_drive     bb_max = 17;
drive      fusion_drive     tt_max = 16;
drive      fusion_drive     ds_max = 15;
drive      fusion_drive warp_speed = 3;
drive         ion_drive       ff_s = 0;
drive         ion_drive       dd_s = 0;
drive         ion_drive       ca_s = 0;
drive         ion_drive       bb_s = 0;
drive         ion_drive       tt_s = 0;
drive         ion_drive       ds_s = 0;
drive         ion_drive       ff_c = 0;
drive         ion_drive       dd_c = 0;
drive         ion_drive       ca_c = 0;
drive         ion_drive       bb_c = 0;
drive         ion_drive       tt_c = 0;
drive         ion_drive       ds_c = 0;
drive         ion_drive     ff_min = 14;
drive         ion_drive     dd_min = 12;
drive         ion_drive     ca_min = 10;
drive         ion_drive     bb_min = 9;
drive         ion_drive     tt_min = 8;
drive         ion_drive     ds_min = 7;
drive         ion_drive     ff_max = 24;
drive         ion_drive     dd_max = 22;
drive         ion_drive     ca_max = 20;
drive         ion_drive     bb_max = 19;
drive         ion_drive     tt_max = 18;
drive         ion_drive     ds_max = 17;
drive         ion_drive warp_speed = 4;
drive anti_matter_drive       ff_s = 0;
drive anti_matter_drive       dd_s = 0;
drive anti_matter_drive       ca_s = 0;
drive anti_matter_drive       bb_s = 0;
drive anti_matter_drive       tt_s = 0;
drive anti_matter_drive       ds_s = 0;
drive anti_matter_drive       ff_c = 0;
drive anti_matter_drive       dd_c = 0;
drive anti_matter_drive       ca_c = 0;
drive anti_matter_drive       bb_c = 0;
drive anti_matter_drive       tt_c = 0;
drive anti_matter_drive       ds_c = 0;
drive anti_matter_drive     ff_min = 16;
drive anti_matter_drive     dd_min = 14;
drive anti_matter_drive     ca_min = 12;
drive anti_matter_drive     bb_min = 11;
drive anti_matter_drive     tt_min = 10;
drive anti_matter_drive     ds_min = 9;
drive anti_matter_drive     ff_max = 26;
drive anti_matter_drive     dd_max = 24;
drive anti_matter_drive     ca_max = 22;
drive anti_matter_drive     bb_max = 21;
drive anti_matter_drive     tt_max = 20;
drive anti_matter_drive     ds_max = 19;
drive anti_matter_drive warp_speed = 5;
drive       hyper_drive       ff_s = 0;
drive       hyper_drive       dd_s = 0;
drive       hyper_drive       ca_s = 0;
drive       hyper_drive       bb_s = 0;
drive       hyper_drive       tt_s = 0;
drive       hyper_drive       ds_s = 0;
drive       hyper_drive       ff_c = 0;
drive       hyper_drive       dd_c = 0;
drive       hyper_drive       ca_c = 0;
drive       hyper_drive       bb_c = 0;
drive       hyper_drive       tt_c = 0;
drive       hyper_drive       ds_c = 0;
drive       hyper_drive     ff_min = 18;
drive       hyper_drive     dd_min = 16;
drive       hyper_drive     ca_min = 14;
drive       hyper_drive     bb_min = 13;
drive       hyper_drive     tt_min = 12;
drive       hyper_drive     ds_min = 11;
drive       hyper_drive     ff_max = 28;
drive       hyper_drive     dd_max = 26;
drive       hyper_drive     ca_max = 24;
drive       hyper_drive     bb_max = 23;
drive       hyper_drive     tt_max = 22;
drive       hyper_drive     ds_max = 21;
drive       hyper_drive warp_speed = 6;
drive interphased_drive       ff_s = 0;
drive interphased_drive       dd_s = 0;
drive interphased_drive       ca_s = 0;
drive interphased_drive       bb_s = 0;
drive interphased_drive       tt_s = 0;
drive interphased_drive       ds_s = 0;
drive interphased_drive       ff_c = 0;
drive interphased_drive       dd_c = 0;
drive interphased_drive       ca_c = 0;
drive interphased_drive       bb_c = 0;
drive interphased_drive       tt_c = 0;
drive interphased_drive       ds_c = 0;
drive interphased_drive     ff_min = 20;
drive interphased_drive     dd_min = 18;
drive interphased_drive     ca_min = 16;
drive interphased_drive     bb_min = 15;
drive interphased_drive     tt_min = 14;
drive interphased_drive     ds_min = 13;
drive interphased_drive     ff_max = 30;
drive interphased_drive     dd_max = 28;
drive interphased_drive     ca_max = 26;
drive interphased_drive     bb_max = 25;
drive interphased_drive     tt_max = 24;
drive interphased_drive     ds_max = 23;
drive interphased_drive warp_speed = 7;
# Interstellar travel speed bonus for trans dimensional ships.
td_ftl_bonus = 2;
# Speed bonus for trans dimensional ships and fighter craft (not for missiles or torpedoes).
td_combat_speed_bonus = 4;
# Augmented Engines speed bonus. Default is 5 (classic).
augmented_engines_speed_bonus = 5;
# If 1 (default, classic), Battle Pods speeds up empty ship.
# If 0, it does not.
battle_pods_speed_bonus = 1;
# Sets the minimum combat speed of a ship, excluding Augmented Engines.
# Controls the maximum overload possible with battle_pods_speed_bonus = 0.
# If the minimum combat speed of a given ship hull at a given drive is less
# than this minimum, then that speed is used instead.
# Example: Set to 5, it will prevent overloaded Nuclear Drive frigate with
# the minimum speed of 10 to become slower than 5, while a Nuclear Drive
# doomstar with minimum speed of 3 cannot become slower than 3, even though
# it can become slower than 5 still. Default is 255 (no overload is possible).
minimum_combat_speed = 255;
# If 1 (default, classic), engine explodes when destroyed.
# If 0, it does not explode.
broken_engine_explodes = 1;
# exploding_ship_damage_base_drive_multiplier
exploding_ship_damage_base_drive_multiplier = 5;
# exploding_ship_damage_quantum_detonator_multiplier
exploding_ship_damage_quantum_detonator_multiplier = 3;
# ARMOR TABLE. Ships_bonus also applies to fighters. In strategic
# games, ships do not have armor/structure, but only hit points (hp).
# rows:
#  titanium tritanium zortrium neutronium adamantium xentronium
# columns:
#  troops_bonus ships_bonus cost%
#                              cost%
#                   ships_bonus    |
#           troops_bonus      |    |
#                      ▼      ▼    ▼
armor   titanium =     5      0    0;
armor  tritanium =    10    100    0;
armor   zortrium =    15    300    0;
armor neutronium =    20    500    0;
armor adamantium =    25    700    0;
armor xentronium =    30    900    0;
#                           ____________space___________   ___________cost___________
# SHIELDS TABLE (the above header is for extract.cfg).
# rows:
#  class_i_shield class_iii_shield class_v_shield class_vii_shield
#  class_x_shield
# columns:
#  space_ff space_dd space_ca space_bb space_tt space_ds cost_ff cost_dd cost_ca
#  cost_bb cost_tt cost_ds shield_class
shield   class_i_shield     space_ff = 5;
shield   class_i_shield     space_dd = 10;
shield   class_i_shield     space_ca = 20;
shield   class_i_shield     space_bb = 50;
shield   class_i_shield     space_tt = 100;
shield   class_i_shield     space_ds = 200;
shield   class_i_shield      cost_ff = 3;
shield   class_i_shield      cost_dd = 5;
shield   class_i_shield      cost_ca = 10;
shield   class_i_shield      cost_bb = 25;
shield   class_i_shield      cost_tt = 50;
shield   class_i_shield      cost_ds = 100;
shield   class_i_shield shield_class = 1;
shield class_iii_shield     space_ff = 5;
shield class_iii_shield     space_dd = 10;
shield class_iii_shield     space_ca = 20;
shield class_iii_shield     space_bb = 50;
shield class_iii_shield     space_tt = 100;
shield class_iii_shield     space_ds = 200;
shield class_iii_shield      cost_ff = 3;
shield class_iii_shield      cost_dd = 5;
shield class_iii_shield      cost_ca = 10;
shield class_iii_shield      cost_bb = 25;
shield class_iii_shield      cost_tt = 50;
shield class_iii_shield      cost_ds = 100;
shield class_iii_shield shield_class = 3;
shield   class_v_shield     space_ff = 5;
shield   class_v_shield     space_dd = 10;
shield   class_v_shield     space_ca = 20;
shield   class_v_shield     space_bb = 50;
shield   class_v_shield     space_tt = 100;
shield   class_v_shield     space_ds = 200;
shield   class_v_shield      cost_ff = 3;
shield   class_v_shield      cost_dd = 5;
shield   class_v_shield      cost_ca = 10;
shield   class_v_shield      cost_bb = 25;
shield   class_v_shield      cost_tt = 50;
shield   class_v_shield      cost_ds = 100;
shield   class_v_shield shield_class = 5;
shield class_vii_shield     space_ff = 5;
shield class_vii_shield     space_dd = 10;
shield class_vii_shield     space_ca = 20;
shield class_vii_shield     space_bb = 50;
shield class_vii_shield     space_tt = 100;
shield class_vii_shield     space_ds = 200;
shield class_vii_shield      cost_ff = 3;
shield class_vii_shield      cost_dd = 5;
shield class_vii_shield      cost_ca = 10;
shield class_vii_shield      cost_bb = 25;
shield class_vii_shield      cost_tt = 50;
shield class_vii_shield      cost_ds = 100;
shield class_vii_shield shield_class = 7;
shield   class_x_shield     space_ff = 5;
shield   class_x_shield     space_dd = 10;
shield   class_x_shield     space_ca = 20;
shield   class_x_shield     space_bb = 50;
shield   class_x_shield     space_tt = 100;
shield   class_x_shield     space_ds = 200;
shield   class_x_shield      cost_ff = 3;
shield   class_x_shield      cost_dd = 5;
shield   class_x_shield      cost_ca = 10;
shield   class_x_shield      cost_bb = 25;
shield   class_x_shield      cost_tt = 50;
shield   class_x_shield      cost_ds = 100;
shield   class_x_shield shield_class = 10;
# Shield strength multiplier for different hulls. Hulls are:
#  frigate destroyer cruiser battleship titan doomstar star_base battlestation
#  star_fortress
# Defaults to classic 5 * size class or 5 * 7 for doomstars, with satellites
# having assumed size classes from cruiser to titan.
shield_hull_multiplier       frigate = 5;
shield_hull_multiplier     destroyer = 10;
shield_hull_multiplier       cruiser = 15;
shield_hull_multiplier    battleship = 20;
shield_hull_multiplier         titan = 25;
shield_hull_multiplier      doomstar = 35;
shield_hull_multiplier     star_base = 15;
shield_hull_multiplier battlestation = 20;
shield_hull_multiplier star_fortress = 25;
# Shield recharge rates for standard shields and shield capacitor.
# Shields will fully recharge when value is set at 40.
# Lower values result in a partial recharge. Format:
#  shield_recharge_rate <modifier> = <value>;
# where modifier is one of:
#  standard capacitor
shield_recharge_rate  standard = 3;
shield_recharge_rate capacitor = 10;
# Multi-phased shields power bonus percent. Default is 50 (classic).
multi_phased_shields_bonus = 50;
# Hard shields damage reduction. Classic is 3.
hard_shields_damage_reduction = 3;
#                                     _____________cost____________
# Computers beam attack bonus table.
# rows:
#  electronic_computer optronic_computer positronic_computer
#  cybertronic_computer moleculartronic_computer
# columns:
#  cost_ff cost_dd cost_ca cost_bb cost_tt cost_ds bonus
#                                                                 cost_ds
#                                                          cost_tt      |
#                                                   cost_bb      |      |
#                                            cost_ca      |      |      |
#                                      cost_dd     |      |      |      |
#                                cost_ff     |     |      |      |      |  bonus
#                                      ▼     ▼     ▼      ▼      ▼      ▼      ▼
computer      electronic_computer =    5    15    50    125    300    800     25;
computer        optronic_computer =    5    15    50    125    300    800     50;
computer      positronic_computer =    5    15    50    125    300    800     75;
computer     cybertronic_computer =    5    15    50    125    300    800    100;
computer moleculartronic_computer =    5    15    50    125    300    800    125;
# ============================== #
# --    WEAPONS & SPECIALS    -- #
# ============================== #
# Weapons table.
# Changing ammo values might result in bugs.
# Format:
#  weapon <weapon-name> <property-name> = <property-value>;
# weapon-name may be one of:
#  mass_driver gauss_cannon laser_cannon particle_beam fusion_beam
#  ion_pulse_cannon graviton_beam neutron_blaster phasor disrupter death_ray
#  plasma_cannon spatial_compressor nuclear_missile merculite_missile
#  pulson_missile zeon_missile anti_matter_torpedo proton_torpedo plasma_torpedo
#  nuclear_bomb fusion_bomb anti_matter_bomb neutronium_bomb death_spore
#  bio_terminator mauler_device assault_shuttle heavy_fighter bomber interceptor
#  stasis_field anti_missile_rocket gyro_destabilizer plasma_web pulsar
#  black_hole_generator stellar_converter tractor_beam dragon_breath phasor_eye
#  crystal_ray plasma_breath plasma_flux caustic_slime
# property-name may be one of:
#  number tech_id class ammo size cost natural_mods minimum_damage
#  maximum_damage strategic_minimum_damage strategic_maximum_damage
#  available_mods
# natural_mods are:
# sh (anti shield) dr (double range penalty) nr (no range dissipation)
# ion (ignores armor and structure) mar (kills marines) esd (extra structural damage)
# co (continous) bio (biological weapon) sp (ignores shields) env (enveloping)
# hit (always hits) ai1 (AI mark for plasma torpedo) ai2 (AI mark for spatial compressor)
# available_mods are
# hv (heavy mount) pd (point defense) ap (armor piercing) co (continuous)
# nr (no range dissipation) sp (shield piercing) af (auto fire) env (enveloping) mv (MIRV)
# eccm (ECCM) arm (heavily armored) fst (fast) emg (emission guidance) ovr (overloaded)
weapon          mass_driver                   number = 1;
weapon          mass_driver                  tech_id = 104;
weapon          mass_driver                    class = 0;
weapon          mass_driver                     ammo = -1;
weapon          mass_driver                     size = 10;
weapon          mass_driver                     cost = 7;
weapon          mass_driver             natural_mods = nr;
weapon          mass_driver           minimum_damage = 6;
weapon          mass_driver           maximum_damage = 6;
weapon          mass_driver strategic_minimum_damage = 6;
weapon          mass_driver strategic_maximum_damage = 6;
weapon          mass_driver           available_mods = hv,pd,ap,af;
weapon         gauss_cannon                   number = 2;
weapon         gauss_cannon                  tech_id = 78;
weapon         gauss_cannon                    class = 0;
weapon         gauss_cannon                     ammo = -1;
weapon         gauss_cannon                     size = 10;
weapon         gauss_cannon                     cost = 10;
weapon         gauss_cannon             natural_mods = nr;
weapon         gauss_cannon           minimum_damage = 18;
weapon         gauss_cannon           maximum_damage = 18;
weapon         gauss_cannon strategic_minimum_damage = 18;
weapon         gauss_cannon strategic_maximum_damage = 18;
weapon         gauss_cannon           available_mods = hv,ap,af;
weapon         laser_cannon                   number = 3;
weapon         laser_cannon                  tech_id = 100;
weapon         laser_cannon                    class = 0;
weapon         laser_cannon                     ammo = -1;
weapon         laser_cannon                     size = 10;
weapon         laser_cannon                     cost = 5;
weapon         laser_cannon             natural_mods = none;
weapon         laser_cannon           minimum_damage = 1;
weapon         laser_cannon           maximum_damage = 4;
weapon         laser_cannon strategic_minimum_damage = 1;
weapon         laser_cannon strategic_maximum_damage = 4;
weapon         laser_cannon           available_mods = hv,pd,ap,co,nr,af;
weapon        particle_beam                   number = 4;
weapon        particle_beam                  tech_id = 123;
weapon        particle_beam                    class = 0;
weapon        particle_beam                     ammo = -1;
weapon        particle_beam                     size = 15;
weapon        particle_beam                     cost = 35;
weapon        particle_beam             natural_mods = sp;
weapon        particle_beam           minimum_damage = 10;
weapon        particle_beam           maximum_damage = 30;
weapon        particle_beam strategic_minimum_damage = 10;
weapon        particle_beam strategic_maximum_damage = 30;
weapon        particle_beam           available_mods = hv,pd,co;
weapon          fusion_beam                   number = 5;
weapon          fusion_beam                  tech_id = 70;
weapon          fusion_beam                    class = 0;
weapon          fusion_beam                     ammo = -1;
weapon          fusion_beam                     size = 10;
weapon          fusion_beam                     cost = 6;
weapon          fusion_beam             natural_mods = dr;
weapon          fusion_beam           minimum_damage = 2;
weapon          fusion_beam           maximum_damage = 6;
weapon          fusion_beam strategic_minimum_damage = 2;
weapon          fusion_beam strategic_maximum_damage = 6;
weapon          fusion_beam           available_mods = hv,pd,co,env;
weapon     ion_pulse_cannon                   number = 6;
weapon     ion_pulse_cannon                  tech_id = 97;
weapon     ion_pulse_cannon                    class = 0;
weapon     ion_pulse_cannon                     ammo = -1;
weapon     ion_pulse_cannon                     size = 30;
weapon     ion_pulse_cannon                     cost = 15;
weapon     ion_pulse_cannon             natural_mods = ion;
weapon     ion_pulse_cannon           minimum_damage = 2;
weapon     ion_pulse_cannon           maximum_damage = 10;
weapon     ion_pulse_cannon strategic_minimum_damage = 2;
weapon     ion_pulse_cannon strategic_maximum_damage = 10;
weapon     ion_pulse_cannon           available_mods = co,af;
weapon        graviton_beam                   number = 7;
weapon        graviton_beam                  tech_id = 79;
weapon        graviton_beam                    class = 0;
weapon        graviton_beam                     ammo = -1;
weapon        graviton_beam                     size = 15;
weapon        graviton_beam                     cost = 12;
weapon        graviton_beam             natural_mods = esd;
weapon        graviton_beam           minimum_damage = 3;
weapon        graviton_beam           maximum_damage = 15;
weapon        graviton_beam strategic_minimum_damage = 3;
weapon        graviton_beam strategic_maximum_damage = 15;
weapon        graviton_beam           available_mods = hv,co;
weapon      neutron_blaster                   number = 8;
weapon      neutron_blaster                  tech_id = 115;
weapon      neutron_blaster                    class = 0;
weapon      neutron_blaster                     ammo = -1;
weapon      neutron_blaster                     size = 10;
weapon      neutron_blaster                     cost = 8;
weapon      neutron_blaster             natural_mods = mar;
weapon      neutron_blaster           minimum_damage = 3;
weapon      neutron_blaster           maximum_damage = 12;
weapon      neutron_blaster strategic_minimum_damage = 3;
weapon      neutron_blaster strategic_maximum_damage = 12;
weapon      neutron_blaster           available_mods = hv,co;
weapon               phasor                   number = 9;
weapon               phasor                  tech_id = 127;
weapon               phasor                    class = 0;
weapon               phasor                     ammo = -1;
weapon               phasor                     size = 10;
weapon               phasor                     cost = 10;
weapon               phasor             natural_mods = none;
weapon               phasor           minimum_damage = 5;
weapon               phasor           maximum_damage = 20;
weapon               phasor strategic_minimum_damage = 5;
weapon               phasor strategic_maximum_damage = 20;
weapon               phasor           available_mods = hv,pd,co,sp,af;
weapon            disrupter                   number = 10;
weapon            disrupter                  tech_id = 54;
weapon            disrupter                    class = 0;
weapon            disrupter                     ammo = -1;
weapon            disrupter                     size = 20;
weapon            disrupter                     cost = 25;
weapon            disrupter             natural_mods = nr;
weapon            disrupter           minimum_damage = 40;
weapon            disrupter           maximum_damage = 40;
weapon            disrupter strategic_minimum_damage = 40;
weapon            disrupter strategic_maximum_damage = 40;
weapon            disrupter           available_mods = hv,af;
weapon            death_ray                   number = 11;
weapon            death_ray                  tech_id = 47;
weapon            death_ray                    class = 0;
weapon            death_ray                     ammo = -1;
weapon            death_ray                     size = 30;
weapon            death_ray                     cost = 75;
weapon            death_ray             natural_mods = mar,co;
weapon            death_ray           minimum_damage = 50;
weapon            death_ray           maximum_damage = 100;
weapon            death_ray strategic_minimum_damage = 50;
weapon            death_ray strategic_maximum_damage = 100;
weapon            death_ray           available_mods = hv;
weapon        plasma_cannon                   number = 12;
weapon        plasma_cannon                  tech_id = 137;
weapon        plasma_cannon                    class = 0;
weapon        plasma_cannon                     ammo = -1;
weapon        plasma_cannon                     size = 25;
weapon        plasma_cannon                     cost = 15;
weapon        plasma_cannon             natural_mods = dr,env;
weapon        plasma_cannon           minimum_damage = 6;
weapon        plasma_cannon           maximum_damage = 30;
weapon        plasma_cannon strategic_minimum_damage = 6;
weapon        plasma_cannon strategic_maximum_damage = 30;
weapon        plasma_cannon           available_mods = hv,co;
weapon   spatial_compressor                   number = 13;
weapon   spatial_compressor                  tech_id = 165;
weapon   spatial_compressor                    class = 5;
weapon   spatial_compressor                     ammo = -1;
weapon   spatial_compressor                     size = 50;
weapon   spatial_compressor                     cost = 40;
weapon   spatial_compressor             natural_mods = ai2;
weapon   spatial_compressor           minimum_damage = 4;
weapon   spatial_compressor           maximum_damage = 32;
weapon   spatial_compressor strategic_minimum_damage = 5;
weapon   spatial_compressor strategic_maximum_damage = 40;
weapon   spatial_compressor           available_mods = none;
weapon      nuclear_missile                   number = 14;
weapon      nuclear_missile                  tech_id = 121;
weapon      nuclear_missile                    class = 1;
weapon      nuclear_missile                     ammo = 5;
weapon      nuclear_missile                     size = 0;
weapon      nuclear_missile                     cost = 0;
weapon      nuclear_missile             natural_mods = none;
weapon      nuclear_missile           minimum_damage = 8;
weapon      nuclear_missile           maximum_damage = 8;
weapon      nuclear_missile strategic_minimum_damage = 8;
weapon      nuclear_missile strategic_maximum_damage = 8;
weapon      nuclear_missile           available_mods = mv,eccm,arm,fst,emg;
weapon    merculite_missile                   number = 15;
weapon    merculite_missile                  tech_id = 106;
weapon    merculite_missile                    class = 1;
weapon    merculite_missile                     ammo = 5;
weapon    merculite_missile                     size = 0;
weapon    merculite_missile                     cost = 0;
weapon    merculite_missile             natural_mods = none;
weapon    merculite_missile           minimum_damage = 14;
weapon    merculite_missile           maximum_damage = 14;
weapon    merculite_missile strategic_minimum_damage = 14;
weapon    merculite_missile strategic_maximum_damage = 14;
weapon    merculite_missile           available_mods = mv,eccm,arm,fst,emg;
weapon       pulson_missile                   number = 16;
weapon       pulson_missile                  tech_id = 149;
weapon       pulson_missile                    class = 1;
weapon       pulson_missile                     ammo = 5;
weapon       pulson_missile                     size = 0;
weapon       pulson_missile                     cost = 0;
weapon       pulson_missile             natural_mods = none;
weapon       pulson_missile           minimum_damage = 20;
weapon       pulson_missile           maximum_damage = 20;
weapon       pulson_missile strategic_minimum_damage = 20;
weapon       pulson_missile strategic_maximum_damage = 20;
weapon       pulson_missile           available_mods = mv,eccm,arm,fst,emg;
weapon         zeon_missile                   number = 17;
weapon         zeon_missile                  tech_id = 202;
weapon         zeon_missile                    class = 1;
weapon         zeon_missile                     ammo = 5;
weapon         zeon_missile                     size = 0;
weapon         zeon_missile                     cost = 0;
weapon         zeon_missile             natural_mods = none;
weapon         zeon_missile           minimum_damage = 30;
weapon         zeon_missile           maximum_damage = 30;
weapon         zeon_missile strategic_minimum_damage = 30;
weapon         zeon_missile strategic_maximum_damage = 30;
weapon         zeon_missile           available_mods = mv,eccm,arm,fst,emg;
weapon  anti_matter_torpedo                   number = 18;
weapon  anti_matter_torpedo                  tech_id = 12;
weapon  anti_matter_torpedo                    class = 2;
weapon  anti_matter_torpedo                     ammo = 2;
weapon  anti_matter_torpedo                     size = 20;
weapon  anti_matter_torpedo                     cost = 15;
weapon  anti_matter_torpedo             natural_mods = none;
weapon  anti_matter_torpedo           minimum_damage = 25;
weapon  anti_matter_torpedo           maximum_damage = 25;
weapon  anti_matter_torpedo strategic_minimum_damage = 25;
weapon  anti_matter_torpedo strategic_maximum_damage = 25;
weapon  anti_matter_torpedo           available_mods = env,eccm,ovr;
weapon       proton_torpedo                   number = 19;
weapon       proton_torpedo                  tech_id = 146;
weapon       proton_torpedo                    class = 2;
weapon       proton_torpedo                     ammo = 2;
weapon       proton_torpedo                     size = 30;
weapon       proton_torpedo                     cost = 20;
weapon       proton_torpedo             natural_mods = none;
weapon       proton_torpedo           minimum_damage = 40;
weapon       proton_torpedo           maximum_damage = 40;
weapon       proton_torpedo strategic_minimum_damage = 40;
weapon       proton_torpedo strategic_maximum_damage = 40;
weapon       proton_torpedo           available_mods = env,eccm,ovr;
weapon       plasma_torpedo                   number = 20;
weapon       plasma_torpedo                  tech_id = 139;
weapon       plasma_torpedo                    class = 2;
weapon       plasma_torpedo                     ammo = 2;
weapon       plasma_torpedo                     size = 40;
weapon       plasma_torpedo                     cost = 75;
weapon       plasma_torpedo             natural_mods = ai1;
weapon       plasma_torpedo           minimum_damage = 120;
weapon       plasma_torpedo           maximum_damage = 120;
weapon       plasma_torpedo strategic_minimum_damage = 120;
weapon       plasma_torpedo strategic_maximum_damage = 120;
weapon       plasma_torpedo           available_mods = nr,env,eccm,ovr;
weapon         nuclear_bomb                   number = 21;
weapon         nuclear_bomb                  tech_id = 119;
weapon         nuclear_bomb                    class = 3;
weapon         nuclear_bomb                     ammo = 10;
weapon         nuclear_bomb                     size = 5;
weapon         nuclear_bomb                     cost = 3;
weapon         nuclear_bomb             natural_mods = none;
weapon         nuclear_bomb           minimum_damage = 3;
weapon         nuclear_bomb           maximum_damage = 12;
weapon         nuclear_bomb strategic_minimum_damage = 3;
weapon         nuclear_bomb strategic_maximum_damage = 12;
weapon         nuclear_bomb           available_mods = none;
weapon          fusion_bomb                   number = 22;
weapon          fusion_bomb                  tech_id = 71;
weapon          fusion_bomb                    class = 3;
weapon          fusion_bomb                     ammo = 10;
weapon          fusion_bomb                     size = 7;
weapon          fusion_bomb                     cost = 5;
weapon          fusion_bomb             natural_mods = none;
weapon          fusion_bomb           minimum_damage = 4;
weapon          fusion_bomb           maximum_damage = 24;
weapon          fusion_bomb strategic_minimum_damage = 4;
weapon          fusion_bomb strategic_maximum_damage = 24;
weapon          fusion_bomb           available_mods = none;
weapon     anti_matter_bomb                   number = 23;
weapon     anti_matter_bomb                  tech_id = 10;
weapon     anti_matter_bomb                    class = 3;
weapon     anti_matter_bomb                     ammo = 10;
weapon     anti_matter_bomb                     size = 7;
weapon     anti_matter_bomb                     cost = 6;
weapon     anti_matter_bomb             natural_mods = none;
weapon     anti_matter_bomb           minimum_damage = 5;
weapon     anti_matter_bomb           maximum_damage = 40;
weapon     anti_matter_bomb strategic_minimum_damage = 5;
weapon     anti_matter_bomb strategic_maximum_damage = 40;
weapon     anti_matter_bomb           available_mods = none;
weapon      neutronium_bomb                   number = 24;
weapon      neutronium_bomb                  tech_id = 118;
weapon      neutronium_bomb                    class = 3;
weapon      neutronium_bomb                     ammo = 10;
weapon      neutronium_bomb                     size = 10;
weapon      neutronium_bomb                     cost = 9;
weapon      neutronium_bomb             natural_mods = none;
weapon      neutronium_bomb           minimum_damage = 10;
weapon      neutronium_bomb           maximum_damage = 60;
weapon      neutronium_bomb strategic_minimum_damage = 10;
weapon      neutronium_bomb strategic_maximum_damage = 60;
weapon      neutronium_bomb           available_mods = none;
weapon          death_spore                   number = 25;
weapon          death_spore                  tech_id = 48;
weapon          death_spore                    class = 3;
weapon          death_spore                     ammo = 10;
weapon          death_spore                     size = 5;
weapon          death_spore                     cost = 5;
weapon          death_spore             natural_mods = bio;
weapon          death_spore           minimum_damage = 10;
weapon          death_spore           maximum_damage = 10;
weapon          death_spore strategic_minimum_damage = 10;
weapon          death_spore strategic_maximum_damage = 10;
weapon          death_spore           available_mods = none;
weapon       bio_terminator                   number = 26;
weapon       bio_terminator                  tech_id = 28;
weapon       bio_terminator                    class = 3;
weapon       bio_terminator                     ammo = 10;
weapon       bio_terminator                     size = 7;
weapon       bio_terminator                     cost = 8;
weapon       bio_terminator             natural_mods = bio;
weapon       bio_terminator           minimum_damage = 20;
weapon       bio_terminator           maximum_damage = 20;
weapon       bio_terminator strategic_minimum_damage = 20;
weapon       bio_terminator strategic_maximum_damage = 20;
weapon       bio_terminator           available_mods = none;
weapon        mauler_device                   number = 27;
weapon        mauler_device                  tech_id = 105;
weapon        mauler_device                    class = 0;
weapon        mauler_device                     ammo = -1;
weapon        mauler_device                     size = 50;
weapon        mauler_device                     cost = 75;
weapon        mauler_device             natural_mods = hit;
weapon        mauler_device           minimum_damage = 100;
weapon        mauler_device           maximum_damage = 100;
weapon        mauler_device strategic_minimum_damage = 100;
weapon        mauler_device strategic_maximum_damage = 100;
weapon        mauler_device           available_mods = hv;
weapon      assault_shuttle                   number = 28;
weapon      assault_shuttle                  tech_id = 17;
weapon      assault_shuttle                    class = 4;
weapon      assault_shuttle                     ammo = 1;
weapon      assault_shuttle                     size = 25;
weapon      assault_shuttle                     cost = 10;
weapon      assault_shuttle             natural_mods = none;
weapon      assault_shuttle           minimum_damage = 0;
weapon      assault_shuttle           maximum_damage = 0;
weapon      assault_shuttle strategic_minimum_damage = 0;
weapon      assault_shuttle strategic_maximum_damage = 0;
weapon      assault_shuttle           available_mods = none;
weapon        heavy_fighter                   number = 29;
weapon        heavy_fighter                  tech_id = 83;
weapon        heavy_fighter                    class = 4;
weapon        heavy_fighter                     ammo = 1;
weapon        heavy_fighter                     size = 80;
weapon        heavy_fighter                     cost = 50;
weapon        heavy_fighter             natural_mods = none;
weapon        heavy_fighter           minimum_damage = 0;
weapon        heavy_fighter           maximum_damage = 0;
weapon        heavy_fighter strategic_minimum_damage = 8;
weapon        heavy_fighter strategic_maximum_damage = 32;
weapon        heavy_fighter           available_mods = none;
weapon               bomber                   number = 30;
weapon               bomber                  tech_id = 31;
weapon               bomber                    class = 4;
weapon               bomber                     ammo = 1;
weapon               bomber                     size = 60;
weapon               bomber                     cost = 30;
weapon               bomber             natural_mods = none;
weapon               bomber           minimum_damage = 0;
weapon               bomber           maximum_damage = 0;
weapon               bomber strategic_minimum_damage = 5;
weapon               bomber strategic_maximum_damage = 20;
weapon               bomber           available_mods = none;
weapon          interceptor                   number = 31;
weapon          interceptor                  tech_id = 66;
weapon          interceptor                    class = 4;
weapon          interceptor                     ammo = 1;
weapon          interceptor                     size = 30;
weapon          interceptor                     cost = 10;
weapon          interceptor             natural_mods = none;
weapon          interceptor           minimum_damage = 0;
weapon          interceptor           maximum_damage = 0;
weapon          interceptor strategic_minimum_damage = 1;
weapon          interceptor strategic_maximum_damage = 4;
weapon          interceptor           available_mods = none;
weapon         stasis_field                   number = 32;
weapon         stasis_field                  tech_id = 171;
weapon         stasis_field                    class = 5;
weapon         stasis_field                     ammo = -1;
weapon         stasis_field                     size = 75;
weapon         stasis_field                     cost = 75;
weapon         stasis_field             natural_mods = none;
weapon         stasis_field           minimum_damage = 0;
weapon         stasis_field           maximum_damage = 0;
weapon         stasis_field strategic_minimum_damage = 0;
weapon         stasis_field strategic_maximum_damage = 0;
weapon         stasis_field           available_mods = none;
weapon  anti_missile_rocket                   number = 33;
weapon  anti_missile_rocket                  tech_id = 13;
weapon  anti_missile_rocket                    class = 5;
weapon  anti_missile_rocket                     ammo = 20;
weapon  anti_missile_rocket                     size = 20;
weapon  anti_missile_rocket                     cost = 5;
weapon  anti_missile_rocket             natural_mods = none;
weapon  anti_missile_rocket           minimum_damage = 0;
weapon  anti_missile_rocket           maximum_damage = 0;
weapon  anti_missile_rocket strategic_minimum_damage = 0;
weapon  anti_missile_rocket strategic_maximum_damage = 0;
weapon  anti_missile_rocket           available_mods = none;
weapon    gyro_destabilizer                   number = 34;
weapon    gyro_destabilizer                  tech_id = 80;
weapon    gyro_destabilizer                    class = 5;
weapon    gyro_destabilizer                     ammo = -1;
weapon    gyro_destabilizer                     size = 75;
weapon    gyro_destabilizer                     cost = 50;
weapon    gyro_destabilizer             natural_mods = none;
weapon    gyro_destabilizer           minimum_damage = 1;
weapon    gyro_destabilizer           maximum_damage = 4;
weapon    gyro_destabilizer strategic_minimum_damage = 3;
weapon    gyro_destabilizer strategic_maximum_damage = 8;
weapon    gyro_destabilizer           available_mods = none;
weapon           plasma_web                   number = 35;
weapon           plasma_web                  tech_id = 140;
weapon           plasma_web                    class = 5;
weapon           plasma_web                     ammo = -1;
weapon           plasma_web                     size = 40;
weapon           plasma_web                     cost = 40;
weapon           plasma_web             natural_mods = none;
weapon           plasma_web           minimum_damage = 5;
weapon           plasma_web           maximum_damage = 25;
weapon           plasma_web strategic_minimum_damage = 5;
weapon           plasma_web strategic_maximum_damage = 25;
weapon           plasma_web           available_mods = none;
weapon               pulsar                   number = 36;
weapon               pulsar                  tech_id = 148;
weapon               pulsar                    class = 5;
weapon               pulsar                     ammo = -1;
weapon               pulsar                     size = 50;
weapon               pulsar                     cost = 30;
weapon               pulsar             natural_mods = none;
weapon               pulsar           minimum_damage = 2;
weapon               pulsar           maximum_damage = 24;
weapon               pulsar strategic_minimum_damage = 4;
weapon               pulsar strategic_maximum_damage = 20;
weapon               pulsar           available_mods = none;
weapon black_hole_generator                   number = 37;
weapon black_hole_generator                  tech_id = 30;
weapon black_hole_generator                    class = 5;
weapon black_hole_generator                     ammo = -1;
weapon black_hole_generator                     size = 150;
weapon black_hole_generator                     cost = 150;
weapon black_hole_generator             natural_mods = none;
weapon black_hole_generator           minimum_damage = 100;
weapon black_hole_generator           maximum_damage = 100;
weapon black_hole_generator strategic_minimum_damage = 100;
weapon black_hole_generator strategic_maximum_damage = 100;
weapon black_hole_generator           available_mods = none;
weapon    stellar_converter                   number = 38;
weapon    stellar_converter                  tech_id = 174;
weapon    stellar_converter                    class = 5;
weapon    stellar_converter                     ammo = -1;
weapon    stellar_converter                     size = 500;
weapon    stellar_converter                     cost = 500;
weapon    stellar_converter             natural_mods = none;
weapon    stellar_converter           minimum_damage = 400;
weapon    stellar_converter           maximum_damage = 400;
weapon    stellar_converter strategic_minimum_damage = 250;
weapon    stellar_converter strategic_maximum_damage = 250;
weapon    stellar_converter           available_mods = none;
weapon         tractor_beam                   number = 39;
weapon         tractor_beam                  tech_id = 188;
weapon         tractor_beam                    class = 5;
weapon         tractor_beam                     ammo = -1;
weapon         tractor_beam                     size = 30;
weapon         tractor_beam                     cost = 20;
weapon         tractor_beam             natural_mods = none;
weapon         tractor_beam           minimum_damage = 0;
weapon         tractor_beam           maximum_damage = 0;
weapon         tractor_beam strategic_minimum_damage = 0;
weapon         tractor_beam strategic_maximum_damage = 0;
weapon         tractor_beam           available_mods = none;
weapon        dragon_breath                   number = 40;
weapon        dragon_breath                  tech_id = 0;
weapon        dragon_breath                    class = 2;
weapon        dragon_breath                     ammo = 1;
weapon        dragon_breath                     size = 25;
weapon        dragon_breath                     cost = 20;
weapon        dragon_breath             natural_mods = hit;
weapon        dragon_breath           minimum_damage = 300;
weapon        dragon_breath           maximum_damage = 300;
weapon        dragon_breath strategic_minimum_damage = 250;
weapon        dragon_breath strategic_maximum_damage = 250;
weapon        dragon_breath           available_mods = hv;
weapon           phasor_eye                   number = 41;
weapon           phasor_eye                  tech_id = 0;
weapon           phasor_eye                    class = 0;
weapon           phasor_eye                     ammo = -1;
weapon           phasor_eye                     size = 10;
weapon           phasor_eye                     cost = 10;
weapon           phasor_eye             natural_mods = none;
weapon           phasor_eye           minimum_damage = 5;
weapon           phasor_eye           maximum_damage = 10;
weapon           phasor_eye strategic_minimum_damage = 5;
weapon           phasor_eye strategic_maximum_damage = 10;
weapon           phasor_eye           available_mods = hv,pd,co,sp,af;
weapon          crystal_ray                   number = 42;
weapon          crystal_ray                  tech_id = 0;
weapon          crystal_ray                    class = 0;
weapon          crystal_ray                     ammo = -1;
weapon          crystal_ray                     size = 60;
weapon          crystal_ray                     cost = 75;
weapon          crystal_ray             natural_mods = mar;
weapon          crystal_ray           minimum_damage = 40;
weapon          crystal_ray           maximum_damage = 80;
weapon          crystal_ray strategic_minimum_damage = 40;
weapon          crystal_ray strategic_maximum_damage = 80;
weapon          crystal_ray           available_mods = hv,co;
weapon        plasma_breath                   number = 43;
weapon        plasma_breath                  tech_id = 0;
weapon        plasma_breath                    class = 0;
weapon        plasma_breath                     ammo = -1;
weapon        plasma_breath                     size = 50;
weapon        plasma_breath                     cost = 75;
weapon        plasma_breath             natural_mods = hit;
weapon        plasma_breath           minimum_damage = 60;
weapon        plasma_breath           maximum_damage = 60;
weapon        plasma_breath strategic_minimum_damage = 60;
weapon        plasma_breath strategic_maximum_damage = 60;
weapon        plasma_breath           available_mods = hv;
weapon          plasma_flux                   number = 44;
weapon          plasma_flux                  tech_id = 0;
weapon          plasma_flux                    class = 5;
weapon          plasma_flux                     ammo = -1;
weapon          plasma_flux                     size = 250;
weapon          plasma_flux                     cost = 100;
weapon          plasma_flux             natural_mods = none;
weapon          plasma_flux           minimum_damage = 10;
weapon          plasma_flux           maximum_damage = 40;
weapon          plasma_flux strategic_minimum_damage = 10;
weapon          plasma_flux strategic_maximum_damage = 40;
weapon          plasma_flux           available_mods = none;
weapon        caustic_slime                   number = 45;
weapon        caustic_slime                  tech_id = 0;
weapon        caustic_slime                    class = 5;
weapon        caustic_slime                     ammo = -1;
weapon        caustic_slime                     size = 300;
weapon        caustic_slime                     cost = 100;
weapon        caustic_slime             natural_mods = none;
weapon        caustic_slime           minimum_damage = 25;
weapon        caustic_slime           maximum_damage = 50;
weapon        caustic_slime strategic_minimum_damage = 25;
weapon        caustic_slime strategic_maximum_damage = 50;
weapon        caustic_slime           available_mods = none;
# L0 missile space consumption and cost.
#                            space  cost
#                                ▼     ▼
missile_space_and_cost  x2 =    10    10;
missile_space_and_cost  x5 =    20    20;
missile_space_and_cost x10 =    30    30;
missile_space_and_cost x15 =    35    35;
missile_space_and_cost x20 =    40    40;
# If 0, (default, classic): Missile shots: x2, x5, x10, x15, x20.
# If 1, missile x3 shot replaces x15 shot: x2, x3, x5, x10, x20.
missile_x3_shot = 0;
# Cost and space modifiers for arc types.
#                               cost space
#                                  ▼     ▼
arc_cost_and_space  extended =    25    25;
arc_cost_and_space all_round =    50    50;
# Weapon mods table to adjust required miniaturization level, cost and space usage.
# rows:
#  heavy_mount point_defense armor_piercing continuous no_range_dissipation
#  shield_piercing auto_fire enveloping mirv eccm heavily_armored fast
#  emissions_guidance overloaded
# columns:
#  num level cost space col5
#                                      level
#                                   num    |   cost  space col5
#                                     ▼    ▼      ▼      ▼    ▼
weapon_mod          heavy_mount =     1    0    100    100    1;
weapon_mod        point_defense =     2    0    -50    -50    1;
weapon_mod       armor_piercing =     3    1     50     50    0;
weapon_mod           continuous =     4    1     50     50    0;
weapon_mod no_range_dissipation =     5    1     25     25    0;
weapon_mod      shield_piercing =     6    1     50     50    0;
weapon_mod            auto_fire =     7    2     50     50    0;
weapon_mod           enveloping =     8    2    100    100    0;
weapon_mod                 mirv =     9    2    100    100    0;
weapon_mod                 eccm =    10    1     25     25    0;
weapon_mod      heavily_armored =    11    1     25     25    0;
weapon_mod                 fast =    12    1     25     25    0;
weapon_mod   emissions_guidance =    13    0    300    300    0;
weapon_mod           overloaded =    14    1     50     50    0;
# rows:
#  mods_for_beam_weapons mods_for_missile_weapons mods_for_torpedo_weapons
mods_available    mods_for_beam_weapons = hv,pd,ap,co,nr,sp,af,env;
mods_available mods_for_missile_weapons = mv,eccm,arm,fst,emg;
mods_available mods_for_torpedo_weapons = nr,env,eccm,emg,ovr;
# Mods available for specific slot types of planetary defenses.
#  defenses_allowed_mods <modifier> = <value>;
#  where value is a mods mask and modifier is one of:
#   heavy normal pd missile_torp
defenses_allowed_mods        heavy = hv,pd,ap,co,nr,sp,af,env;
defenses_allowed_mods       normal = hv,pd,ap,co,nr,sp,af,env;
defenses_allowed_mods           pd = hv,pd,co,nr,af,env;
defenses_allowed_mods missile_torp = nr,env,eccm,arm,fst,ovr;
# If 1, the '2x range penalty' is applied to accuracy, doubling range aiming penalty (default, classic).
# If 0, penalty is not applied.
2x_range_accuracy_penalty = 1;
# If 1, the '2x range penalty' is applied to damage, doubling dissipation penalty.
# If 0, penalty is not applied (default, classic).
2x_range_damage_penalty = 0;
# If 1, the enveloping modification does not apply when beams and
# torpedoes (missiles overall) do damage to a planet. Default is 0.
planet_non_enveloping = 0;
# Extra Structural Damage increase percent. Default is 100 (classic).
esd_bonus = 100;
# If 0, (default, classic), weapons with the ion cannon mod cannot be fired at Antaran ships.
# If 1, ion cannon can be fired at Antaran ships.
ion_affects_antarans = 0;
# If 1, simplified formula is used for beam to hit chance which fixes classic
# formula irregularities. In general, a large beam BA - BD delta won't cause
# the range penalty to be ignored, and accuracy becomes lower on ranges 6+.
# Range 6+ is 7+ squares for PD, 16+ squares for normal and 34+ squares for Hv.
# If 0 (default), classic formula is used. With it, to hit chance may or may not
# be affected by range depending on BA - BD delta and penalty value.
# Refer to the 1.50 Manual for details on both formulas.
simplified_beam_formula = 0;
# Fixed value in the fire beam weapon hit_threshold formula.
# Value range is 1-100. Default is 40 (classic).
hit_threshold_fixed_value = 40;
# Ranged to hit penalty table. Format:
#  ranged_to_hit_penalty <range in combat> = <value>;
# where difficulty level is one of:
#  r0 r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 r6 r7 r8
ranged_to_hit_penalty r0 = 0;
ranged_to_hit_penalty r1 = 0;
ranged_to_hit_penalty r2 = -10;
ranged_to_hit_penalty r3 = -20;
ranged_to_hit_penalty r4 = -30;
ranged_to_hit_penalty r5 = -40;
ranged_to_hit_penalty r6 = -55;
ranged_to_hit_penalty r7 = -70;
ranged_to_hit_penalty r8 = -85;
# Ranged damage penalty table. Format:
#  ranged_damage_penalty <range in combat> = <value>;
# where difficulty level is one of:
#  r0 r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 r6 r7 r8
ranged_damage_penalty r0 = 0;
ranged_damage_penalty r1 = 0;
ranged_damage_penalty r2 = -10;
ranged_damage_penalty r3 = -20;
ranged_damage_penalty r4 = -30;
ranged_damage_penalty r5 = -40;
ranged_damage_penalty r6 = -50;
ranged_damage_penalty r7 = -60;
ranged_damage_penalty r8 = -65;
# Base speed in missile speed formula. Format:
#  speed_base <flyer> = <value>;
# where flyer is one of:
#  nuclear_missile merculite_missile pulson_missile zeon_missile
#  anti_matter_torpedo proton_torpedo plasma_torpedo plasma_breath interceptor
#  assault_shuttle bomber heavy_fighter
# Defaults to classic game values.
speed_base     nuclear_missile = 12;
speed_base   merculite_missile = 12;
speed_base      pulson_missile = 12;
speed_base        zeon_missile = 12;
speed_base anti_matter_torpedo = 20;
speed_base      proton_torpedo = 20;
speed_base      plasma_torpedo = 24;
speed_base       plasma_breath = 24;
speed_base         interceptor = 10;
speed_base     assault_shuttle = 6;
speed_base              bomber = 8;
speed_base       heavy_fighter = 8;
# Speed bonus for the Fast modification of missiles.
speed_fast_bonus = 4;
# If 1, proton torpedo speed is limited to the value set in speed_base.
# If 0, torpedo strikes instantly (classic, default).
proton_torpedo_apply_speed_base = 0;
# Combat values for fighters (attack bonus) and missiles (defense bonus). Format:
#  flyer_combat_modifier <modifier> = <value>;
# where modifier is one of:
#  nuclear_missile_defense_bonus merculite_missile_defense_bonus
#  pulson_missile_defense_bonus zeon_missile_defense_bonus
#  fighters_offense_bonus
flyer_combat_modifier   nuclear_missile_defense_bonus = -10;
flyer_combat_modifier merculite_missile_defense_bonus = 15;
flyer_combat_modifier    pulson_missile_defense_bonus = 40;
flyer_combat_modifier      zeon_missile_defense_bonus = 70;
flyer_combat_modifier          fighters_offense_bonus = 50;
# Hit points for fighters and missiles.
# Fighters: Base hit points is value/2 and their hit points
# are modified by armor technology.
# Missiles: Hit points are not affected by armor tech. They
# can be doubled by the 'Heavily Armored' mod.
# rows:
#  nuclear_missile merculite_missile pulson_missile zeon_missile interceptor
#  assault_shuttle bomber heavy_fighter
flyer_hit_points   nuclear_missile = 4;
flyer_hit_points merculite_missile = 8;
flyer_hit_points    pulson_missile = 12;
flyer_hit_points      zeon_missile = 16;
flyer_hit_points       interceptor = 4;
flyer_hit_points   assault_shuttle = 6;
flyer_hit_points            bomber = 8;
flyer_hit_points     heavy_fighter = 10;
# Parameter for games with ship initiative ON. If ship initiative is OFF, missile initiative is always 0
# (as in classic) regardless of the setting in this parameter.
# If -1, missile fired won't move at end of turn (default, classic for games with ship initiative ON).
# If 0, missile fired will move at end of turn (same way as in games with ship initiative OFF).
missile_initiative = -1;
# Missile 'gluing' behavior.
# If 1, missiles may glue with the stack fired on previous turn (default, classic).
missile_glue_old = 1;
# If 0, fighters use normal mount and not PD (default, classic).
fighter_uses_pd = 0;
# If 0, beam carrying figter may deal 1 damage more than maximum damage
# of its weapon (default, classic). If 1, damage is clipped to maximum.
fighter_beam_no_plus_one = 0;
# If 1, heavy fighters can intercept too, using their beams only. Default is 0.
heavy_fighter_can_scramble = 0;
# Number of shots a fighter can fire before it needs to return
# to a carrier for repair, refuelling, and rearming.
# rows:
#  fighter bomber heavy_fighter
fighter_shots       fighter = 4;
fighter_shots        bomber = 1;
fighter_shots heavy_fighter = 2;
# Weapon ranges.
#  weapon_range <modifier> = <value>;
#  where value is the range in 3-square range units in combat.
#  where modifier is one of:
#   proton_torpedo dragon_breath anti_missile_rocket gyro_destabilizer
#   tractor_beam plasma_web caustic_slime stasis_field black_hole_generator
weapon_range       proton_torpedo = 8;
weapon_range        dragon_breath = 5;
weapon_range  anti_missile_rocket = 5;
weapon_range    gyro_destabilizer = 5;
weapon_range         tractor_beam = 4;
weapon_range           plasma_web = 5;
weapon_range        caustic_slime = 5;
weapon_range         stasis_field = 1;
weapon_range black_hole_generator = 5;
# Spherical weapon ranges to ships from center to edge.
#  spherical_range_to_ship <modifier> = <value>;
#  where value is the range in squares.
#  where modifier is one of:
#   pulsar spatial_compressor plasma_flux drive_explosion
spherical_range_to_ship             pulsar = 6;
spherical_range_to_ship spatial_compressor = 4;
spherical_range_to_ship        plasma_flux = 6;
spherical_range_to_ship    drive_explosion = 6;
# Spherical weapon ranges to missiles and fighters from center to center (= edge).
#  spherical_range_to_missile <modifier> = <value>;
#  where value is the range in points (1 square = 20 points).
#  where modifier is one of:
#   pulsar spatial_compressor plasma_flux drive_explosion
spherical_range_to_missile             pulsar = 122;
spherical_range_to_missile spatial_compressor = 96;
spherical_range_to_missile        plasma_flux = 122;
spherical_range_to_missile    drive_explosion = 135;
# Plasma torpedo natural dissipation per square. Default is 5 (classic).
plasma_torpedo_dissipation = 5;
# Plasma web dissipation mode:
#  minus5 -- total damage of all plasma webs on a target loses 5 points each turn (default, classic).
#  halve  -- total damage of all plasma webs on a target is halved each turn.
plasma_web_dissipation_step = minus5;
# If 1, spatial compressor's average damage is proportional to target's size class,
# like for pulsars and warp core explosions. If 0 (default), the behavior is classic.
compressor_per_size_class_damage = 0;
# If 1, BHG will not recharge until its previous target is destroyed
# (similar to how stasis does not recharge until its target is freed).
# If 0 (default), BHG can fire every turn.
continuous_bhg = 0;
# If 1 and ICS is off, tractor and bhg insta-stop target, but do not
# instantly remobilize target like in ICS.
# If 0 (default, classic), no insta-stop and no insta-remobilization.
non_ics_tractor_and_bhg_mode = 0;
# Anti-Missile Rocket (AMR) chance to hit formula is:
# base - rounddown((range to target + 1 + 1) * range_multiplier / range_divisor) - 1
# Where classic values are: base = 70; range_multiplier = 10; range_divisor = 3.
# rows:
#  base range_multiplier range_divisor
anti_missile_rocket_chance_to_hit             base = 70;
anti_missile_rocket_chance_to_hit range_multiplier = 10;
anti_missile_rocket_chance_to_hit    range_divisor = 3;
# Amount of tractor beams needed to stop a ship of a given size class. Format:
#  tractors_to_stop <size-class> = <beams>;
# size-class is one of:
#  frigate destroyer cruiser battleship titan doomstar
# Defaults are 1 2 3 4 5 6 as in classic game.
tractors_to_stop    frigate = 1;
tractors_to_stop  destroyer = 2;
tractors_to_stop    cruiser = 3;
tractors_to_stop battleship = 4;
tractors_to_stop      titan = 5;
tractors_to_stop   doomstar = 6;
# Ship specials table. Enables modding of space and cost values per size class of ship.
# Mutual exclusivity of special systems is also set here. Format:
#  special <special-name> <property-name> = <property-value>;
# special-name may be one of:
#  achilles_targeting_unit augmented_engines automated_repair_unit battle_pods
#  battle_scanner cloaking_device damper_field displacement_device ecm_jammer
#  energy_absorber extended_fuel_tanks fast_missile_racks hard_shields
#  heavy_armor high_energy_focus hyper_x_capacitors inertial_nullifier
#  inertial_stabilizer lightning_field multi_phased_shields
#  multi_wave_ecm_jammer phase_shifter phasing_cloak quantum_detonator
#  rangemaster_unit reflection_field reinforced_hull scout_lab security_stations
#  shield_capacitor stealth_field structural_analyzer sub_space_teleporter
#  time_warp_facilitator transporters troop_pods warp_dissipator
#  wide_area_jammer regeneration
# property-name may be one of:
#  id tech_id size1 size2 size3 size4 size5 size6 cost1 cost2 cost3 cost4 cost5
#  cost6 exclude1 exclude2 exclude3 exclude4 exclude5 exclude6 class strategic
special achilles_targeting_unit        id = 1;
special achilles_targeting_unit   tech_id = 1;
special achilles_targeting_unit     size1 = 10;
special achilles_targeting_unit     size2 = 15;
special achilles_targeting_unit     size3 = 25;
special achilles_targeting_unit     size4 = 50;
special achilles_targeting_unit     size5 = 100;
special achilles_targeting_unit     size6 = 250;
special achilles_targeting_unit     cost1 = 15;
special achilles_targeting_unit     cost2 = 22;
special achilles_targeting_unit     cost3 = 37;
special achilles_targeting_unit     cost4 = 75;
special achilles_targeting_unit     cost5 = 150;
special achilles_targeting_unit     cost6 = 375;
special achilles_targeting_unit  exclude1 = 1;
special achilles_targeting_unit  exclude2 = 0;
special achilles_targeting_unit  exclude3 = 0;
special achilles_targeting_unit  exclude4 = 0;
special achilles_targeting_unit  exclude5 = 0;
special achilles_targeting_unit  exclude6 = 0;
special achilles_targeting_unit     class = 1;
special achilles_targeting_unit strategic = 100;
special       augmented_engines        id = 2;
special       augmented_engines   tech_id = 20;
special       augmented_engines     size1 = 10;
special       augmented_engines     size2 = 15;
special       augmented_engines     size3 = 25;
special       augmented_engines     size4 = 50;
special       augmented_engines     size5 = 100;
special       augmented_engines     size6 = 250;
special       augmented_engines     cost1 = 5;
special       augmented_engines     cost2 = 7;
special       augmented_engines     cost3 = 12;
special       augmented_engines     cost4 = 25;
special       augmented_engines     cost5 = 50;
special       augmented_engines     cost6 = 125;
special       augmented_engines  exclude1 = 2;
special       augmented_engines  exclude2 = 0;
special       augmented_engines  exclude3 = 0;
special       augmented_engines  exclude4 = 0;
special       augmented_engines  exclude5 = 0;
special       augmented_engines  exclude6 = 0;
special       augmented_engines     class = 0;
special       augmented_engines strategic = 0;
special   automated_repair_unit        id = 3;
special   automated_repair_unit   tech_id = 23;
special   automated_repair_unit     size1 = 10;
special   automated_repair_unit     size2 = 15;
special   automated_repair_unit     size3 = 25;
special   automated_repair_unit     size4 = 50;
special   automated_repair_unit     size5 = 100;
special   automated_repair_unit     size6 = 250;
special   automated_repair_unit     cost1 = 10;
special   automated_repair_unit     cost2 = 15;
special   automated_repair_unit     cost3 = 25;
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special         cloaking_device  exclude5 = 0;
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special      inertial_nullifier     size4 = 75;
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special      inertial_nullifier     cost5 = 225;
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special      inertial_nullifier  exclude5 = 0;
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special         reinforced_hull     class = 0;
special         reinforced_hull strategic = 0;
special               scout_lab        id = 28;
special               scout_lab   tech_id = 158;
special               scout_lab     size1 = 12;
special               scout_lab     size2 = 20;
special               scout_lab     size3 = 40;
special               scout_lab     size4 = 75;
special               scout_lab     size5 = 150;
special               scout_lab     size6 = 375;
special               scout_lab     cost1 = 7;
special               scout_lab     cost2 = 12;
special               scout_lab     cost3 = 20;
special               scout_lab     cost4 = 37;
special               scout_lab     cost5 = 75;
special               scout_lab     cost6 = 180;
special               scout_lab  exclude1 = 28;
special               scout_lab  exclude2 = 0;
special               scout_lab  exclude3 = 0;
special               scout_lab  exclude4 = 0;
special               scout_lab  exclude5 = 0;
special               scout_lab  exclude6 = 0;
special               scout_lab     class = 0;
special               scout_lab strategic = 0;
special       security_stations        id = 29;
special       security_stations   tech_id = 159;
special       security_stations     size1 = 5;
special       security_stations     size2 = 7;
special       security_stations     size3 = 12;
special       security_stations     size4 = 25;
special       security_stations     size5 = 50;
special       security_stations     size6 = 125;
special       security_stations     cost1 = 2;
special       security_stations     cost2 = 3;
special       security_stations     cost3 = 6;
special       security_stations     cost4 = 12;
special       security_stations     cost5 = 25;
special       security_stations     cost6 = 70;
special       security_stations  exclude1 = 29;
special       security_stations  exclude2 = 0;
special       security_stations  exclude3 = 0;
special       security_stations  exclude4 = 0;
special       security_stations  exclude5 = 0;
special       security_stations  exclude6 = 0;
special       security_stations     class = 0;
special       security_stations strategic = 0;
special        shield_capacitor        id = 30;
special        shield_capacitor   tech_id = 161;
special        shield_capacitor     size1 = 10;
special        shield_capacitor     size2 = 15;
special        shield_capacitor     size3 = 25;
special        shield_capacitor     size4 = 50;
special        shield_capacitor     size5 = 100;
special        shield_capacitor     size6 = 250;
special        shield_capacitor     cost1 = 10;
special        shield_capacitor     cost2 = 15;
special        shield_capacitor     cost3 = 25;
special        shield_capacitor     cost4 = 50;
special        shield_capacitor     cost5 = 100;
special        shield_capacitor     cost6 = 250;
special        shield_capacitor  exclude1 = 30;
special        shield_capacitor  exclude2 = 7;
special        shield_capacitor  exclude3 = 0;
special        shield_capacitor  exclude4 = 0;
special        shield_capacitor  exclude5 = 0;
special        shield_capacitor  exclude6 = 0;
special        shield_capacitor     class = 0;
special        shield_capacitor strategic = 0;
special           stealth_field        id = 31;
special           stealth_field   tech_id = 172;
special           stealth_field     size1 = 10;
special           stealth_field     size2 = 15;
special           stealth_field     size3 = 25;
special           stealth_field     size4 = 50;
special           stealth_field     size5 = 100;
special           stealth_field     size6 = 250;
special           stealth_field     cost1 = 10;
special           stealth_field     cost2 = 15;
special           stealth_field     cost3 = 25;
special           stealth_field     cost4 = 50;
special           stealth_field     cost5 = 100;
special           stealth_field     cost6 = 250;
special           stealth_field  exclude1 = 31;
special           stealth_field  exclude2 = 6;
special           stealth_field  exclude3 = 23;
special           stealth_field  exclude4 = 0;
special           stealth_field  exclude5 = 0;
special           stealth_field  exclude6 = 0;
special           stealth_field     class = 0;
special           stealth_field strategic = 0;
special     structural_analyzer        id = 32;
special     structural_analyzer   tech_id = 175;
special     structural_analyzer     size1 = 7;
special     structural_analyzer     size2 = 10;
special     structural_analyzer     size3 = 18;
special     structural_analyzer     size4 = 40;
special     structural_analyzer     size5 = 75;
special     structural_analyzer     size6 = 190;
special     structural_analyzer     cost1 = 10;
special     structural_analyzer     cost2 = 15;
special     structural_analyzer     cost3 = 25;
special     structural_analyzer     cost4 = 50;
special     structural_analyzer     cost5 = 100;
special     structural_analyzer     cost6 = 250;
special     structural_analyzer  exclude1 = 32;
special     structural_analyzer  exclude2 = 0;
special     structural_analyzer  exclude3 = 0;
special     structural_analyzer  exclude4 = 0;
special     structural_analyzer  exclude5 = 0;
special     structural_analyzer  exclude6 = 0;
special     structural_analyzer     class = 2;
special     structural_analyzer strategic = 75;
special    sub_space_teleporter        id = 33;
special    sub_space_teleporter   tech_id = 177;
special    sub_space_teleporter     size1 = 10;
special    sub_space_teleporter     size2 = 15;
special    sub_space_teleporter     size3 = 25;
special    sub_space_teleporter     size4 = 50;
special    sub_space_teleporter     size5 = 100;
special    sub_space_teleporter     size6 = 250;
special    sub_space_teleporter     cost1 = 15;
special    sub_space_teleporter     cost2 = 22;
special    sub_space_teleporter     cost3 = 37;
special    sub_space_teleporter     cost4 = 75;
special    sub_space_teleporter     cost5 = 150;
special    sub_space_teleporter     cost6 = 375;
special    sub_space_teleporter  exclude1 = 22;
special    sub_space_teleporter  exclude2 = 33;
special    sub_space_teleporter  exclude3 = 0;
special    sub_space_teleporter  exclude4 = 0;
special    sub_space_teleporter  exclude5 = 0;
special    sub_space_teleporter  exclude6 = 0;
special    sub_space_teleporter     class = 0;
special    sub_space_teleporter strategic = 0;
special   time_warp_facilitator        id = 34;
special   time_warp_facilitator   tech_id = 185;
special   time_warp_facilitator     size1 = 15;
special   time_warp_facilitator     size2 = 25;
special   time_warp_facilitator     size3 = 40;
special   time_warp_facilitator     size4 = 75;
special   time_warp_facilitator     size5 = 150;
special   time_warp_facilitator     size6 = 375;
special   time_warp_facilitator     cost1 = 22;
special   time_warp_facilitator     cost2 = 40;
special   time_warp_facilitator     cost3 = 60;
special   time_warp_facilitator     cost4 = 100;
special   time_warp_facilitator     cost5 = 225;
special   time_warp_facilitator     cost6 = 500;
special   time_warp_facilitator  exclude1 = 34;
special   time_warp_facilitator  exclude2 = 0;
special   time_warp_facilitator  exclude3 = 0;
special   time_warp_facilitator  exclude4 = 0;
special   time_warp_facilitator  exclude5 = 0;
special   time_warp_facilitator  exclude6 = 0;
special   time_warp_facilitator     class = 7;
special   time_warp_facilitator strategic = 100;
special            transporters        id = 35;
special            transporters   tech_id = 190;
special            transporters     size1 = 10;
special            transporters     size2 = 15;
special            transporters     size3 = 25;
special            transporters     size4 = 50;
special            transporters     size5 = 100;
special            transporters     size6 = 250;
special            transporters     cost1 = 5;
special            transporters     cost2 = 7;
special            transporters     cost3 = 12;
special            transporters     cost4 = 25;
special            transporters     cost5 = 50;
special            transporters     cost6 = 125;
special            transporters  exclude1 = 35;
special            transporters  exclude2 = 0;
special            transporters  exclude3 = 0;
special            transporters  exclude4 = 0;
special            transporters  exclude5 = 0;
special            transporters  exclude6 = 0;
special            transporters     class = 0;
special            transporters strategic = 0;
special              troop_pods        id = 36;
special              troop_pods   tech_id = 192;
special              troop_pods     size1 = 12;
special              troop_pods     size2 = 18;
special              troop_pods     size3 = 30;
special              troop_pods     size4 = 60;
special              troop_pods     size5 = 125;
special              troop_pods     size6 = 325;
special              troop_pods     cost1 = 5;
special              troop_pods     cost2 = 7;
special              troop_pods     cost3 = 12;
special              troop_pods     cost4 = 25;
special              troop_pods     cost5 = 50;
special              troop_pods     cost6 = 125;
special              troop_pods  exclude1 = 36;
special              troop_pods  exclude2 = 0;
special              troop_pods  exclude3 = 0;
special              troop_pods  exclude4 = 0;
special              troop_pods  exclude5 = 0;
special              troop_pods  exclude6 = 0;
special              troop_pods     class = 0;
special              troop_pods strategic = 0;
special         warp_dissipator        id = 37;
special         warp_dissipator   tech_id = 196;
special         warp_dissipator     size1 = 15;
special         warp_dissipator     size2 = 25;
special         warp_dissipator     size3 = 40;
special         warp_dissipator     size4 = 75;
special         warp_dissipator     size5 = 150;
special         warp_dissipator     size6 = 375;
special         warp_dissipator     cost1 = 15;
special         warp_dissipator     cost2 = 25;
special         warp_dissipator     cost3 = 40;
special         warp_dissipator     cost4 = 75;
special         warp_dissipator     cost5 = 150;
special         warp_dissipator     cost6 = 375;
special         warp_dissipator  exclude1 = 37;
special         warp_dissipator  exclude2 = 0;
special         warp_dissipator  exclude3 = 0;
special         warp_dissipator  exclude4 = 0;
special         warp_dissipator  exclude5 = 0;
special         warp_dissipator  exclude6 = 0;
special         warp_dissipator     class = 0;
special         warp_dissipator strategic = 0;
special        wide_area_jammer        id = 38;
special        wide_area_jammer   tech_id = 199;
special        wide_area_jammer     size1 = 20;
special        wide_area_jammer     size2 = 30;
special        wide_area_jammer     size3 = 50;
special        wide_area_jammer     size4 = 100;
special        wide_area_jammer     size5 = 200;
special        wide_area_jammer     size6 = 500;
special        wide_area_jammer     cost1 = 20;
special        wide_area_jammer     cost2 = 30;
special        wide_area_jammer     cost3 = 50;
special        wide_area_jammer     cost4 = 100;
special        wide_area_jammer     cost5 = 200;
special        wide_area_jammer     cost6 = 500;
special        wide_area_jammer  exclude1 = 9;
special        wide_area_jammer  exclude2 = 38;
special        wide_area_jammer  exclude3 = 21;
special        wide_area_jammer  exclude4 = 0;
special        wide_area_jammer  exclude5 = 0;
special        wide_area_jammer  exclude6 = 0;
special        wide_area_jammer     class = 4;
special        wide_area_jammer strategic = 100;
special            regeneration        id = 39;
special            regeneration   tech_id = 23;
special            regeneration     size1 = 4;
special            regeneration     size2 = 10;
special            regeneration     size3 = 20;
special            regeneration     size4 = 40;
special            regeneration     size5 = 80;
special            regeneration     size6 = 200;
special            regeneration     cost1 = 5;
special            regeneration     cost2 = 10;
special            regeneration     cost3 = 20;
special            regeneration     cost4 = 50;
special            regeneration     cost5 = 125;
special            regeneration     cost6 = 500;
special            regeneration  exclude1 = 3;
special            regeneration  exclude2 = 0;
special            regeneration  exclude3 = 0;
special            regeneration  exclude4 = 0;
special            regeneration  exclude5 = 0;
special            regeneration  exclude6 = 0;
special            regeneration     class = 0;
special            regeneration strategic = 0;
# COMBAT BONUSES table. Rows are:
#  battle_scanner_beam_offense scout_lab_fleet_beam_offense
#  starbase_fleet_beam_offense battlestation_fleet_beam_offense
#  starfortress_fleet_beam_offense stabilizer_beam_defense
#  nullifier_beam_defense stealth_field_beam_defense
#  cloaking_device_beam_defense phasing_cloak_beam_defense
#  phasing_cloak_effective_turns displacement_device_beam_miss_percent
#  reflection_field_strength
# Beam defense for cloaking device and phasing cloak can be set independently.
# By default, both have +80 bonus (classic). Stealth field gains cloak ability
# in combat if a beam defense value >0 is set. If 0, stealth field tech
# does not provide cloaking nor beam / missile defense in combat (classic).
combat_bonus           battle_scanner_beam_offense = 50;
combat_bonus          scout_lab_fleet_beam_offense = 20;
combat_bonus           starbase_fleet_beam_offense = 0;
combat_bonus      battlestation_fleet_beam_offense = 10;
combat_bonus       starfortress_fleet_beam_offense = 20;
combat_bonus               stabilizer_beam_defense = 50;
combat_bonus                nullifier_beam_defense = 100;
combat_bonus            stealth_field_beam_defense = 0;
combat_bonus          cloaking_device_beam_defense = 80;
combat_bonus            phasing_cloak_beam_defense = 80;
combat_bonus         phasing_cloak_effective_turns = 10;
combat_bonus displacement_device_beam_miss_percent = 30;
combat_bonus             reflection_field_strength = 15;
# Missile defense bonuses. Scanners reduce enemy's missile defense.
# Parameter cloaking_device_missile_defense is 0 by default (classic).
# In this case each missile has a 50% chance to miss against cloaked
# ship, which value is set with cloaking_device_missile_miss_percent.
# If a non-zero value is set for cloaking_device_missile_defense, then
# active cloaking devices will add this bonus to Missile Evasion and
# cloaking_device_missile_miss_percent will not apply.
# rows:
#  stabilizer_missile_defense nullifier_missile_defense
#  ecm_jammer_missile_defense multi_wave_jammer_missile_defense
#  wide_area_jammer_missile_defense wide_area_jammer_fleet_missile_defense
#  cloaking_device_missile_defense cloaking_device_missile_miss_percent
#  displacement_device_missiles_miss_percent tachyon_scanner neutron_scanner
#  sensors
missile_defense                stabilizer_missile_defense = 25;
missile_defense                 nullifier_missile_defense = 50;
missile_defense                ecm_jammer_missile_defense = 70;
missile_defense         multi_wave_jammer_missile_defense = 100;
missile_defense          wide_area_jammer_missile_defense = 130;
missile_defense    wide_area_jammer_fleet_missile_defense = 70;
missile_defense           cloaking_device_missile_defense = 0;
missile_defense      cloaking_device_missile_miss_percent = 50;
missile_defense displacement_device_missiles_miss_percent = 30;
missile_defense                           tachyon_scanner = 20;
missile_defense                           neutron_scanner = 40;
missile_defense                                   sensors = 70;
# Damage percent remaining after applying damper field damage reduction.
# Default is 25 as in classic game.
damper_field_ratio = 25;
# Absorber damage reduction percent. Default is 25 (classic).
absorber_damage_reduction = 25;
# Energy Absorber parameter for games with ship initiative OFF.
# If ship initiative is ON, Energy Absorber's stored damage is
# always kept regardless of the setting in this parameter.
# If 0, stored damage is lost at end of each turn (default, classic).
# If 1, stored damage is kept until used.
absorber_keep_charge = 0;
# Percent of missiles / fighters destroyed by lightning field. Default is 50.
lightning_field_ratio = 50;
# Controls probablility distribution for lightning field:
#  uniform  - each missile has equal chance to be destroyed
#  classic  - skewed distribution, at least 50% of missiles always survive (default)
lightning_field_mode = classic;
# Megafluxers space increase percent. Default is 25 (classic).
megafluxers_tactical_bonus = 25;
# Megafluxers strategic beam weapon count bonus percent. Default is 50 (classic).
megafluxers_strategic_bonus = 50;
# If 1, ships always recloak next turn.
# If 0 (default, classic), 1 turn wait if ship fired.
recloak_next_turn = 0;
# If 1, ships always return to phase cloaked state the next turn.
# If 0 (default, classic), 1 turn wait if ship fired.
rephase_cloak_next_turn = 0;
# If 1 and ICS is off, Phasing Cloak acts like Cloaking Device when decloaking.
# If 0 (default, classic), ship does not have BD/ME bonus after decloaking.
non_ics_phasing_cloak_mode = 0;
# Structural analyzer damage bonus percent. Default is 100 (classic).
analyzer_bonus = 100;
# Sub-Space Teleporter range. Default is 20.
sub_space_teleporter_range = 20;
# If 1, sub-space teleporter range is approximately round (octagonal).
# If 0 (default), range is square as in classic.
round_teleporter = 0;
# Cybernetic, Automated Repair Unit and Regeneration repair rates for armor
# and structure. Internal systems repair is half of these values by default
# and can be set with parameter systems_repair_percent.
repair_rate cyber = 10;
repair_rate   aru = 20;
repair_rate regen = 20;
# Ship systems repaired hit points, percentage of structure points repaired.
# Default is 50 as in classic game (half of structure points).
systems_repair_percent = 50;
# Damage bonus depending on mount and high energy focus. Format:
#  mount_dmg <hef-present> <weapon-mount> = <bonus>;
# Defaults to mount bonus + 50 as in classic game.
#                     pd  nomod  heavy
#                      ▼      ▼      ▼
mount_dmg nohef =     50    100    150;
mount_dmg   hef =    100    150    200;
# Scout Lab research points per ship class.
# Format: scout_lab_research_bonus <size-class> = <bonus>;
# size-class is one of:
#  frigate destroyer cruiser battleship titan doomstar
# Defaults are 1 2 4 8 16 32 as in classic game.
scout_lab_research_bonus    frigate = 1;
scout_lab_research_bonus  destroyer = 2;
scout_lab_research_bonus    cruiser = 4;
scout_lab_research_bonus battleship = 8;
scout_lab_research_bonus      titan = 16;
scout_lab_research_bonus   doomstar = 32;
# If 0, scout lab & galactic lore beam attack bonus is not effective against Antarans (classic).
# If 1, their bonus is effective against Antarans.
lab_and_lore_against_antarans = 0;
# ============================================== #
# ============================================== #
# rows:
#  green regular veteran elite ultra_elite
# columns:
#  experience attack defense ground
#                                          ground
#                                   defense     |
#                              attack     |     |
#                    experience     |     |     |
#                             ▼     ▼     ▼     ▼
crew_data       green =       0     0     0     0;
crew_data     regular =      50    15    15     5;
crew_data     veteran =     150    30    30    10;
crew_data       elite =     500    50    50    15;
crew_data ultra_elite =    1000    75    75    20;
# If 0, (classic, default), ship crews gain 1 XP each turn.
# If 1, ship crews do not gain 1 XP each turn (for melee mode).
crew_no_turn_xp = 0;
# If 1, ships benefit from crew experience level in strategic games,
# If 0 (default, classic), ships do not.
strategic_xp_bonus = 0;
# Bonuses of troop types versus standard infantry.
# rows:
#  tanks militia rebels
troop_type   tanks = 10;
troop_type militia = -10;
troop_type  rebels = -20;
# Table with various bonuses for ground troops and marines.
# rows:
#  low_g subterranean security_stations anti_grav_harness personal_shield
#  powered_armor battleoids high_g_hits powered_armor_hits battleoids_hits
troop_bonus              low_g = -10;
troop_bonus       subterranean = 10;
troop_bonus  security_stations = 20;
troop_bonus  anti_grav_harness = 10;
troop_bonus    personal_shield = 20;
troop_bonus      powered_armor = 10;
troop_bonus         battleoids = 10;
troop_bonus        high_g_hits = 1;
troop_bonus powered_armor_hits = 1;
troop_bonus    battleoids_hits = 1;
# Rifle bonus for ground troops and ship marines.
# rows:
#  pulse_rifle laser_rifle fusion_rifle phasor_rifle plasma_rifle
# columns:
#  bonus
#                          bonus
#                              ▼
rifle_bonus  pulse_rifle =     0;
rifle_bonus  laser_rifle =     5;
rifle_bonus fusion_rifle =    10;
rifle_bonus phasor_rifle =    20;
rifle_bonus plasma_rifle =    30;
# In classic game, using Range defaults to 1 and 4. Set to Square metrics in
# version 1.50, so new default values are 3 and 12 (Range is a Squares/3).
# Set min to 1 to get a fair boarding from point blank only.
board_range       normal = 3;
board_range transporters = 12;
# If 1, ships affected by BHG can be boarded (default, classic).
board_in_black_hole = 1;
# Weapons damage of neutron blaster / death ray (or any other weapon that has
# inherent mod #4) is divided by this value to determine how many marines are
# killed from it.
marine_kill_damage = 5;
# Special system that blocks marine killing by neutron blaster and death ray
# (or by any other weapon that has inherent mod #4).
# Default is damper_field as in classic game (special system #7).
marine_kill_damage_blocker = damper_field;
# Ratio total/survivors for transporters used against damper field, 1 to 127.
# Default is 3 (classic), meaning 1/3 of troops survive transportation to a
# ship equipped with damper field.
# If 0, damper field prevents use of transporters for boarding outright.
damper_kill_ratio = 3;
# Damage that each successful marine will do. Default is 50 (classic).
raid_damage_per_marine = 50;
# Number of items that a successful marine can do its damage to.
# Default is 2 loops of destruction.
raid_items_per_marine = 2;
# Chance for a quantum detonator equipped ship to explode upon capture.
# Percent chance is (X-1)*10, thus set 1 for 0% and 11 for 100%. Classic = 6 (50%).
quantum_detonator_explode_chance = 6;
# If 1, when opponent in current combat is not a telepath, telepaths
# still gain control of a ship upon its recapture.
# If 0 (default, classic), telepaths only gain control if a ship was
# not already captured by a non-telepath in current combat.
telepathic_multiple_capture = 0;
# If 1, marines above ship capacity will be spaced after ship capture.
# If 0 (default, classic), they are spaced after combat ends.
kill_excess_marines_after_capture = 0;
# Minimum ship class that requires a star base to be built.
# Value range is frigate-doomstar (0-5) and 'none' (6).
# 'none' allows all ship classes to be built without a star
# base present in the colony. Default is cruiser (classic).
satellite_ship_class = cruiser;
# Minimum ship class to Mind Control a colony. Default is a cruiser (classic).
mind_control_ship_class = cruiser;
# Weightings for chance to get technology from succesful invasion.
# Up to 4 techs can be gained from invasion:
# First, each building present on the colony is checked, each with a
# 125/1/1000 = 12.5% chance to be unlocked. After success, chance is
# 125/2/1000 = 6.25%, then lowered to
# 125/3/1000 = 4.167% and finally to
# 125/4/1000 = 3.125%.
# If less then 4 building techs were gained, there is a chance to gain
# technology from the conquered population. Each pop is checked like
# buildings but with lower weighting: 65 instead of 125, while the
# counter is not reset. Example: If 2 buildings were unlocked from
# buildings, chance to get a tech application from population is
# 65/3/1000 = 2.167%.
# For AI, weightings are modified:
# 115 + 5 * difficulty setting for buildings.
# 55 + 5 * difficulty setting for population.
# Thus on average difficulty, AI chance is the same as player's chance.
# Possible values are 0-255 for AI, and 0-65535 for player.
# rows:
#  building_player building_AI pop_player pop_AI
invasion_tech_chance building_player = 125;
invasion_tech_chance     building_AI = 115;
invasion_tech_chance      pop_player = 65;
invasion_tech_chance          pop_AI = 55;
# =================== #
# --    LEADERS    -- #
# =================== #
# If 1, Warlord has leaders level increased by 1 (this doesn't change leader's xp).
# If 0 (classic, default), Warlord has level 5 leaders treated as level 6.
leader_warlord_bonus = 0;
# Set limit on amount of leaders player can employ.
# If 0 (classic), up to 4 leaders per type can be employed.
# If 1, no limit is set.
#leaders_no_limit = 0;
leaders_no_limit = 0;
# Table with various settings for leaders. The id's for the three special
# leaders needs to be adjusted if the list order of leaders is changed,
# or any of these special abilities is given to other leaders.
#  level_2_experience level_3_experience level_4_experience level_5_experience
#  level_6_experience availability_base_amount availability_increment_step
#  availability_charismatic_bonus hire_chance_delay
#  hire_chance_charismatic_bonus hire_chance_repulsive_penalty
#  advanced_government_leader_id random_skills_colony_leader_id
#  random_skills_ship_officer_id
leader_data             level_2_experience = 60;
leader_data             level_3_experience = 150;
leader_data             level_4_experience = 300;
leader_data             level_5_experience = 500;
leader_data             level_6_experience = 1000;
leader_data       availability_base_amount = 10;
leader_data    availability_increment_step = 5;
leader_data availability_charismatic_bonus = 10;
leader_data              hire_chance_delay = 5;
leader_data  hire_chance_charismatic_bonus = 5;
leader_data  hire_chance_repulsive_penalty = 10;
leader_data  advanced_government_leader_id = 47;
leader_data random_skills_colony_leader_id = 41;
leader_data  random_skills_ship_officer_id = 52;
# Leader skill cost table. Format:
#  skill_cost <skill_cost-name> <property-name> = <property-value>;
# skill_cost-name may be one of:
#  assassin assassin2 unused unused2 diplomat diplomat2 engineer engineer2
#  environmentalist environmentalist2 famous famous2 farming_leader
#  farming_leader2 fighter_pilot fighter_pilot2 financial_leader
#  financial_leader2 galactic_lore galactic_lore2 helmsman helmsman2 instructor
#  instructor2 labor_leader labor_leader2 medicine medicine2 megawealth
#  megawealth2 navigator navigator2 operations operations2 ordnance ordnance2
#  researcher researcher2 science_leader science_leader2 security security2
#  spiritual_leader spiritual_leader2 spy_master spy_master2 tactics tactics2
#  telepath telepath2 trader trader2 weaponry weaponry2
# property-name may be one of:
#  cost
# skill cost value *10 = base level 0 cost.
#                              cost
#                                 ▼
skill_cost          assassin =    2;
skill_cost         assassin2 =    4;
skill_cost            unused =    0;
skill_cost           unused2 =    0;
skill_cost          diplomat =    1;
skill_cost         diplomat2 =    2;
skill_cost          engineer =    3;
skill_cost         engineer2 =    6;
skill_cost  environmentalist =    2;
skill_cost environmentalist2 =    4;
skill_cost            famous =    2;
skill_cost           famous2 =    4;
skill_cost    farming_leader =    3;
skill_cost   farming_leader2 =    6;
skill_cost     fighter_pilot =    3;
skill_cost    fighter_pilot2 =    6;
skill_cost  financial_leader =    3;
skill_cost financial_leader2 =    6;
skill_cost     galactic_lore =    2;
skill_cost    galactic_lore2 =    4;
skill_cost          helmsman =    4;
skill_cost         helmsman2 =    8;
skill_cost        instructor =    1;
skill_cost       instructor2 =    2;
skill_cost      labor_leader =    3;
skill_cost     labor_leader2 =    6;
skill_cost          medicine =    2;
skill_cost         medicine2 =    4;
skill_cost        megawealth =    1;
skill_cost       megawealth2 =    2;
skill_cost         navigator =    1;
skill_cost        navigator2 =    2;
skill_cost        operations =    2;
skill_cost       operations2 =    4;
skill_cost          ordnance =    3;
skill_cost         ordnance2 =    6;
skill_cost        researcher =    2;
skill_cost       researcher2 =    4;
skill_cost    science_leader =    3;
skill_cost   science_leader2 =    6;
skill_cost          security =    1;
skill_cost         security2 =    2;
skill_cost  spiritual_leader =    4;
skill_cost spiritual_leader2 =    8;
skill_cost        spy_master =    3;
skill_cost       spy_master2 =    6;
skill_cost           tactics =    2;
skill_cost          tactics2 =    4;
skill_cost          telepath =    2;
skill_cost         telepath2 =    4;
skill_cost            trader =    2;
skill_cost           trader2 =    4;
skill_cost          weaponry =    3;
skill_cost         weaponry2 =    6;
# Commando skill cost for colony and ship leaders.
skill_cost_commando colony_leader = 1;
skill_cost_commando   ship_leader = 3;
# If 1, defender ground troops get commando bonus valued 5x & 7.5x skill level,
# If 0 (default, classic), it's 2x & 3x skill level.
ground_commando_defender_x5 = 0;
# If 1, attacker ground troops get commando bonus valued 2x & 3x skill level,
# If 0 (default, classic), it's 5x & 7.5x skill level.
ground_commando_attacker_x2 = 0;
# If 0, Megawealth skill doubles the hire cost of a leader (default, classic).
# If 1, no double hire cost.
megawealth_no_double_cost = 0;
# ====================== #
# --    TECHNOLOGY    -- #
# ====================== #
# Techfields, that start a technology branch.  Format:
#  starting_techfield <field> = <value>;
# where field is one of:
#  biology_field1 power_field1 physics_field1 construction_field1
#  force_fields_field1 chemistry_field1 computers_field1 sociology_field1
#  xenon_field1
starting_techfield      biology_field1 = astro_biology;
starting_techfield        power_field1 = nuclear_fission;
starting_techfield      physics_field1 = physics;
starting_techfield construction_field1 = engineering;
starting_techfield force_fields_field1 = advanced_magnetism;
starting_techfield    chemistry_field1 = chemistry;
starting_techfield    computers_field1 = electronics;
starting_techfield    sociology_field1 = military_tactics;
starting_techfield        xenon_field1 = xenon_technology;
# Tech fields that are known at the start of Average Technology games. Format:
#  prewarp_techfield <field> = <value>;
# where field is one of:
#  pw_field1 pw_field2 pw_field3 pw_field4 pw_field5 pw_field6
# Defaults to classic values:
#   engineering
#   nuclear_fission
#   chemistry
#   physics
#   electronics
#   cold_fusion
# Replacing a field with 'starting_tech' (field 0) makes that field researchable
# in Average Tech games. The first field, pw_field1, will always be known, even
# in Pre-Warp Tech games.
prewarp_techfield pw_field1 = engineering;
prewarp_techfield pw_field2 = nuclear_fission;
prewarp_techfield pw_field3 = chemistry;
prewarp_techfield pw_field4 = physics;
prewarp_techfield pw_field5 = electronics;
prewarp_techfield pw_field6 = cold_fusion;
# Technology fields table. Format:
#  tech_field <tech_field-name> <property-name> = <property-value>;
# tech_field-name may be one of:
#  advanced_biology advanced_chemistry advanced_construction
#  advanced_engineering advanced_fusion advanced_governments advanced_magnetism
#  advanced_manufacturing advanced_metallurgy military_tactics advanced_robotics
#  teaching_methods anti_matter_fission artificial_consciousness
#  artificial_intelligence artificial_gravity artificial_life astro_biology
#  astro_construction astro_engineering capsule_construction chemistry
#  cold_fusion cybertechnics cybertronics distortion_fields
#  electromagnetic_refraction electronics engineering evolutionary_genetics
#  fusion_physics galactic_economics galactic_networking genetic_engineering
#  genetic_mutations gravitic_fields high_energy_distribution
#  hyper_dimensional_fission hyper_dimensional_physics interphased_fission
#  ion_fission superscalar_construction macro_economics macro_genetics
#  magneto_gravitics matter_energy_conversion molecular_compression
#  molecular_control moleculartronics molecular_manipulation
#  multi_dimensional_physics multi_phased_physics nano_technology
#  neutrino_physics nuclear_fission optronics physics planetoid_construction
#  plasma_physics positronics quantum_fields robotics servo_mechanics
#  subspace_fields subspace_physics tachyon_physics tectonic_engineering
#  temporal_fields temporal_physics trans_genetics transwarp_fields warp_fields
#  xeno_relations xenon_technology advf_biology advf_power advf_physics
#  advf_construction advf_fields advf_chemistry advf_computers advf_sociology
# property-name may be one of:
#  id prev_field_id next_field_id cost AI_group
#                                           next_field_id
#                                     prev_field_id     |       AI_group
#                                          id     |     |     cost     |
#                                           ▼     ▼     ▼        ▼     ▼
tech_field           advanced_biology =     1    18    34      400     5;
tech_field         advanced_chemistry =     2     9    47      650     6;
tech_field      advanced_construction =     3     4    21      150     3;
tech_field       advanced_engineering =     4    29     3       80     2;
tech_field            advanced_fusion =     5    23    41      250     4;
tech_field       advanced_governments =     6    12    32     4500    13;
tech_field         advanced_magnetism =     7     0    36      250     4;
tech_field     advanced_manufacturing =     8    19    11     1500     9;
tech_field        advanced_metallurgy =     9    22     2      250     4;
tech_field           military_tactics =    10     0    73      150     3;
tech_field          advanced_robotics =    11     8    67     2000    10;
tech_field           teaching_methods =    12    43     6     2000    10;
tech_field        anti_matter_fission =    13    41    46     2000    10;
tech_field   artificial_consciousness =    14    60    25     1500     9;
tech_field    artificial_intelligence =    15    56    60      400     5;
tech_field         artificial_gravity =    16    54    65     1150     8;
tech_field            artificial_life =    17    30    70     4500    13;
tech_field              astro_biology =    18     0     1       80     2;
tech_field         astro_construction =    19    63     8     1150     8;
tech_field          astro_engineering =    20    21    62      400     5;
tech_field       capsule_construction =    21     3    20      250     4;
tech_field                  chemistry =    22     0     9       50     1;
tech_field                cold_fusion =    23    55     5       80     2;
tech_field              cybertechnics =    24    25    33     3500    12;
tech_field               cybertronics =    25    14    24     2750    11;
tech_field          distortion_fields =    26    64    61     3500    12;
tech_field electromagnetic_refraction =    27    45    72     1500     9;
tech_field                electronics =    28     0    56       50     1;
tech_field                engineering =    29     0     4       50     1;
tech_field      evolutionary_genetics =    30    44    17     2750    11;
tech_field             fusion_physics =    31    57    66      150     3;
tech_field         galactic_economics =    32     6    82     6000    14;
tech_field        galactic_networking =    33    24    49     4500    13;
tech_field        genetic_engineering =    34     1    35      900     7;
tech_field          genetic_mutations =    35    34    44     1150     8;
tech_field            gravitic_fields =    36     7    45      650     6;
tech_field   high_energy_distribution =    37    46    38     3500    12;
tech_field  hyper_dimensional_fission =    38    37    40     4500    13;
tech_field  hyper_dimensional_physics =    39    51    69     6000    14;
tech_field        interphased_fission =    40    38    76    10000    16;
tech_field                ion_fission =    41     5    13      900     7;
tech_field   superscalar_construction =    42    67    58     6000    14;
tech_field            macro_economics =    43    73    12     1150     8;
tech_field             macro_genetics =    44    35    30     1500     9;
tech_field          magneto_gravitics =    45    36    27      900     7;
tech_field   matter_energy_conversion =    46    13    37     2750    11;
tech_field      molecular_compression =    47     2    53     1150     8;
tech_field          molecular_control =    48    50    80    10000    16;
tech_field           moleculartronics =    49    33    81     6000    14;
tech_field     molecular_manipulation =    50    53    48     4500    13;
tech_field  multi_dimensional_physics =    51    59    39     4500    13;
tech_field       multi_phased_physics =    52    65    59     2000    10;
tech_field            nano_technology =    53    47    50     2000    10;
tech_field           neutrino_physics =    54    66    16      900     7;
tech_field            nuclear_fission =    55     0    23       50     1;
tech_field                  optronics =    56    28    15      150     3;
tech_field                    physics =    57     0    31       50     1;
tech_field     planetoid_construction =    58    42    78     7500    15;
tech_field             plasma_physics =    59    52    51     3500    12;
tech_field                positronics =    60    15    14      900     7;
tech_field             quantum_fields =    61    26    71     4500    13;
tech_field                   robotics =    62    20    63      650     6;
tech_field            servo_mechanics =    63    62    19      900     7;
tech_field            subspace_fields =    64    72    26     2750    11;
tech_field           subspace_physics =    65    16    52     1500     9;
tech_field            tachyon_physics =    66    31    54      250     4;
tech_field       tectonic_engineering =    67    11    42     3500    12;
tech_field            temporal_fields =    68    71    79    15000    17;
tech_field           temporal_physics =    69    39    77    15000    17;
tech_field             trans_genetics =    70    17    75     7500    15;
tech_field           transwarp_fields =    71    61    68     7500    15;
tech_field                warp_fields =    72    27    64     2000    10;
tech_field             xeno_relations =    73    10    43      650     6;
tech_field           xenon_technology =    74    74    74    15000    22;
tech_field               advf_biology =    75    70     0    25000    18;
tech_field                 advf_power =    76    40     0    25000    18;
tech_field               advf_physics =    77    69     0    25000    18;
tech_field          advf_construction =    78    58     0    25000    18;
tech_field                advf_fields =    79    68     0    25000    18;
tech_field             advf_chemistry =    80    48     0    25000    18;
tech_field             advf_computers =    81    49     0    25000    18;
tech_field             advf_sociology =    82    32     0    25000    18;
# Hyper-Advanced Tech Field Cost Increment Value.
hyper_advanced_tech_field_cost_increment_value = 10000;
# Threshold for Hyperadvanced techs researchable for AI prior it will stop researching.
#  ai_hypertech_threshold <modifier> = <value>;
#  where value is a techname.
#  where modifier is one of:
#   adv_biology adv_power adv_physics adv_construction adv_fields adv_chemistry
#   adv_computers adv_sociology
ai_hypertech_threshold      adv_biology = 0;
ai_hypertech_threshold        adv_power = 0;
ai_hypertech_threshold      adv_physics = 0;
ai_hypertech_threshold adv_construction = 0;
ai_hypertech_threshold       adv_fields = 0;
ai_hypertech_threshold    adv_chemistry = 0;
ai_hypertech_threshold    adv_computers = 0;
ai_hypertech_threshold    adv_sociology = 0;
# Weighting increase of tech fields and tech apps for AI tech choice.
# rows:
#  field1_x2 field2_x2 app1_x2 app2_x5
ai_tech_prio field1_x2 = advanced_engineering;
ai_tech_prio field2_x2 = xeno_relations;
ai_tech_prio   app1_x2 = neural_scanner;
ai_tech_prio   app2_x5 = deuterium_fuel_cells;
# Technology table. Format:
#  tech <tech-name> <property-name> = <property-value>;
# tech-name may be one of:
#  achilles_targeting_unit adamantium_armor advanced_city_planning
#  advanced_damage_control alien_management_center android_farmers
#  android_scientists android_workers anti_grav_harness anti_matter_bomb
#  anti_matter_drive anti_matter_torpedo anti_missile_rocket armor_barracks
#  artemis_system_net planet_construction assault_shuttles astro_university
#  atmospheric_renewer augmented_engines autolab automated_factories
#  automated_repair_unit battleoids battle_pods battle_scanner battlestation
#  bio_terminator biomorphic_fungi black_hole_generator bomber_bays capitol
#  class_i_shield class_iii_shield class_v_shield class_vii_shield
#  class_x_shield cloaking_device cloning_center colony_base colony_ship
#  confederation cyber_security_link cybertronic_computer damper_field
#  dauntless_guidance_system death_ray death_spores deep_core_mining
#  core_waste_dumps deuterium_fuel_cells dimensional_portal displacement_device
#  disrupter_cannon doom_star_construction reinforced_hull ecm_jammer
#  electronic_computer emissions_guidance_system energy_absorber biospheres
#  evolutionary_mutation extended_fuel_tanks fast_missile_racks federation
#  fighter_bays fighter_garrison food_replicators freighters fusion_beam
#  fusion_bomb fusion_drive fusion_rifle gaia_transformation
#  galactic_currency_exchange galactic_cybernet galactic_unification
#  gauss_cannon graviton_beam gyro_destabilizer hard_shields heavy_armor
#  heavy_fighter_bays heightened_intelligence high_energy_focus holo_simulator
#  hydroponic_farm hyper_drive megafluxers hyper_x_capacitors
#  hyperspace_communications imperium inertial_nullifier inertial_stabilizer
#  interphased_drive ion_drive ion_pulse_cannon iridium_fuel_cells jump_gate
#  laser_cannon laser_rifle lightning_field marine_barracks mass_driver
#  mauler_device merculite_missile microbiotics microlite_construction
#  outpost_ship moleculartronic_computer multi_wave_ecm_jammer
#  multi_phased_shields nano_disassemblers neural_scanner neutron_blaster
#  neutron_scanner neutronium_armor neutronium_bomb nuclear_bomb nuclear_drive
#  nuclear_missile optronic_computer particle_beam personal_shield phase_shifter
#  phasing_cloak phasor phasor_rifle planetary_barrier_shield
#  planetary_flux_shield planetary_gravity_generator planetary_missile_base
#  ground_batteries planetary_radiation_shield planetary_stock_exchange
#  planetary_supercomputer plasma_cannon plasma_rifle plasma_torpedo plasma_web
#  pleasure_dome pollution_processor positronic_computer powered_armor
#  pulse_rifle proton_torpedo psionics pulsar pulson_missile quantum_detonator
#  rangemaster_unit recyclotron reflection_field robotic_factory
#  research_laboratory robo_miners space_scanner scout_lab security_stations
#  sensors shield_capacitors soil_enrichment space_academy spaceport
#  spatial_compressor spy_network standard_fuel_cells star_base star_fortress
#  star_gate stasis_field stealth_field stealth_suit stellar_converter
#  structural_analyzer sub_space_communications sub_space_teleporter
#  subterranean_farms survival_pods tachyon_communications tachyon_scanner
#  telepathic_training terraforming thorium_fuel_cells time_warp_facilitator
#  titan_construction titanium_armor tractor_beam transport transporters
#  tritanium_armor troop_pods universal_antidote uridium_fuel_cells
#  virtual_reality_network warp_dissipator warp_interdictor
#  weather_control_system wide_area_jammer xeno_psychology xentronium_armor
#  zeon_missile zortrium_armor adv_biology adv_power adv_physics
#  adv_construction adv_fields adv_chemistry adv_computers adv_sociology
# property-name may be one of:
#  id tech_field_id AI_group in_strategic
#                                             in_strategic
#                                            AI_group    |
#                                 tech_field_id     |    |
#                                      id     |     |    |
#                                       ▼     ▼     ▼    ▼
tech     achilles_targeting_unit =      1    49    27    1;
tech            adamantium_armor =      2    48    32    1;
tech      advanced_city_planning =      3    42     7    1;
tech     advanced_damage_control =      4    63    17    1;
tech     alien_management_center =      5    73     5    1;
tech             android_farmers =      6    24     0    1;
tech          android_scientists =      7    24     2    1;
tech             android_workers =      8    24     1    1;
tech           anti_grav_harness =      9    36    15    1;
tech            anti_matter_bomb =     10    13    19    1;
tech           anti_matter_drive =     11    13    18    1;
tech         anti_matter_torpedo =     12    13    21    1;
tech         anti_missile_rocket =     13     4    28    0;
tech              armor_barracks =     14    20     8    1;
tech          artemis_system_net =     15    58     9    1;
tech         planet_construction =     16     8    11    1;
tech            assault_shuttles =     17    63    35    0;
tech            astro_university =     18    12     5    1;
tech         atmospheric_renewer =     19    47     4    1;
tech           augmented_engines =     20     5    23    0;
tech                     autolab =     21    25     2    1;
tech         automated_factories =     22     3     1    1;
tech       automated_repair_unit =     23     8    31    0;
tech                  battleoids =     24    19    15    1;
tech                 battle_pods =     25    21    17    0;
tech              battle_scanner =     26    66    27    1;
tech               battlestation =     27    62     9    1;
tech              bio_terminator =     28    17    20    0;
tech            biomorphic_fungi =     29    70     0    1;
tech        black_hole_generator =     30    74    38    1;
tech                 bomber_bays =     31    11    30    1;
tech                     capitol =     32     0     5    1;
tech              class_i_shield =     33     7    33    1;
tech            class_iii_shield =     34    45    33    1;
tech              class_v_shield =     35    64    33    1;
tech            class_vii_shield =     36    61    33    1;
tech              class_x_shield =     37    68    33    1;
tech             cloaking_device =     38    26    37    0;
tech              cloning_center =     39     1     6    1;
tech                 colony_base =     40    29     9    1;
tech                 colony_ship =     41    23    22    1;
tech               confederation =     42     6    13    1;
tech         cyber_security_link =     43    14    12    1;
tech        cybertronic_computer =     44    25    25    1;
tech                damper_field =     45    74    33    1;
tech   dauntless_guidance_system =     46    56    29    0;
tech                   death_ray =     47    74    26    1;
tech                death_spores =     48     1    20    0;
tech            deep_core_mining =     49    67     1    1;
tech            core_waste_dumps =     50    67     4    1;
tech        deuterium_fuel_cells =     51     9    39    1;
tech          dimensional_portal =     52    51     5    1;
tech         displacement_device =     53    71    37    1;
tech            disrupter_cannon =     54    51    26    1;
tech      doom_star_construction =     55    58    22    1;
tech             reinforced_hull =     56     4    31    0;
tech                  ecm_jammer =     57     7    28    1;
tech         electronic_computer =     58    28    25    1;
tech   emissions_guidance_system =     59    14    29    0;
tech             energy_absorber =     60    37    38    0;
tech                  biospheres =     61    18     7    1;
tech       evolutionary_mutation =     62    70    11    1;
tech         extended_fuel_tanks =     63    22    36    0;
tech          fast_missile_racks =     64    63    29    1;
tech                  federation =     65     6    13    1;
tech                fighter_bays =     66     4    30    1;
tech            fighter_garrison =     67    20     9    1;
tech            food_replicators =     68    46     0    1;
tech                  freighters =     69    55    22    1;
tech                 fusion_beam =     70    31    26    1;
tech                 fusion_bomb =     71     5    19    1;
tech                fusion_drive =     72     5    18    1;
tech                fusion_rifle =     73    31    16    1;
tech         gaia_transformation =     74    70     7    1;
tech  galactic_currency_exchange =     75    32     3    1;
tech           galactic_cybernet =     76    33     2    1;
tech        galactic_unification =     77     6    13    1;
tech                gauss_cannon =     78    64    26    1;
tech               graviton_beam =     79    16    26    1;
tech           gyro_destabilizer =     80    36    38    1;
tech                hard_shields =     81    26    34    1;
tech                 heavy_armor =     82     3    31    0;
tech          heavy_fighter_bays =     83    42    30    1;
tech     heightened_intelligence =     84    30     2    1;
tech           high_energy_focus =     85    37    27    1;
tech              holo_simulator =     86    60    40    1;
tech             hydroponic_farm =     87    18     0    1;
tech                 hyper_drive =     88    38    18    1;
tech                 megafluxers =     89    37    17    1;
tech          hyper_x_capacitors =     90    38    27    1;
tech   hyperspace_communications =     91    39    14    1;
tech                    imperium =     92     6    13    1;
tech          inertial_nullifier =     93    71    23    1;
tech         inertial_stabilizer =     94    36    23    1;
tech           interphased_drive =     95    40    18    1;
tech                   ion_drive =     96    41    18    1;
tech            ion_pulse_cannon =     97    41    26    1;
tech          iridium_fuel_cells =     98    47    39    1;
tech                   jump_gate =     99    65    17    1;
tech                laser_cannon =    100    57    26    1;
tech                 laser_rifle =    101    57    16    1;
tech             lightning_field =    102    72    28    1;
tech             marine_barracks =    103    29     8    1;
tech                 mass_driver =    104     7    26    1;
tech               mauler_device =    105    39    38    1;
tech           merculite_missile =    106     2    21    1;
tech                microbiotics =    107    34     6    1;
tech      microlite_construction =    108    53    17    1;
tech                outpost_ship =    109    23     9    1;
tech    moleculartronic_computer =    110    49    25    1;
tech       multi_wave_ecm_jammer =    111    64    28    1;
tech        multi_phased_shields =    112    52    34    0;
tech          nano_disassemblers =    113    53     4    1;
tech              neural_scanner =    114    15    12    1;
tech             neutron_blaster =    115    54    26    1;
tech             neutron_scanner =    116    54    24    1;
tech            neutronium_armor =    117    50    32    1;
tech             neutronium_bomb =    118    40    19    1;
tech                nuclear_bomb =    119    55    19    1;
tech               nuclear_drive =    120    55    18    1;
tech             nuclear_missile =    121    22    21    1;
tech           optronic_computer =    122    56    25    1;
tech               particle_beam =    123    74    26    1;
tech             personal_shield =    124    27    15    1;
tech               phase_shifter =    125    -1    38    0;
tech               phasing_cloak =    126    68    37    0;
tech                      phasor =    127    52    26    1;
tech                phasor_rifle =    128    52    16    1;
tech    planetary_barrier_shield =    129    68    10    1;
tech       planetary_flux_shield =    130    61    10    1;
tech planetary_gravity_generator =    131    16     1    1;
tech      planetary_missile_base =    132     3     9    1;
tech            ground_batteries =    133    19     9    1;
tech  planetary_radiation_shield =    134    45    10    1;
tech    planetary_stock_exchange =    135    43     3    1;
tech     planetary_supercomputer =    136    60     2    1;
tech               plasma_cannon =    137    59    26    1;
tech                plasma_rifle =    138    59    16    1;
tech              plasma_torpedo =    139    40    21    1;
tech                  plasma_web =    140    59    38    1;
tech               pleasure_dome =    141    49    40    1;
tech         pollution_processor =    142     2     4    1;
tech         positronic_computer =    143    60    25    1;
tech               powered_armor =    144    62    15    1;
tech                 pulse_rifle =    145     0    16    1;
tech              proton_torpedo =    146    38    21    1;
tech                    psionics =    147    30    12    1;
tech                      pulsar =    148    72    28    1;
tech              pulson_missile =    149    47    21    1;
tech           quantum_detonator =    150    74    17    0;
tech            rangemaster_unit =    151    14    27    1;
tech                 recyclotron =    152     8     1    1;
tech            reflection_field =    153    74    34    0;
tech             robotic_factory =    154    11     1    1;
tech         research_laboratory =    155    56     2    1;
tech                 robo_miners =    156    62     1    1;
tech               space_scanner =    157    57    24    1;
tech                   scout_lab =    158    15    36    0;
tech           security_stations =    159    15    36    0;
tech                     sensors =    160    39    24    1;
tech           shield_capacitors =    161    41    34    0;
tech             soil_enrichment =    162     1     0    1;
tech               space_academy =    163    10     5    1;
tech                   spaceport =    164    20     3    1;
tech          spatial_compressor =    165    74    28    1;
tech                 spy_network =    166     0    12    1;
tech         standard_fuel_cells =    167    22    39    1;
tech                   star_base =    168    29     9    1;
tech               star_fortress =    169    42     9    1;
tech                   star_gate =    170    69    17    1;
tech                stasis_field =    171    26    38    0;
tech               stealth_field =    172    27    37    0;
tech                stealth_suit =    173    27    12    1;
tech           stellar_converter =    174    69     9    1;
tech         structural_analyzer =    175    25    27    1;
tech    sub_space_communications =    176    65    14    1;
tech        sub_space_teleporter =    177    71    36    0;
tech          subterranean_farms =    178    44     0    1;
tech               survival_pods =    179    21    17    1;
tech      tachyon_communications =    180    66    14    1;
tech             tachyon_scanner =    181    66    24    1;
tech         telepathic_training =    182    34    12    1;
tech                terraforming =    183    35     0    1;
tech          thorium_fuel_cells =    184    48    39    1;
tech       time_warp_facilitator =    185    69    17    1;
tech          titan_construction =    186    19    22    1;
tech              titanium_armor =    187    22    32    1;
tech                tractor_beam =    188    16    35    0;
tech                   transport =    189    23    22    1;
tech                transporters =    190    46    35    1;
tech             tritanium_armor =    191     9    32    1;
tech                  troop_pods =    192    21    35    0;
tech          universal_antidote =    193    17     6    1;
tech          uridium_fuel_cells =    194    50    39    1;
tech     virtual_reality_network =    195    33    40    1;
tech             warp_dissipator =    196    45    36    0;
tech            warp_interdictor =    197    72     5    1;
tech      weather_control_system =    198    44     0    1;
tech            wide_area_jammer =    199    61    28    1;
tech             xeno_psychology =    200    73    11    1;
tech            xentronium_armor =    201    74    32    1;
tech                zeon_missile =    202    50    21    1;
tech              zortrium_armor =    203    53    32    1;
tech                 adv_biology =    204    75    41    1;
tech                   adv_power =    205    76    41    1;
tech                 adv_physics =    206    77    41    1;
tech            adv_construction =    207    78    41    1;
tech                  adv_fields =    208    79    41    1;
tech               adv_chemistry =    209    80    41    1;
tech               adv_computers =    210    81    41    1;
tech               adv_sociology =    211    82    41    1;
# List of Post-warp techs. First 7 items are excluded from strategic mode.
# Adjust the list as needed for a modded tech tree.
# rows:
#  postwarp_tech_1 postwarp_tech_2 postwarp_tech_3 postwarp_tech_4
#  postwarp_tech_5 postwarp_tech_6 postwarp_tech_7 postwarp_tech_8
#  postwarp_tech_9 postwarp_tech_10 postwarp_tech_11 postwarp_tech_12
#  postwarp_tech_13 postwarp_tech_14 postwarp_tech_15 postwarp_tech_16
#  postwarp_tech_17 postwarp_tech_18 postwarp_tech_19 postwarp_tech_20
#  postwarp_tech_21 postwarp_tech_22 postwarp_tech_23 postwarp_tech_24
#  postwarp_tech_25 postwarp_tech_26 postwarp_tech_27 postwarp_tech_28
#  postwarp_tech_29
postwarp_tech  postwarp_tech_1 = 56;
postwarp_tech  postwarp_tech_2 = 20;
postwarp_tech  postwarp_tech_3 = 192;
postwarp_tech  postwarp_tech_4 = 25;
postwarp_tech  postwarp_tech_5 = 82;
postwarp_tech  postwarp_tech_6 = 13;
postwarp_tech  postwarp_tech_7 = 13;
postwarp_tech  postwarp_tech_8 = 22;
postwarp_tech  postwarp_tech_9 = 132;
postwarp_tech postwarp_tech_10 = 26;
postwarp_tech postwarp_tech_11 = 179;
postwarp_tech postwarp_tech_12 = 71;
postwarp_tech postwarp_tech_13 = 72;
postwarp_tech postwarp_tech_14 = 51;
postwarp_tech postwarp_tech_15 = 191;
postwarp_tech postwarp_tech_16 = 163;
postwarp_tech postwarp_tech_17 = 46;
postwarp_tech postwarp_tech_18 = 122;
postwarp_tech postwarp_tech_19 = 155;
postwarp_tech postwarp_tech_20 = 61;
postwarp_tech postwarp_tech_21 = 87;
postwarp_tech postwarp_tech_22 = 70;
postwarp_tech postwarp_tech_23 = 73;
postwarp_tech postwarp_tech_24 = 33;
postwarp_tech postwarp_tech_25 = 57;
postwarp_tech postwarp_tech_26 = 104;
postwarp_tech postwarp_tech_27 = 180;
postwarp_tech postwarp_tech_28 = 181;
postwarp_tech postwarp_tech_29 = 66;
# Priority list of buildings used for game initialization. Can be used i.a.
# to influence which buildings are built on Advanced game start. Format:
#  initial_building <field> = <value>;
# where field is one of:
#  building1 building2 building3 building4 building5 building6 building7
#  building8 building9 building10 building11 building12 building13 building14
#  building15 building16 building17 building18 building19 building20 building21
#  building22 building23 building24 building25 building26 building27 building28
#  building29 building30 building31 building32 building33 building34 building35
#  building36 building37 building38 building39 building40 building41 building42
#  building43 building44
initial_building  building1 = star_fortress;
initial_building  building2 = battlestation;
initial_building  building3 = star_base;
initial_building  building4 = hydroponic_farm;
initial_building  building5 = marine_barracks;
initial_building  building6 = biospheres;
initial_building  building7 = automated_factory;
initial_building  building8 = holo_simulator;
initial_building  building9 = soil_enrichment;
initial_building building10 = astro_university;
initial_building building11 = pleasure_dome;
initial_building building12 = recyclotron;
initial_building building13 = robotic_factory;
initial_building building14 = spaceport;
initial_building building15 = armor_barracks;
initial_building building16 = deep_core_mine;
initial_building building17 = core_waste_dump;
initial_building building18 = pollution_processor;
initial_building building19 = research_lab;
initial_building building20 = cloning_center;
initial_building building21 = subterranean_farms;
initial_building building22 = food_replicators;
initial_building building23 = radiation_shield;
initial_building building24 = gravity_generator;
initial_building building25 = currency_exchange;
initial_building building26 = galactic_cybernet;
initial_building building27 = flux_shield;
initial_building building28 = missile_base;
initial_building building29 = fighter_garrison;
initial_building building30 = ground_batteries;
initial_building building31 = autolab;
initial_building building32 = atmosphere_renewer;
initial_building building33 = barrier_shield;
initial_building building34 = robo_miner_plant;
initial_building building35 = stock_exchange;
initial_building building36 = supercomputer;
initial_building building37 = weather_controller;
initial_building building38 = dimensional_portal;
initial_building building39 = warp_interdictor;
initial_building building40 = artemis_system_net;
initial_building building41 = stellar_converter;
initial_building building42 = space_academy;
initial_building building43 = no_building;
initial_building building44 = no_building;
# =========================== #
# --    MINIATURIZATION    -- #
# =========================== #
# MINIATURIZATION TABLE, percent size per tech level L0-L5.
# rows:
#  level_0_cost level_1_cost level_2_cost level_3_cost level_4_cost level_5_cost
#  level_0_size_groups_1_and_2 level_1_size_groups_1_and_2 level_2_size_group_1
#  level_3_grp_1_and_level_4_grp_2 level_4_size_group_1 level_5_size_group_1
#  level_2_size_group_2 level_3_size_group_2 level_5_size_group_2
miniaturization                    level_0_cost = 100;
miniaturization                    level_1_cost = 75;
miniaturization                    level_2_cost = 55;
miniaturization                    level_3_cost = 40;
miniaturization                    level_4_cost = 30;
miniaturization                    level_5_cost = 25;
miniaturization     level_0_size_groups_1_and_2 = 1000;
miniaturization     level_1_size_groups_1_and_2 = 800;
miniaturization            level_2_size_group_1 = 650;
miniaturization level_3_grp_1_and_level_4_grp_2 = 500;
miniaturization            level_4_size_group_1 = 350;
miniaturization            level_5_size_group_1 = 250;
miniaturization            level_2_size_group_2 = 700;
miniaturization            level_3_size_group_2 = 600;
miniaturization            level_5_size_group_2 = 400;
# Set miniaturization group associated with the tech. The groups are:
#   group1 -- normal weapons and shields by default
#   group2 -- torpedoes, special weapons and specials systems by default
#   group3 -- a few devices and weapons with no miniaturization
# See miniaturization section in the 1.50 Excel Manual.
tech_mini                     no_tech = group1;
tech_mini     achilles_targeting_unit = group2;
tech_mini            adamantium_armor = group1;
tech_mini      advanced_city_planning = group1;
tech_mini     advanced_damage_control = group1;
tech_mini     alien_management_center = group1;
tech_mini             android_farmers = group1;
tech_mini          android_scientists = group1;
tech_mini             android_workers = group1;
tech_mini           anti_grav_harness = group1;
tech_mini            anti_matter_bomb = group1;
tech_mini           anti_matter_drive = group1;
tech_mini         anti_matter_torpedo = group2;
tech_mini         anti_missile_rocket = group2;
tech_mini              armor_barracks = group1;
tech_mini          artemis_system_net = group1;
tech_mini         planet_construction = group1;
tech_mini            assault_shuttles = group3;
tech_mini            astro_university = group1;
tech_mini         atmospheric_renewer = group1;
tech_mini           augmented_engines = group3;
tech_mini                     autolab = group1;
tech_mini         automated_factories = group1;
tech_mini       automated_repair_unit = group2;
tech_mini                  battleoids = group1;
tech_mini                 battle_pods = group1;
tech_mini              battle_scanner = group2;
tech_mini               battlestation = group1;
tech_mini              bio_terminator = group1;
tech_mini            biomorphic_fungi = group1;
tech_mini        black_hole_generator = group2;
tech_mini                 bomber_bays = group3;
tech_mini                     capitol = group1;
tech_mini              class_i_shield = group1;
tech_mini            class_iii_shield = group1;
tech_mini              class_v_shield = group1;
tech_mini            class_vii_shield = group1;
tech_mini              class_x_shield = group1;
tech_mini             cloaking_device = group2;
tech_mini              cloning_center = group1;
tech_mini                 colony_base = group1;
tech_mini                 colony_ship = group1;
tech_mini               confederation = group1;
tech_mini         cyber_security_link = group1;
tech_mini        cybertronic_computer = group2;
tech_mini                damper_field = group2;
tech_mini   dauntless_guidance_system = group1;
tech_mini                   death_ray = group1;
tech_mini                death_spores = group1;
tech_mini            deep_core_mining = group1;
tech_mini            core_waste_dumps = group1;
tech_mini        deuterium_fuel_cells = group1;
tech_mini          dimensional_portal = group1;
tech_mini         displacement_device = group2;
tech_mini            disrupter_cannon = group1;
tech_mini      doom_star_construction = group1;
tech_mini             reinforced_hull = group3;
tech_mini                  ecm_jammer = group2;
tech_mini         electronic_computer = group2;
tech_mini   emissions_guidance_system = group1;
tech_mini             energy_absorber = group2;
tech_mini                  biospheres = group1;
tech_mini       evolutionary_mutation = group1;
tech_mini         extended_fuel_tanks = group3;
tech_mini          fast_missile_racks = group2;
tech_mini                  federation = group1;
tech_mini                fighter_bays = group3;
tech_mini            fighter_garrison = group1;
tech_mini            food_replicators = group1;
tech_mini                  freighters = group1;
tech_mini                 fusion_beam = group1;
tech_mini                 fusion_bomb = group1;
tech_mini                fusion_drive = group1;
tech_mini                fusion_rifle = group1;
tech_mini         gaia_transformation = group1;
tech_mini  galactic_currency_exchange = group1;
tech_mini           galactic_cybernet = group1;
tech_mini        galactic_unification = group1;
tech_mini                gauss_cannon = group1;
tech_mini               graviton_beam = group1;
tech_mini           gyro_destabilizer = group2;
tech_mini                hard_shields = group2;
tech_mini                 heavy_armor = group3;
tech_mini          heavy_fighter_bays = group3;
tech_mini     heightened_intelligence = group1;
tech_mini           high_energy_focus = group2;
tech_mini              holo_simulator = group1;
tech_mini             hydroponic_farm = group1;
tech_mini                 hyper_drive = group1;
tech_mini                 megafluxers = group1;
tech_mini          hyper_x_capacitors = group2;
tech_mini   hyperspace_communications = group1;
tech_mini                    imperium = group1;
tech_mini          inertial_nullifier = group2;
tech_mini         inertial_stabilizer = group2;
tech_mini           interphased_drive = group1;
tech_mini                   ion_drive = group1;
tech_mini            ion_pulse_cannon = group1;
tech_mini          iridium_fuel_cells = group1;
tech_mini                   jump_gate = group1;
tech_mini                laser_cannon = group1;
tech_mini                 laser_rifle = group1;
tech_mini             lightning_field = group2;
tech_mini             marine_barracks = group1;
tech_mini                 mass_driver = group1;
tech_mini               mauler_device = group1;
tech_mini           merculite_missile = group1;
tech_mini                microbiotics = group1;
tech_mini      microlite_construction = group1;
tech_mini                outpost_ship = group1;
tech_mini    moleculartronic_computer = group2;
tech_mini       multi_wave_ecm_jammer = group2;
tech_mini        multi_phased_shields = group2;
tech_mini          nano_disassemblers = group1;
tech_mini              neural_scanner = group1;
tech_mini             neutron_blaster = group1;
tech_mini             neutron_scanner = group1;
tech_mini            neutronium_armor = group1;
tech_mini             neutronium_bomb = group1;
tech_mini                nuclear_bomb = group1;
tech_mini               nuclear_drive = group1;
tech_mini             nuclear_missile = group1;
tech_mini           optronic_computer = group2;
tech_mini               particle_beam = group1;
tech_mini             personal_shield = group1;
tech_mini               phase_shifter = group2;
tech_mini               phasing_cloak = group2;
tech_mini                      phasor = group1;
tech_mini                phasor_rifle = group1;
tech_mini    planetary_barrier_shield = group1;
tech_mini       planetary_flux_shield = group1;
tech_mini planetary_gravity_generator = group1;
tech_mini      planetary_missile_base = group1;
tech_mini            ground_batteries = group1;
tech_mini  planetary_radiation_shield = group1;
tech_mini    planetary_stock_exchange = group1;
tech_mini     planetary_supercomputer = group1;
tech_mini               plasma_cannon = group1;
tech_mini                plasma_rifle = group1;
tech_mini              plasma_torpedo = group2;
tech_mini                  plasma_web = group2;
tech_mini               pleasure_dome = group1;
tech_mini         pollution_processor = group1;
tech_mini         positronic_computer = group2;
tech_mini               powered_armor = group1;
tech_mini                 pulse_rifle = group1;
tech_mini              proton_torpedo = group2;
tech_mini                    psionics = group1;
tech_mini                      pulsar = group2;
tech_mini              pulson_missile = group1;
tech_mini           quantum_detonator = group2;
tech_mini            rangemaster_unit = group2;
tech_mini                 recyclotron = group1;
tech_mini            reflection_field = group2;
tech_mini             robotic_factory = group1;
tech_mini         research_laboratory = group1;
tech_mini                 robo_miners = group1;
tech_mini               space_scanner = group1;
tech_mini                   scout_lab = group2;
tech_mini           security_stations = group2;
tech_mini                     sensors = group1;
tech_mini           shield_capacitors = group2;
tech_mini             soil_enrichment = group1;
tech_mini               space_academy = group1;
tech_mini                   spaceport = group1;
tech_mini          spatial_compressor = group2;
tech_mini                 spy_network = group1;
tech_mini         standard_fuel_cells = group1;
tech_mini                   star_base = group1;
tech_mini               star_fortress = group1;
tech_mini                   star_gate = group1;
tech_mini                stasis_field = group2;
tech_mini               stealth_field = group2;
tech_mini                stealth_suit = group1;
tech_mini           stellar_converter = group2;
tech_mini         structural_analyzer = group2;
tech_mini    sub_space_communications = group1;
tech_mini        sub_space_teleporter = group2;
tech_mini          subterranean_farms = group1;
tech_mini               survival_pods = group1;
tech_mini      tachyon_communications = group1;
tech_mini             tachyon_scanner = group1;
tech_mini         telepathic_training = group1;
tech_mini                terraforming = group1;
tech_mini          thorium_fuel_cells = group1;
tech_mini       time_warp_facilitator = group2;
tech_mini          titan_construction = group1;
tech_mini              titanium_armor = group1;
tech_mini                tractor_beam = group2;
tech_mini                   transport = group1;
tech_mini                transporters = group2;
tech_mini             tritanium_armor = group1;
tech_mini                  troop_pods = group3;
tech_mini          universal_antidote = group1;
tech_mini          uridium_fuel_cells = group1;
tech_mini     virtual_reality_network = group1;
tech_mini             warp_dissipator = group2;
tech_mini            warp_interdictor = group1;
tech_mini      weather_control_system = group1;
tech_mini            wide_area_jammer = group2;
tech_mini             xeno_psychology = group1;
tech_mini            xentronium_armor = group1;
tech_mini                zeon_missile = group1;
tech_mini              zortrium_armor = group1;
tech_mini                 adv_biology = group1;
tech_mini                   adv_power = group1;
tech_mini                 adv_physics = group1;
tech_mini            adv_construction = group1;
tech_mini                  adv_fields = group1;
tech_mini               adv_chemistry = group1;
tech_mini               adv_computers = group1;
tech_mini               adv_sociology = group1;
# ================= #
# --    NAMES    -- #
# ================= #
# Custom name for items of tech_fields table. If name is not specified here
# built-in name will be used. By default no names are set in this table. Format:
#  tech_field_name <item> = <string>;
tech_field_name              starting_tech = 0;
tech_field_name           advanced_biology = 0;
tech_field_name         advanced_chemistry = 0;
tech_field_name      advanced_construction = 0;
tech_field_name       advanced_engineering = 0;
tech_field_name            advanced_fusion = 0;
tech_field_name       advanced_governments = 0;
tech_field_name         advanced_magnetism = 0;
tech_field_name     advanced_manufacturing = 0;
tech_field_name        advanced_metallurgy = 0;
tech_field_name           military_tactics = 0;
tech_field_name          advanced_robotics = 0;
tech_field_name           teaching_methods = 0;
tech_field_name        anti_matter_fission = 0;
tech_field_name   artificial_consciousness = 0;
tech_field_name    artificial_intelligence = 0;
tech_field_name         artificial_gravity = 0;
tech_field_name            artificial_life = 0;
tech_field_name              astro_biology = 0;
tech_field_name         astro_construction = 0;
tech_field_name          astro_engineering = 0;
tech_field_name       capsule_construction = 0;
tech_field_name                  chemistry = 0;
tech_field_name                cold_fusion = 0;
tech_field_name              cybertechnics = 0;
tech_field_name               cybertronics = 0;
tech_field_name          distortion_fields = 0;
tech_field_name electromagnetic_refraction = 0;
tech_field_name                electronics = 0;
tech_field_name                engineering = 0;
tech_field_name      evolutionary_genetics = 0;
tech_field_name             fusion_physics = 0;
tech_field_name         galactic_economics = 0;
tech_field_name        galactic_networking = 0;
tech_field_name        genetic_engineering = 0;
tech_field_name          genetic_mutations = 0;
tech_field_name            gravitic_fields = 0;
tech_field_name   high_energy_distribution = 0;
tech_field_name  hyper_dimensional_fission = 0;
tech_field_name  hyper_dimensional_physics = 0;
tech_field_name        interphased_fission = 0;
tech_field_name                ion_fission = 0;
tech_field_name   superscalar_construction = 0;
tech_field_name            macro_economics = 0;
tech_field_name             macro_genetics = 0;
tech_field_name          magneto_gravitics = 0;
tech_field_name   matter_energy_conversion = 0;
tech_field_name      molecular_compression = 0;
tech_field_name          molecular_control = 0;
tech_field_name           moleculartronics = 0;
tech_field_name     molecular_manipulation = 0;
tech_field_name  multi_dimensional_physics = 0;
tech_field_name       multi_phased_physics = 0;
tech_field_name            nano_technology = 0;
tech_field_name           neutrino_physics = 0;
tech_field_name            nuclear_fission = 0;
tech_field_name                  optronics = 0;
tech_field_name                    physics = 0;
tech_field_name     planetoid_construction = 0;
tech_field_name             plasma_physics = 0;
tech_field_name                positronics = 0;
tech_field_name             quantum_fields = 0;
tech_field_name                   robotics = 0;
tech_field_name            servo_mechanics = 0;
tech_field_name            subspace_fields = 0;
tech_field_name           subspace_physics = 0;
tech_field_name            tachyon_physics = 0;
tech_field_name       tectonic_engineering = 0;
tech_field_name            temporal_fields = 0;
tech_field_name           temporal_physics = 0;
tech_field_name             trans_genetics = 0;
tech_field_name           transwarp_fields = 0;
tech_field_name                warp_fields = 0;
tech_field_name             xeno_relations = 0;
tech_field_name           xenon_technology = 0;
tech_field_name               advf_biology = 0;
tech_field_name                 advf_power = 0;
tech_field_name               advf_physics = 0;
tech_field_name          advf_construction = 0;
tech_field_name                advf_fields = 0;
tech_field_name             advf_chemistry = 0;
tech_field_name             advf_computers = 0;
tech_field_name             advf_sociology = 0;
# Custom name for items of techs table. If name is not specified here
# built-in name will be used. By default no names are set in this table. Format:
#  tech_name <item> = <string>;
tech_name                     no_tech = 0;
tech_name     achilles_targeting_unit = 0;
tech_name            adamantium_armor = 0;
tech_name      advanced_city_planning = 0;
tech_name     advanced_damage_control = 0;
tech_name     alien_management_center = 0;
tech_name             android_farmers = 0;
tech_name          android_scientists = 0;
tech_name             android_workers = 0;
tech_name           anti_grav_harness = 0;
tech_name            anti_matter_bomb = 0;
tech_name           anti_matter_drive = 0;
tech_name         anti_matter_torpedo = 0;
tech_name         anti_missile_rocket = 0;
tech_name              armor_barracks = 0;
tech_name          artemis_system_net = 0;
tech_name         planet_construction = 0;
tech_name            assault_shuttles = 0;
tech_name            astro_university = 0;
tech_name         atmospheric_renewer = 0;
tech_name           augmented_engines = 0;
tech_name                     autolab = 0;
tech_name         automated_factories = 0;
tech_name       automated_repair_unit = 0;
tech_name                  battleoids = 0;
tech_name                 battle_pods = 0;
tech_name              battle_scanner = 0;
tech_name               battlestation = 0;
tech_name              bio_terminator = 0;
tech_name            biomorphic_fungi = 0;
tech_name        black_hole_generator = 0;
tech_name                 bomber_bays = 0;
tech_name                     capitol = 0;
tech_name              class_i_shield = 0;
tech_name            class_iii_shield = 0;
tech_name              class_v_shield = 0;
tech_name            class_vii_shield = 0;
tech_name              class_x_shield = 0;
tech_name             cloaking_device = 0;
tech_name              cloning_center = 0;
tech_name                 colony_base = 0;
tech_name                 colony_ship = 0;
tech_name               confederation = 0;
tech_name         cyber_security_link = 0;
tech_name        cybertronic_computer = 0;
tech_name                damper_field = 0;
tech_name   dauntless_guidance_system = 0;
tech_name                   death_ray = 0;
tech_name                death_spores = 0;
tech_name            deep_core_mining = 0;
tech_name            core_waste_dumps = 0;
tech_name        deuterium_fuel_cells = 0;
tech_name          dimensional_portal = 0;
tech_name         displacement_device = 0;
tech_name            disrupter_cannon = 0;
tech_name      doom_star_construction = 0;
tech_name             reinforced_hull = 0;
tech_name                  ecm_jammer = 0;
tech_name         electronic_computer = 0;
tech_name   emissions_guidance_system = 0;
tech_name             energy_absorber = 0;
tech_name                  biospheres = 0;
tech_name       evolutionary_mutation = 0;
tech_name         extended_fuel_tanks = 0;
tech_name          fast_missile_racks = 0;
tech_name                  federation = 0;
tech_name                fighter_bays = 0;
tech_name            fighter_garrison = 0;
tech_name            food_replicators = 0;
tech_name                  freighters = 0;
tech_name                 fusion_beam = 0;
tech_name                 fusion_bomb = 0;
tech_name                fusion_drive = 0;
tech_name                fusion_rifle = 0;
tech_name         gaia_transformation = 0;
tech_name  galactic_currency_exchange = 0;
tech_name           galactic_cybernet = 0;
tech_name        galactic_unification = 0;
tech_name                gauss_cannon = 0;
tech_name               graviton_beam = 0;
tech_name           gyro_destabilizer = 0;
tech_name                hard_shields = 0;
tech_name                 heavy_armor = 0;
tech_name          heavy_fighter_bays = 0;
tech_name     heightened_intelligence = 0;
tech_name           high_energy_focus = 0;
tech_name              holo_simulator = 0;
tech_name             hydroponic_farm = 0;
tech_name                 hyper_drive = 0;
tech_name                 megafluxers = 0;
tech_name          hyper_x_capacitors = 0;
tech_name   hyperspace_communications = 0;
tech_name                    imperium = 0;
tech_name          inertial_nullifier = 0;
tech_name         inertial_stabilizer = 0;
tech_name           interphased_drive = 0;
tech_name                   ion_drive = 0;
tech_name            ion_pulse_cannon = 0;
tech_name          iridium_fuel_cells = 0;
tech_name                   jump_gate = 0;
tech_name                laser_cannon = 0;
tech_name                 laser_rifle = 0;
tech_name             lightning_field = 0;
tech_name             marine_barracks = 0;
tech_name                 mass_driver = 0;
tech_name               mauler_device = 0;
tech_name           merculite_missile = 0;
tech_name                microbiotics = 0;
tech_name      microlite_construction = 0;
tech_name                outpost_ship = 0;
tech_name    moleculartronic_computer = 0;
tech_name       multi_wave_ecm_jammer = 0;
tech_name        multi_phased_shields = 0;
tech_name          nano_disassemblers = 0;
tech_name              neural_scanner = 0;
tech_name             neutron_blaster = 0;
tech_name             neutron_scanner = 0;
tech_name            neutronium_armor = 0;
tech_name             neutronium_bomb = 0;
tech_name                nuclear_bomb = 0;
tech_name               nuclear_drive = 0;
tech_name             nuclear_missile = 0;
tech_name           optronic_computer = 0;
tech_name               particle_beam = 0;
tech_name             personal_shield = 0;
tech_name               phase_shifter = 0;
tech_name               phasing_cloak = 0;
tech_name                      phasor = 0;
tech_name                phasor_rifle = 0;
tech_name    planetary_barrier_shield = 0;
tech_name       planetary_flux_shield = 0;
tech_name planetary_gravity_generator = 0;
tech_name      planetary_missile_base = 0;
tech_name            ground_batteries = 0;
tech_name  planetary_radiation_shield = 0;
tech_name    planetary_stock_exchange = 0;
tech_name     planetary_supercomputer = 0;
tech_name               plasma_cannon = 0;
tech_name                plasma_rifle = 0;
tech_name              plasma_torpedo = 0;
tech_name                  plasma_web = 0;
tech_name               pleasure_dome = 0;
tech_name         pollution_processor = 0;
tech_name         positronic_computer = 0;
tech_name               powered_armor = 0;
tech_name                 pulse_rifle = 0;
tech_name              proton_torpedo = 0;
tech_name                    psionics = 0;
tech_name                      pulsar = 0;
tech_name              pulson_missile = 0;
tech_name           quantum_detonator = 0;
tech_name            rangemaster_unit = 0;
tech_name                 recyclotron = 0;
tech_name            reflection_field = 0;
tech_name             robotic_factory = 0;
tech_name         research_laboratory = 0;
tech_name                 robo_miners = 0;
tech_name               space_scanner = 0;
tech_name                   scout_lab = 0;
tech_name           security_stations = 0;
tech_name                     sensors = 0;
tech_name           shield_capacitors = 0;
tech_name             soil_enrichment = 0;
tech_name               space_academy = 0;
tech_name                   spaceport = 0;
tech_name          spatial_compressor = 0;
tech_name                 spy_network = 0;
tech_name         standard_fuel_cells = 0;
tech_name                   star_base = 0;
tech_name               star_fortress = 0;
tech_name                   star_gate = 0;
tech_name                stasis_field = 0;
tech_name               stealth_field = 0;
tech_name                stealth_suit = 0;
tech_name           stellar_converter = 0;
tech_name         structural_analyzer = 0;
tech_name    sub_space_communications = 0;
tech_name        sub_space_teleporter = 0;
tech_name          subterranean_farms = 0;
tech_name               survival_pods = 0;
tech_name      tachyon_communications = 0;
tech_name             tachyon_scanner = 0;
tech_name         telepathic_training = 0;
tech_name                terraforming = 0;
tech_name          thorium_fuel_cells = 0;
tech_name       time_warp_facilitator = 0;
tech_name          titan_construction = 0;
tech_name              titanium_armor = 0;
tech_name                tractor_beam = 0;
tech_name                   transport = 0;
tech_name                transporters = 0;
tech_name             tritanium_armor = 0;
tech_name                  troop_pods = 0;
tech_name          universal_antidote = 0;
tech_name          uridium_fuel_cells = 0;
tech_name     virtual_reality_network = 0;
tech_name             warp_dissipator = 0;
tech_name            warp_interdictor = 0;
tech_name      weather_control_system = 0;
tech_name            wide_area_jammer = 0;
tech_name             xeno_psychology = 0;
tech_name            xentronium_armor = 0;
tech_name                zeon_missile = 0;
tech_name              zortrium_armor = 0;
tech_name                 adv_biology = 0;
tech_name                   adv_power = 0;
tech_name                 adv_physics = 0;
tech_name            adv_construction = 0;
tech_name                  adv_fields = 0;
tech_name               adv_chemistry = 0;
tech_name               adv_computers = 0;
tech_name               adv_sociology = 0;
# Custom name for items of buildings table. If name is not specified here
# built-in name will be used. By default no names are set in this table. Format:
#  building_name <item> = <string>;
building_name          no_building = 0;
building_name alien_control_center = 0;
building_name       armor_barracks = 0;
building_name   artemis_system_net = 0;
building_name     astro_university = 0;
building_name   atmosphere_renewer = 0;
building_name              autolab = 0;
building_name    automated_factory = 0;
building_name        battlestation = 0;
building_name              capitol = 0;
building_name       cloning_center = 0;
building_name          colony_base = 0;
building_name       deep_core_mine = 0;
building_name      core_waste_dump = 0;
building_name   dimensional_portal = 0;
building_name           biospheres = 0;
building_name     food_replicators = 0;
building_name  gaia_transformation = 0;
building_name    currency_exchange = 0;
building_name    galactic_cybernet = 0;
building_name       holo_simulator = 0;
building_name      hydroponic_farm = 0;
building_name      marine_barracks = 0;
building_name       barrier_shield = 0;
building_name          flux_shield = 0;
building_name    gravity_generator = 0;
building_name         missile_base = 0;
building_name     ground_batteries = 0;
building_name     radiation_shield = 0;
building_name       stock_exchange = 0;
building_name        supercomputer = 0;
building_name        pleasure_dome = 0;
building_name  pollution_processor = 0;
building_name          recyclotron = 0;
building_name      robotic_factory = 0;
building_name         research_lab = 0;
building_name     robo_miner_plant = 0;
building_name      soil_enrichment = 0;
building_name        space_academy = 0;
building_name            spaceport = 0;
building_name            star_base = 0;
building_name        star_fortress = 0;
building_name    stellar_converter = 0;
building_name   subterranean_farms = 0;
building_name         terraforming = 0;
building_name     warp_interdictor = 0;
building_name   weather_controller = 0;
building_name     fighter_garrison = 0;
building_name    artificial_planet = 0;
# Custom name for items of weapons table. If name is not specified here
# built-in name will be used. By default no names are set in this table. Format:
#  weapon_name <item> = <string>;
weapon_name           no_weapons = 0;
weapon_name          mass_driver = 0;
weapon_name         gauss_cannon = 0;
weapon_name         laser_cannon = 0;
weapon_name        particle_beam = 0;
weapon_name          fusion_beam = 0;
weapon_name     ion_pulse_cannon = 0;
weapon_name        graviton_beam = 0;
weapon_name      neutron_blaster = 0;
weapon_name               phasor = 0;
weapon_name            disrupter = 0;
weapon_name            death_ray = 0;
weapon_name        plasma_cannon = 0;
weapon_name   spatial_compressor = 0;
weapon_name      nuclear_missile = 0;
weapon_name    merculite_missile = 0;
weapon_name       pulson_missile = 0;
weapon_name         zeon_missile = 0;
weapon_name  anti_matter_torpedo = 0;
weapon_name       proton_torpedo = 0;
weapon_name       plasma_torpedo = 0;
weapon_name         nuclear_bomb = 0;
weapon_name          fusion_bomb = 0;
weapon_name     anti_matter_bomb = 0;
weapon_name      neutronium_bomb = 0;
weapon_name          death_spore = 0;
weapon_name       bio_terminator = 0;
weapon_name        mauler_device = 0;
weapon_name      assault_shuttle = 0;
weapon_name        heavy_fighter = 0;
weapon_name               bomber = 0;
weapon_name          interceptor = 0;
weapon_name         stasis_field = 0;
weapon_name  anti_missile_rocket = 0;
weapon_name    gyro_destabilizer = 0;
weapon_name           plasma_web = 0;
weapon_name               pulsar = 0;
weapon_name black_hole_generator = 0;
weapon_name    stellar_converter = 0;
weapon_name         tractor_beam = 0;
weapon_name        dragon_breath = 0;
weapon_name           phasor_eye = 0;
weapon_name          crystal_ray = 0;
weapon_name        plasma_breath = 0;
weapon_name          plasma_flux = 0;
weapon_name        caustic_slime = 0;
# Custom name for items of weapons table (plural). If name is not specified here
# built-in name will be used. By default no names are set in this table. Format:
#  weapon_name2 <item> = <string>;
weapon_name2           no_weapons = 0;
weapon_name2          mass_driver = 0;
weapon_name2         gauss_cannon = 0;
weapon_name2         laser_cannon = 0;
weapon_name2        particle_beam = 0;
weapon_name2          fusion_beam = 0;
weapon_name2     ion_pulse_cannon = 0;
weapon_name2        graviton_beam = 0;
weapon_name2      neutron_blaster = 0;
weapon_name2               phasor = 0;
weapon_name2            disrupter = 0;
weapon_name2            death_ray = 0;
weapon_name2        plasma_cannon = 0;
weapon_name2   spatial_compressor = 0;
weapon_name2      nuclear_missile = 0;
weapon_name2    merculite_missile = 0;
weapon_name2       pulson_missile = 0;
weapon_name2         zeon_missile = 0;
weapon_name2  anti_matter_torpedo = 0;
weapon_name2       proton_torpedo = 0;
weapon_name2       plasma_torpedo = 0;
weapon_name2         nuclear_bomb = 0;
weapon_name2          fusion_bomb = 0;
weapon_name2     anti_matter_bomb = 0;
weapon_name2      neutronium_bomb = 0;
weapon_name2          death_spore = 0;
weapon_name2       bio_terminator = 0;
weapon_name2        mauler_device = 0;
weapon_name2      assault_shuttle = 0;
weapon_name2        heavy_fighter = 0;
weapon_name2               bomber = 0;
weapon_name2          interceptor = 0;
weapon_name2         stasis_field = 0;
weapon_name2  anti_missile_rocket = 0;
weapon_name2    gyro_destabilizer = 0;
weapon_name2           plasma_web = 0;
weapon_name2               pulsar = 0;
weapon_name2 black_hole_generator = 0;
weapon_name2    stellar_converter = 0;
weapon_name2         tractor_beam = 0;
weapon_name2        dragon_breath = 0;
weapon_name2           phasor_eye = 0;
weapon_name2          crystal_ray = 0;
weapon_name2        plasma_breath = 0;
weapon_name2          plasma_flux = 0;
weapon_name2        caustic_slime = 0;
# Custom name for items of specials table. If name is not specified here
# built-in name will be used. By default no names are set in this table. Format:
#  special_name <item> = <string>;
special_name              no_special = 0;
special_name achilles_targeting_unit = 0;
special_name       augmented_engines = 0;
special_name   automated_repair_unit = 0;
special_name             battle_pods = 0;
special_name          battle_scanner = 0;
special_name         cloaking_device = 0;
special_name            damper_field = 0;
special_name     displacement_device = 0;
special_name              ecm_jammer = 0;
special_name         energy_absorber = 0;
special_name     extended_fuel_tanks = 0;
special_name      fast_missile_racks = 0;
special_name            hard_shields = 0;
special_name             heavy_armor = 0;
special_name       high_energy_focus = 0;
special_name      hyper_x_capacitors = 0;
special_name      inertial_nullifier = 0;
special_name     inertial_stabilizer = 0;
special_name         lightning_field = 0;
special_name    multi_phased_shields = 0;
special_name   multi_wave_ecm_jammer = 0;
special_name           phase_shifter = 0;
special_name           phasing_cloak = 0;
special_name       quantum_detonator = 0;
special_name        rangemaster_unit = 0;
special_name        reflection_field = 0;
special_name         reinforced_hull = 0;
special_name               scout_lab = 0;
special_name       security_stations = 0;
special_name        shield_capacitor = 0;
special_name           stealth_field = 0;
special_name     structural_analyzer = 0;
special_name    sub_space_teleporter = 0;
special_name   time_warp_facilitator = 0;
special_name            transporters = 0;
special_name              troop_pods = 0;
special_name         warp_dissipator = 0;
special_name        wide_area_jammer = 0;
special_name            regeneration = 0;
# Custom name for items of shields table. If name is not specified here
# built-in name will be used. By default no names are set in this table. Format:
#  shield_name <item> = <string>;
shield_name        no_shield = 0;
shield_name   class_i_shield = 0;
shield_name class_iii_shield = 0;
shield_name   class_v_shield = 0;
shield_name class_vii_shield = 0;
shield_name   class_x_shield = 0;
# Custom name for items of armors table. If name is not specified here
# built-in name will be used. By default no names are set in this table. Format:
#  armor_name <item> = <string>;
armor_name   no_armor = 0;
armor_name   titanium = 0;
armor_name  tritanium = 0;
armor_name   zortrium = 0;
armor_name neutronium = 0;
armor_name adamantium = 0;
armor_name xentronium = 0;
# Custom name for items of computers table. If name is not specified here
# built-in name will be used. By default no names are set in this table. Format:
#  computer_name <item> = <string>;
computer_name              no_computer = 0;
computer_name      electronic_computer = 0;
computer_name        optronic_computer = 0;
computer_name      positronic_computer = 0;
computer_name     cybertronic_computer = 0;
computer_name moleculartronic_computer = 0;
# ========================== #
# --    AI SHIP DESIGN    -- #
# ========================== #
# AI ship design tables. Tables are:
#  standard_beam_missile_x2 hybrid_beam_carrier hybrid_beam_missile_x5
#  standard_missile_x10 standard_carrier special_device special_weapon1
#  special_weapon2
# Rows are:
#  frigate destroyer cruiser battleship titan doomstar
# Columns are:
#  theme_special beam_special missile_special defense_special special_weapon
#  special_device fighter missile heavy_beams beams point_defense_beams bombs
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2    frigate       theme_special = -1;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2    frigate        beam_special = -1;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2    frigate     missile_special = -1;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2    frigate     defense_special = 15;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2    frigate      special_weapon = -1;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2    frigate      special_device = -1;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2    frigate             fighter = -1;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2    frigate             missile = -1;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2    frigate         heavy_beams = -1;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2    frigate               beams = 85;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2    frigate point_defense_beams = -1;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2    frigate               bombs = 0;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2  destroyer       theme_special = 10;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2  destroyer        beam_special = 0;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2  destroyer     missile_special = -1;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2  destroyer     defense_special = 5;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2  destroyer      special_weapon = -1;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2  destroyer      special_device = -1;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2  destroyer             fighter = -1;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2  destroyer             missile = -1;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2  destroyer         heavy_beams = 45;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2  destroyer               beams = 30;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2  destroyer point_defense_beams = -1;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2  destroyer               bombs = 10;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2    cruiser       theme_special = 15;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2    cruiser        beam_special = 0;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2    cruiser     missile_special = -1;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2    cruiser     defense_special = 0;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2    cruiser      special_weapon = -1;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2    cruiser      special_device = -1;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2    cruiser             fighter = -1;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2    cruiser             missile = 10;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2    cruiser         heavy_beams = 30;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2    cruiser               beams = 30;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2    cruiser point_defense_beams = -1;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2    cruiser               bombs = 15;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2 battleship       theme_special = 15;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2 battleship        beam_special = 0;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2 battleship     missile_special = -1;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2 battleship     defense_special = 5;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2 battleship      special_weapon = -1;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2 battleship      special_device = -1;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2 battleship             fighter = -1;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2 battleship             missile = 15;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2 battleship         heavy_beams = 25;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2 battleship               beams = 25;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2 battleship point_defense_beams = -1;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2 battleship               bombs = 15;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2      titan       theme_special = 15;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2      titan        beam_special = 0;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2      titan     missile_special = -1;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2      titan     defense_special = 10;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2      titan      special_weapon = -1;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2      titan      special_device = -1;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2      titan             fighter = -1;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2      titan             missile = 15;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2      titan         heavy_beams = 25;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2      titan               beams = 20;
ai_ship_design standard_beam_missile_x2      titan point_defense_beams = -1;
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ai_ship_design           special_device    cruiser      special_weapon = -1;
ai_ship_design           special_device    cruiser      special_device = 35;
ai_ship_design           special_device    cruiser             fighter = -1;
ai_ship_design           special_device    cruiser             missile = -1;
ai_ship_design           special_device    cruiser         heavy_beams = 20;
ai_ship_design           special_device    cruiser               beams = 20;
ai_ship_design           special_device    cruiser point_defense_beams = -1;
ai_ship_design           special_device    cruiser               bombs = 10;
ai_ship_design           special_device battleship       theme_special = 15;
ai_ship_design           special_device battleship        beam_special = -1;
ai_ship_design           special_device battleship     missile_special = -1;
ai_ship_design           special_device battleship     defense_special = 5;
ai_ship_design           special_device battleship      special_weapon = -1;
ai_ship_design           special_device battleship      special_device = 30;
ai_ship_design           special_device battleship             fighter = -1;
ai_ship_design           special_device battleship             missile = -1;
ai_ship_design           special_device battleship         heavy_beams = 20;
ai_ship_design           special_device battleship               beams = 20;
ai_ship_design           special_device battleship point_defense_beams = -1;
ai_ship_design           special_device battleship               bombs = 10;
ai_ship_design           special_device      titan       theme_special = 15;
ai_ship_design           special_device      titan        beam_special = -1;
ai_ship_design           special_device      titan     missile_special = -1;
ai_ship_design           special_device      titan     defense_special = 10;
ai_ship_design           special_device      titan      special_weapon = -1;
ai_ship_design           special_device      titan      special_device = 25;
ai_ship_design           special_device      titan             fighter = -1;
ai_ship_design           special_device      titan             missile = -1;
ai_ship_design           special_device      titan         heavy_beams = 20;
ai_ship_design           special_device      titan               beams = 20;
ai_ship_design           special_device      titan point_defense_beams = -1;
ai_ship_design           special_device      titan               bombs = 10;
ai_ship_design           special_device   doomstar       theme_special = 15;
ai_ship_design           special_device   doomstar        beam_special = -1;
ai_ship_design           special_device   doomstar     missile_special = -1;
ai_ship_design           special_device   doomstar     defense_special = 15;
ai_ship_design           special_device   doomstar      special_weapon = -1;
ai_ship_design           special_device   doomstar      special_device = 20;
ai_ship_design           special_device   doomstar             fighter = -1;
ai_ship_design           special_device   doomstar             missile = -1;
ai_ship_design           special_device   doomstar         heavy_beams = 20;
ai_ship_design           special_device   doomstar               beams = 20;
ai_ship_design           special_device   doomstar point_defense_beams = -1;
ai_ship_design           special_device   doomstar               bombs = 10;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1    frigate       theme_special = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1    frigate        beam_special = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1    frigate     missile_special = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1    frigate     defense_special = 15;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1    frigate      special_weapon = 60;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1    frigate      special_device = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1    frigate             fighter = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1    frigate             missile = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1    frigate         heavy_beams = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1    frigate               beams = 25;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1    frigate point_defense_beams = 0;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1    frigate               bombs = 0;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1  destroyer       theme_special = 10;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1  destroyer        beam_special = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1  destroyer     missile_special = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1  destroyer     defense_special = 5;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1  destroyer      special_weapon = 50;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1  destroyer      special_device = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1  destroyer             fighter = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1  destroyer             missile = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1  destroyer         heavy_beams = 15;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1  destroyer               beams = 10;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1  destroyer point_defense_beams = 0;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1  destroyer               bombs = 10;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1    cruiser       theme_special = 15;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1    cruiser        beam_special = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1    cruiser     missile_special = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1    cruiser     defense_special = 0;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1    cruiser      special_weapon = 45;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1    cruiser      special_device = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1    cruiser             fighter = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1    cruiser             missile = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1    cruiser         heavy_beams = 15;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1    cruiser               beams = 15;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1    cruiser point_defense_beams = 0;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1    cruiser               bombs = 10;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1 battleship       theme_special = 15;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1 battleship        beam_special = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1 battleship     missile_special = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1 battleship     defense_special = 5;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1 battleship      special_weapon = 40;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1 battleship      special_device = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1 battleship             fighter = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1 battleship             missile = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1 battleship         heavy_beams = 15;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1 battleship               beams = 15;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1 battleship point_defense_beams = 0;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1 battleship               bombs = 10;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1      titan       theme_special = 15;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1      titan        beam_special = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1      titan     missile_special = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1      titan     defense_special = 10;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1      titan      special_weapon = 35;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1      titan      special_device = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1      titan             fighter = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1      titan             missile = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1      titan         heavy_beams = 15;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1      titan               beams = 15;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1      titan point_defense_beams = 0;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1      titan               bombs = 10;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1   doomstar       theme_special = 15;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1   doomstar        beam_special = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1   doomstar     missile_special = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1   doomstar     defense_special = 15;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1   doomstar      special_weapon = 60;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1   doomstar      special_device = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1   doomstar             fighter = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1   doomstar             missile = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1   doomstar         heavy_beams = 0;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1   doomstar               beams = 0;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1   doomstar point_defense_beams = 0;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon1   doomstar               bombs = 10;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2    frigate       theme_special = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2    frigate        beam_special = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2    frigate     missile_special = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2    frigate     defense_special = 15;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2    frigate      special_weapon = 60;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2    frigate      special_device = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2    frigate             fighter = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2    frigate             missile = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2    frigate         heavy_beams = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2    frigate               beams = 25;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2    frigate point_defense_beams = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2    frigate               bombs = 0;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2  destroyer       theme_special = 10;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2  destroyer        beam_special = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2  destroyer     missile_special = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2  destroyer     defense_special = 5;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2  destroyer      special_weapon = 50;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2  destroyer      special_device = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2  destroyer             fighter = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2  destroyer             missile = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2  destroyer         heavy_beams = 15;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2  destroyer               beams = 10;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2  destroyer point_defense_beams = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2  destroyer               bombs = 10;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2    cruiser       theme_special = 15;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2    cruiser        beam_special = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2    cruiser     missile_special = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2    cruiser     defense_special = 0;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2    cruiser      special_weapon = 45;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2    cruiser      special_device = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2    cruiser             fighter = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2    cruiser             missile = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2    cruiser         heavy_beams = 15;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2    cruiser               beams = 15;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2    cruiser point_defense_beams = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2    cruiser               bombs = 10;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2 battleship       theme_special = 15;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2 battleship        beam_special = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2 battleship     missile_special = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2 battleship     defense_special = 5;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2 battleship      special_weapon = 40;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2 battleship      special_device = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2 battleship             fighter = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2 battleship             missile = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2 battleship         heavy_beams = 15;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2 battleship               beams = 15;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2 battleship point_defense_beams = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2 battleship               bombs = 10;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2      titan       theme_special = 15;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2      titan        beam_special = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2      titan     missile_special = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2      titan     defense_special = 10;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2      titan      special_weapon = 35;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2      titan      special_device = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2      titan             fighter = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2      titan             missile = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2      titan         heavy_beams = 15;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2      titan               beams = 15;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2      titan point_defense_beams = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2      titan               bombs = 10;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2   doomstar       theme_special = 15;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2   doomstar        beam_special = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2   doomstar     missile_special = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2   doomstar     defense_special = 15;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2   doomstar      special_weapon = 30;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2   doomstar      special_device = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2   doomstar             fighter = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2   doomstar             missile = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2   doomstar         heavy_beams = 15;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2   doomstar               beams = 15;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2   doomstar point_defense_beams = -1;
ai_ship_design          special_weapon2   doomstar               bombs = 10;
# If BHG is known, there is a chance the by Auto Design selected ship design
# table for a titan or doom star is changed to special_weapon1 to make use
# of this tech. By default this chance is 75%.
# This chance value can be adjusted. Possible values:
# 0: 0% chance; 1: 25% chance; 2: 50% chance; 3: 75% chance; 4: 100% chance.
# Default is 3 (classic).
ai_ship_design_bhg_chance = 3;
# If Stellar Converter is known, there is a chance the by Auto Design selected
# ship design table for a doom star is changed to special_weapon1 to make use
# of this tech. By default this chance is 75%.
# This chance value can be adjusted. Possible values:
# 0: 0% chance; 1: 25% chance; 2: 50% chance; 3: 75% chance; 4: 100% chance.
# Default is 3 (classic).
ai_ship_design_stellar_chance = 3;
# ai_ship_design_bio_weapons_theme (Table 1a)
# rows:
#  special_1 special_2 special_3 special_4 special_5
# columns:
#  id type
# type indicates weapon (1) or special (0) and id is Weapons Table or Specials Table number.
#                                               id type
#                                                ▼    ▼
ai_ship_design_bio_weapons_theme special_1 =    22    0;
ai_ship_design_bio_weapons_theme special_2 =    33    0;
ai_ship_design_bio_weapons_theme special_3 =     2    0;
ai_ship_design_bio_weapons_theme special_4 =    26    1;
ai_ship_design_bio_weapons_theme special_5 =    25    1;
# ai_ship_design_capture_theme (Table 1b)
# rows:
#  special_1 special_2 special_3 special_4 special_5
# columns:
#  id type
# type indicates weapon (1) or special (0) and id is Weapons Table or Specials Table number.
#                                           id type
#                                            ▼    ▼
ai_ship_design_capture_theme special_1 =    35    0;
ai_ship_design_capture_theme special_2 =    39    1;
ai_ship_design_capture_theme special_3 =    28    1;
ai_ship_design_capture_theme special_4 =    36    0;
ai_ship_design_capture_theme special_5 =    37    0;
# ai_ship_design_cloaking_theme (Table 1c)
# rows:
#  special_1 special_2 special_3
# columns:
#  id type
# type indicates weapon (1) or special (0) and id is Weapons Table or Specials Table number.
#                                            id type
#                                             ▼    ▼
ai_ship_design_cloaking_theme special_1 =    23    0;
ai_ship_design_cloaking_theme special_2 =     6    0;
ai_ship_design_cloaking_theme special_3 =    31    0;
# ai_ship_design_beam_defense_theme (Table 1d)
# rows:
#  special_1 special_2 special_3 special_4
# columns:
#  id type
# type indicates weapon (1) or special (0) and id is Weapons Table or Specials Table number.
#                                                id type
#                                                 ▼    ▼
ai_ship_design_beam_defense_theme special_1 =    17    0;
ai_ship_design_beam_defense_theme special_2 =     8    0;
ai_ship_design_beam_defense_theme special_3 =     2    0;
ai_ship_design_beam_defense_theme special_4 =    18    0;
# ai_ship_design_missile_defense_theme (Table 1e)
# rows:
#  special_1 special_2 special_3 special_4 special_5 special_6 special_7
#  special_8
# columns:
#  id type
# type indicates weapon (1) or special (0) and id is Weapons Table or Specials Table number.
#                                                   id type
#                                                    ▼    ▼
ai_ship_design_missile_defense_theme special_1 =    38    0;
ai_ship_design_missile_defense_theme special_2 =    21    0;
ai_ship_design_missile_defense_theme special_3 =    13    1;
ai_ship_design_missile_defense_theme special_4 =     9    0;
ai_ship_design_missile_defense_theme special_5 =    36    1;
ai_ship_design_missile_defense_theme special_6 =     8    0;
ai_ship_design_missile_defense_theme special_7 =    19    0;
ai_ship_design_missile_defense_theme special_8 =    33    1;
# ai_ship_design_armor_theme (Table 1f)
# rows:
#  special_1 special_2 special_3
# columns:
#  id type
# type indicates weapon (1) or special (0) and id is Weapons Table or Specials Table number.
#                                         id type
#                                          ▼    ▼
ai_ship_design_armor_theme special_1 =     3    0;
ai_ship_design_armor_theme special_2 =    14    0;
ai_ship_design_armor_theme special_3 =    27    0;
# ai_ship_design_shield_theme (Table 1g)
# rows:
#  special_1 special_2 special_3
# columns:
#  id type
# type indicates weapon (1) or special (0) and id is Weapons Table or Specials Table number.
#                                          id type
#                                           ▼    ▼
ai_ship_design_shield_theme special_1 =    13    0;
ai_ship_design_shield_theme special_2 =    20    0;
ai_ship_design_shield_theme special_3 =    30    0;
# ai_ship_design_beam_offense_specials (Table 2)
# rows:
#  special_1 special_2 special_3 special_4 special_5 special_6 special_7
# columns:
#  id type
# type indicates weapon (1) or special (0) and id is Weapons Table or Specials Table number.
#                                                   id type
#                                                    ▼    ▼
ai_ship_design_beam_offense_specials special_1 =    34    0;
ai_ship_design_beam_offense_specials special_2 =     1    0;
ai_ship_design_beam_offense_specials special_3 =    15    0;
ai_ship_design_beam_offense_specials special_4 =    25    0;
ai_ship_design_beam_offense_specials special_5 =    32    0;
ai_ship_design_beam_offense_specials special_6 =    16    0;
ai_ship_design_beam_offense_specials special_7 =     5    0;
# ai_ship_design_missile_offense_specials (Table 3)
# rows:
#  special_1 special_2
# columns:
#  id type
# type indicates weapon (1) or special (0) and id is Weapons Table or Specials Table number.
#                                                      id type
#                                                       ▼    ▼
ai_ship_design_missile_offense_specials special_1 =    34    0;
ai_ship_design_missile_offense_specials special_2 =    12    0;
# ai_ship_design_special_weapon_specials (Table 4)
# rows:
#  special_1 special_2 special_3 special_4 special_5
# columns:
#  id type
# type indicates weapon (1) or special (0) and id is Weapons Table or Specials Table number.
#                                                     id type
#                                                      ▼    ▼
ai_ship_design_special_weapon_specials special_1 =    38    1;
ai_ship_design_special_weapon_specials special_2 =    37    1;
ai_ship_design_special_weapon_specials special_3 =    10    0;
ai_ship_design_special_weapon_specials special_4 =    35    1;
ai_ship_design_special_weapon_specials special_5 =    34    1;
# ai_ship_design_special_device_specials (Table 5)
# rows:
#  special_1 special_2 special_3 special_4 special_5 special_6 special_7
#  special_8 special_9 special_10 special_11 special_12
# columns:
#  id type
# type indicates weapon (1) or special (0) and id is Weapons Table or Specials Table number.
#                                                      id type
#                                                       ▼    ▼
ai_ship_design_special_device_specials  special_1 =    24    0;
ai_ship_design_special_device_specials  special_2 =    13    1;
ai_ship_design_special_device_specials  special_3 =    36    1;
ai_ship_design_special_device_specials  special_4 =    32    1;
ai_ship_design_special_device_specials  special_5 =    23    0;
ai_ship_design_special_device_specials  special_6 =     6    0;
ai_ship_design_special_device_specials  special_7 =    31    0;
ai_ship_design_special_device_specials  special_8 =    26    0;
ai_ship_design_special_device_specials  special_9 =    22    0;
ai_ship_design_special_device_specials special_10 =    33    0;
ai_ship_design_special_device_specials special_11 =    37    0;
ai_ship_design_special_device_specials special_12 =    28    0;
# ai_ship_design_defense_specials_a (Table 6a)
# rows:
#  special_1 special_2 special_3 special_4 special_5 special_6 special_7
#  special_8 special_9 special_10 special_11 special_12 special_13 special_14
#  special_15 special_16 special_17 special_18 special_19
# columns:
#  id type
# type indicates weapon (1) or special (0) and id is Weapons Table or Specials Table number.
#                                                 id type
#                                                  ▼    ▼
ai_ship_design_defense_specials_a  special_1 =    29    0;
ai_ship_design_defense_specials_a  special_2 =     8    0;
ai_ship_design_defense_specials_a  special_3 =    19    0;
ai_ship_design_defense_specials_a  special_4 =    13    0;
ai_ship_design_defense_specials_a  special_5 =    38    0;
ai_ship_design_defense_specials_a  special_6 =    21    0;
ai_ship_design_defense_specials_a  special_7 =    14    0;
ai_ship_design_defense_specials_a  special_8 =    17    0;
ai_ship_design_defense_specials_a  special_9 =     9    0;
ai_ship_design_defense_specials_a special_10 =    27    0;
ai_ship_design_defense_specials_a special_11 =    18    0;
ai_ship_design_defense_specials_a special_12 =     2    0;
ai_ship_design_defense_specials_a special_13 =    30    0;
ai_ship_design_defense_specials_a special_14 =    20    0;
ai_ship_design_defense_specials_a special_15 =    33    1;
ai_ship_design_defense_specials_a special_16 =    26    0;
ai_ship_design_defense_specials_a special_17 =    13    1;
ai_ship_design_defense_specials_a special_18 =    36    1;
ai_ship_design_defense_specials_a special_19 =     3    0;
# ai_ship_design_defense_specials_b (Table 6b)
# rows:
#  special_1 special_2 special_3 special_4 special_5 special_6 special_7
#  special_8 special_9 special_10 special_11 special_12 special_13 special_14
#  special_15 special_16 special_17 special_18 special_19
# columns:
#  id type
# type indicates weapon (1) or special (0) and id is Weapons Table or Specials Table number.
#                                                 id type
#                                                  ▼    ▼
ai_ship_design_defense_specials_b  special_1 =    29    0;
ai_ship_design_defense_specials_b  special_2 =     8    0;
ai_ship_design_defense_specials_b  special_3 =    19    0;
ai_ship_design_defense_specials_b  special_4 =    13    0;
ai_ship_design_defense_specials_b  special_5 =    38    0;
ai_ship_design_defense_specials_b  special_6 =    21    0;
ai_ship_design_defense_specials_b  special_7 =    14    0;
ai_ship_design_defense_specials_b  special_8 =    17    0;
ai_ship_design_defense_specials_b  special_9 =     9    0;
ai_ship_design_defense_specials_b special_10 =    27    0;
ai_ship_design_defense_specials_b special_11 =    18    0;
ai_ship_design_defense_specials_b special_12 =     2    0;
ai_ship_design_defense_specials_b special_13 =    30    0;
ai_ship_design_defense_specials_b special_14 =    20    0;
ai_ship_design_defense_specials_b special_15 =    33    1;
ai_ship_design_defense_specials_b special_16 =    26    0;
ai_ship_design_defense_specials_b special_17 =    13    1;
ai_ship_design_defense_specials_b special_18 =    36    1;
ai_ship_design_defense_specials_b special_19 =     3    0;
# ================================ #
# --    ANTARAN SHIP DESIGNS    -- #
# ================================ #
# If 0, Antaran offensive fleet starting crew level is veteran (default, classic).
# If 1, Antaran offensive fleet starting crew level is elite.
# Note that Antaran defensive ships have elite crews by default.
elite_offensive_ants = 0;
# antaran_frigate__defensive design
# rows:
#  appearance hull_size drive armor shield computer weapon_1_type weapon_1_arc
#  weapon_1_mods weapon_1_ammo weapon_1_amount weapon_2_type weapon_2_arc
#  weapon_2_mods weapon_2_ammo weapon_2_amount special_1 special_2
#  special_3_hard_imp
antaran_frigate___defensive         appearance = 0;
antaran_frigate___defensive          hull_size = 0;
antaran_frigate___defensive              drive = 5;
antaran_frigate___defensive              armor = 6;
antaran_frigate___defensive             shield = 0;
antaran_frigate___defensive           computer = 5;
antaran_frigate___defensive      weapon_1_type = 4;
antaran_frigate___defensive       weapon_1_arc = 1;
antaran_frigate___defensive      weapon_1_mods = none;
antaran_frigate___defensive      weapon_1_ammo = -1;
antaran_frigate___defensive    weapon_1_amount = 2;
antaran_frigate___defensive      weapon_2_type = 24;
antaran_frigate___defensive       weapon_2_arc = 15;
antaran_frigate___defensive      weapon_2_mods = none;
antaran_frigate___defensive      weapon_2_ammo = 10;
antaran_frigate___defensive    weapon_2_amount = 1;
antaran_frigate___defensive          special_1 = 7;
antaran_frigate___defensive          special_2 = 24;
antaran_frigate___defensive special_3_hard_imp = 9;
# antaran_frigate__offensive design
# rows:
#  appearance hull_size drive armor shield computer weapon_1_type weapon_1_arc
#  weapon_1_mods weapon_1_ammo weapon_1_amount weapon_2_type weapon_2_arc
#  weapon_2_mods weapon_2_ammo weapon_2_amount special_1 special_2
#  special_3_hard_imp
antaran_frigate___offensive         appearance = 0;
antaran_frigate___offensive          hull_size = 0;
antaran_frigate___offensive              drive = 5;
antaran_frigate___offensive              armor = 6;
antaran_frigate___offensive             shield = 0;
antaran_frigate___offensive           computer = 5;
antaran_frigate___offensive      weapon_1_type = 4;
antaran_frigate___offensive       weapon_1_arc = 1;
antaran_frigate___offensive      weapon_1_mods = none;
antaran_frigate___offensive      weapon_1_ammo = 0;
antaran_frigate___offensive    weapon_1_amount = 2;
antaran_frigate___offensive      weapon_2_type = 24;
antaran_frigate___offensive       weapon_2_arc = 15;
antaran_frigate___offensive      weapon_2_mods = none;
antaran_frigate___offensive      weapon_2_ammo = 0;
antaran_frigate___offensive    weapon_2_amount = 1;
antaran_frigate___offensive          special_1 = 7;
antaran_frigate___offensive          special_2 = 24;
antaran_frigate___offensive special_3_hard_imp = 9;
# antaran_destroyer__defensive design
# rows:
#  appearance hull_size drive armor shield computer weapon_1_type weapon_1_arc
#  weapon_1_mods weapon_1_ammo weapon_1_amount weapon_2_type weapon_2_arc
#  weapon_2_mods weapon_2_ammo weapon_2_amount weapon_3_type weapon_3_arc
#  weapon_3_mods weapon_3_ammo weapon_3_amount special_1 special_2
#  special_3_hard special_3_impossible
antaran_destroyer___defensive           appearance = 1;
antaran_destroyer___defensive            hull_size = 1;
antaran_destroyer___defensive                drive = 5;
antaran_destroyer___defensive                armor = 6;
antaran_destroyer___defensive               shield = 0;
antaran_destroyer___defensive             computer = 5;
antaran_destroyer___defensive        weapon_1_type = 4;
antaran_destroyer___defensive         weapon_1_arc = 1;
antaran_destroyer___defensive        weapon_1_mods = none;
antaran_destroyer___defensive        weapon_1_ammo = -1;
antaran_destroyer___defensive      weapon_1_amount = 3;
antaran_destroyer___defensive        weapon_2_type = 4;
antaran_destroyer___defensive         weapon_2_arc = 1;
antaran_destroyer___defensive        weapon_2_mods = hv;
antaran_destroyer___defensive        weapon_2_ammo = -1;
antaran_destroyer___defensive      weapon_2_amount = 1;
antaran_destroyer___defensive        weapon_3_type = 24;
antaran_destroyer___defensive         weapon_3_arc = 15;
antaran_destroyer___defensive        weapon_3_mods = none;
antaran_destroyer___defensive        weapon_3_ammo = 10;
antaran_destroyer___defensive      weapon_3_amount = 1;
antaran_destroyer___defensive            special_1 = 7;
antaran_destroyer___defensive            special_2 = 24;
antaran_destroyer___defensive       special_3_hard = 9;
antaran_destroyer___defensive special_3_impossible = 21;
# antaran_destroyer__offensive design
# rows:
#  appearance hull_size drive armor shield computer weapon_1_type weapon_1_arc
#  weapon_1_mods weapon_1_ammo weapon_1_amount weapon_2_type weapon_2_arc
#  weapon_2_mods weapon_2_ammo weapon_2_amount weapon_3_type weapon_3_arc
#  weapon_3_mods weapon_3_ammo weapon_3_amount special_1 special_2
#  special_3_hard special_3_impossible
antaran_destroyer___offensive           appearance = 1;
antaran_destroyer___offensive            hull_size = 1;
antaran_destroyer___offensive                drive = 5;
antaran_destroyer___offensive                armor = 6;
antaran_destroyer___offensive               shield = 0;
antaran_destroyer___offensive             computer = 5;
antaran_destroyer___offensive        weapon_1_type = 4;
antaran_destroyer___offensive         weapon_1_arc = 1;
antaran_destroyer___offensive        weapon_1_mods = none;
antaran_destroyer___offensive        weapon_1_ammo = 0;
antaran_destroyer___offensive      weapon_1_amount = 3;
antaran_destroyer___offensive        weapon_2_type = 4;
antaran_destroyer___offensive         weapon_2_arc = 1;
antaran_destroyer___offensive        weapon_2_mods = hv;
antaran_destroyer___offensive        weapon_2_ammo = 0;
antaran_destroyer___offensive      weapon_2_amount = 1;
antaran_destroyer___offensive        weapon_3_type = 24;
antaran_destroyer___offensive         weapon_3_arc = 15;
antaran_destroyer___offensive        weapon_3_mods = none;
antaran_destroyer___offensive        weapon_3_ammo = 10;
antaran_destroyer___offensive      weapon_3_amount = 1;
antaran_destroyer___offensive            special_1 = 7;
antaran_destroyer___offensive            special_2 = 24;
antaran_destroyer___offensive       special_3_hard = 9;
antaran_destroyer___offensive special_3_impossible = 21;
# antaran_cruiser__defensive design
# rows:
#  appearance hull_size drive armor shield computer weapon_1_type weapon_1_arc
#  weapon_1_mods weapon_1_ammo weapon_1_amount weapon_2_type weapon_2_arc
#  weapon_2_mods weapon_2_ammo weapon_2_amount weapon_3_type weapon_3_arc
#  weapon_3_mods weapon_3_ammo weapon_3_amount weapon_4_type weapon_4_arc
#  weapon_4_mods weapon_4_ammo weapon_4_amount weapon_5_type weapon_5_arc
#  weapon_5_mods weapon_5_ammo weapon_5_amount special_1 special_2 special_3
#  special_4_average special_4_hard special_4_impossible
antaran_cruiser___defensive           appearance = 2;
antaran_cruiser___defensive            hull_size = 2;
antaran_cruiser___defensive                drive = 5;
antaran_cruiser___defensive                armor = 6;
antaran_cruiser___defensive               shield = 0;
antaran_cruiser___defensive             computer = 5;
antaran_cruiser___defensive        weapon_1_type = 4;
antaran_cruiser___defensive         weapon_1_arc = 1;
antaran_cruiser___defensive        weapon_1_mods = none;
antaran_cruiser___defensive        weapon_1_ammo = -1;
antaran_cruiser___defensive      weapon_1_amount = 4;
antaran_cruiser___defensive        weapon_2_type = 4;
antaran_cruiser___defensive         weapon_2_arc = 1;
antaran_cruiser___defensive        weapon_2_mods = hv;
antaran_cruiser___defensive        weapon_2_ammo = -1;
antaran_cruiser___defensive      weapon_2_amount = 2;
antaran_cruiser___defensive        weapon_3_type = 24;
antaran_cruiser___defensive         weapon_3_arc = 15;
antaran_cruiser___defensive        weapon_3_mods = none;
antaran_cruiser___defensive        weapon_3_ammo = 10;
antaran_cruiser___defensive      weapon_3_amount = 5;
antaran_cruiser___defensive        weapon_4_type = 13;
antaran_cruiser___defensive         weapon_4_arc = 15;
antaran_cruiser___defensive        weapon_4_mods = none;
antaran_cruiser___defensive        weapon_4_ammo = -1;
antaran_cruiser___defensive      weapon_4_amount = 2;
antaran_cruiser___defensive        weapon_5_type = 31;
antaran_cruiser___defensive         weapon_5_arc = 15;
antaran_cruiser___defensive        weapon_5_mods = none;
antaran_cruiser___defensive        weapon_5_ammo = 1;
antaran_cruiser___defensive      weapon_5_amount = 3;
antaran_cruiser___defensive            special_1 = 7;
antaran_cruiser___defensive            special_2 = 7;
antaran_cruiser___defensive            special_3 = 24;
antaran_cruiser___defensive    special_4_average = 9;
antaran_cruiser___defensive       special_4_hard = 21;
antaran_cruiser___defensive special_4_impossible = 38;
# antaran_cruiser__offensive design
# rows:
#  appearance hull_size drive armor shield computer weapon_1_type weapon_1_arc
#  weapon_1_mods weapon_1_ammo weapon_1_amount weapon_2_type weapon_2_arc
#  weapon_2_mods weapon_2_ammo weapon_2_amount weapon_3_type weapon_3_arc
#  weapon_3_mods weapon_3_ammo weapon_3_amount weapon_4_type weapon_4_arc
#  weapon_4_mods weapon_4_ammo weapon_4_amount weapon_5_type weapon_5_arc
#  weapon_5_mods weapon_5_ammo weapon_5_amount special_1 special_2 special_3
#  special_4_average special_4_hard special_4_impossible
antaran_cruiser___offensive           appearance = 2;
antaran_cruiser___offensive            hull_size = 2;
antaran_cruiser___offensive                drive = 5;
antaran_cruiser___offensive                armor = 6;
antaran_cruiser___offensive               shield = 0;
antaran_cruiser___offensive             computer = 5;
antaran_cruiser___offensive        weapon_1_type = 4;
antaran_cruiser___offensive         weapon_1_arc = 1;
antaran_cruiser___offensive        weapon_1_mods = none;
antaran_cruiser___offensive        weapon_1_ammo = 0;
antaran_cruiser___offensive      weapon_1_amount = 4;
antaran_cruiser___offensive        weapon_2_type = 4;
antaran_cruiser___offensive         weapon_2_arc = 1;
antaran_cruiser___offensive        weapon_2_mods = hv;
antaran_cruiser___offensive        weapon_2_ammo = 0;
antaran_cruiser___offensive      weapon_2_amount = 2;
antaran_cruiser___offensive        weapon_3_type = 24;
antaran_cruiser___offensive         weapon_3_arc = 15;
antaran_cruiser___offensive        weapon_3_mods = none;
antaran_cruiser___offensive        weapon_3_ammo = 10;
antaran_cruiser___offensive      weapon_3_amount = 5;
antaran_cruiser___offensive        weapon_4_type = 13;
antaran_cruiser___offensive         weapon_4_arc = 15;
antaran_cruiser___offensive        weapon_4_mods = none;
antaran_cruiser___offensive        weapon_4_ammo = 0;
antaran_cruiser___offensive      weapon_4_amount = 2;
antaran_cruiser___offensive        weapon_5_type = 31;
antaran_cruiser___offensive         weapon_5_arc = 15;
antaran_cruiser___offensive        weapon_5_mods = none;
antaran_cruiser___offensive        weapon_5_ammo = 0;
antaran_cruiser___offensive      weapon_5_amount = 3;
antaran_cruiser___offensive            special_1 = 7;
antaran_cruiser___offensive            special_2 = 7;
antaran_cruiser___offensive            special_3 = 24;
antaran_cruiser___offensive    special_4_average = 9;
antaran_cruiser___offensive       special_4_hard = 21;
antaran_cruiser___offensive special_4_impossible = 38;
# antaran_battleship__defensive design
# rows:
#  appearance hull_size drive armor shield computer weapon_1_type weapon_1_arc
#  weapon_1_mods weapon_1_ammo weapon_1_amount weapon_2_type weapon_2_arc
#  weapon_2_mods weapon_2_ammo weapon_2_amount weapon_3_type weapon_3_arc
#  weapon_3_mods weapon_3_ammo weapon_3_amount weapon_4_type weapon_4_arc
#  weapon_4_mods weapon_4_ammo weapon_4_amount weapon_5_type weapon_5_arc
#  weapon_5_mods weapon_5_ammo weapon_5_amount weapon_6_type weapon_6_arc
#  weapon_6_mods weapon_6_ammo weapon_6_amount special_1 special_2 special_3
#  special_4 special_5_average special_5_hard special_5_impossible
antaran_battleship___defensive           appearance = 3;
antaran_battleship___defensive            hull_size = 3;
antaran_battleship___defensive                drive = 5;
antaran_battleship___defensive                armor = 6;
antaran_battleship___defensive               shield = 0;
antaran_battleship___defensive             computer = 5;
antaran_battleship___defensive        weapon_1_type = 4;
antaran_battleship___defensive         weapon_1_arc = 1;
antaran_battleship___defensive        weapon_1_mods = none;
antaran_battleship___defensive        weapon_1_ammo = -1;
antaran_battleship___defensive      weapon_1_amount = 6;
antaran_battleship___defensive        weapon_2_type = 4;
antaran_battleship___defensive         weapon_2_arc = 1;
antaran_battleship___defensive        weapon_2_mods = hv;
antaran_battleship___defensive        weapon_2_ammo = -1;
antaran_battleship___defensive      weapon_2_amount = 2;
antaran_battleship___defensive        weapon_3_type = 24;
antaran_battleship___defensive         weapon_3_arc = 15;
antaran_battleship___defensive        weapon_3_mods = none;
antaran_battleship___defensive        weapon_3_ammo = 10;
antaran_battleship___defensive      weapon_3_amount = 15;
antaran_battleship___defensive        weapon_4_type = 13;
antaran_battleship___defensive         weapon_4_arc = 15;
antaran_battleship___defensive        weapon_4_mods = none;
antaran_battleship___defensive        weapon_4_ammo = -1;
antaran_battleship___defensive      weapon_4_amount = 2;
antaran_battleship___defensive        weapon_5_type = 4;
antaran_battleship___defensive         weapon_5_arc = 1;
antaran_battleship___defensive        weapon_5_mods = pd;
antaran_battleship___defensive        weapon_5_ammo = -1;
antaran_battleship___defensive      weapon_5_amount = 8;
antaran_battleship___defensive        weapon_6_type = 11;
antaran_battleship___defensive         weapon_6_arc = 1;
antaran_battleship___defensive        weapon_6_mods = none;
antaran_battleship___defensive        weapon_6_ammo = -1;
antaran_battleship___defensive      weapon_6_amount = 2;
antaran_battleship___defensive            special_1 = 7;
antaran_battleship___defensive            special_2 = 24;
antaran_battleship___defensive            special_3 = 33;
antaran_battleship___defensive            special_4 = 26;
antaran_battleship___defensive    special_5_average = 9;
antaran_battleship___defensive       special_5_hard = 21;
antaran_battleship___defensive special_5_impossible = 38;
# antaran_battleship__offensive design
# rows:
#  appearance hull_size drive armor shield computer weapon_1_type weapon_1_arc
#  weapon_1_mods weapon_1_ammo weapon_1_amount weapon_2_type weapon_2_arc
#  weapon_2_mods weapon_2_ammo weapon_2_amount weapon_3_type weapon_3_arc
#  weapon_3_mods weapon_3_ammo weapon_3_amount weapon_4_type weapon_4_arc
#  weapon_4_mods weapon_4_ammo weapon_4_amount weapon_5_type weapon_5_arc
#  weapon_5_mods weapon_5_ammo weapon_5_amount weapon_6_type weapon_6_arc
#  weapon_6_mods weapon_6_ammo weapon_6_amount special_1 special_2 special_3
#  special_4 special_5_average special_5_hard special_5_impossible
antaran_battleship___offensive           appearance = 3;
antaran_battleship___offensive            hull_size = 3;
antaran_battleship___offensive                drive = 5;
antaran_battleship___offensive                armor = 6;
antaran_battleship___offensive               shield = 0;
antaran_battleship___offensive             computer = 5;
antaran_battleship___offensive        weapon_1_type = 4;
antaran_battleship___offensive         weapon_1_arc = 1;
antaran_battleship___offensive        weapon_1_mods = none;
antaran_battleship___offensive        weapon_1_ammo = 0;
antaran_battleship___offensive      weapon_1_amount = 10;
antaran_battleship___offensive        weapon_2_type = 4;
antaran_battleship___offensive         weapon_2_arc = 1;
antaran_battleship___offensive        weapon_2_mods = hv;
antaran_battleship___offensive        weapon_2_ammo = 0;
antaran_battleship___offensive      weapon_2_amount = 4;
antaran_battleship___offensive        weapon_3_type = 24;
antaran_battleship___offensive         weapon_3_arc = 15;
antaran_battleship___offensive        weapon_3_mods = none;
antaran_battleship___offensive        weapon_3_ammo = 10;
antaran_battleship___offensive      weapon_3_amount = 15;
antaran_battleship___offensive        weapon_4_type = 13;
antaran_battleship___offensive         weapon_4_arc = 15;
antaran_battleship___offensive        weapon_4_mods = none;
antaran_battleship___offensive        weapon_4_ammo = 0;
antaran_battleship___offensive      weapon_4_amount = 2;
antaran_battleship___offensive        weapon_5_type = 4;
antaran_battleship___offensive         weapon_5_arc = 1;
antaran_battleship___offensive        weapon_5_mods = pd;
antaran_battleship___offensive        weapon_5_ammo = 0;
antaran_battleship___offensive      weapon_5_amount = 10;
antaran_battleship___offensive        weapon_6_type = 11;
antaran_battleship___offensive         weapon_6_arc = 1;
antaran_battleship___offensive        weapon_6_mods = none;
antaran_battleship___offensive        weapon_6_ammo = 0;
antaran_battleship___offensive      weapon_6_amount = 4;
antaran_battleship___offensive            special_1 = 7;
antaran_battleship___offensive            special_2 = 24;
antaran_battleship___offensive            special_3 = 33;
antaran_battleship___offensive            special_4 = 26;
antaran_battleship___offensive    special_5_average = 9;
antaran_battleship___offensive       special_5_hard = 21;
antaran_battleship___offensive special_5_impossible = 38;
# antaran_titan__defensive design
# rows:
#  appearance hull_size drive armor shield computer weapon_1_type weapon_1_arc
#  weapon_1_mods weapon_1_ammo weapon_1_amount weapon_2_type weapon_2_arc
#  weapon_2_mods weapon_2_ammo weapon_2_amount weapon_3_type weapon_3_arc
#  weapon_3_mods weapon_3_ammo weapon_3_amount weapon_4_type weapon_4_arc
#  weapon_4_mods weapon_4_ammo weapon_4_amount weapon_5_type weapon_5_arc
#  weapon_5_mods weapon_5_ammo weapon_5_amount weapon_6_type weapon_6_arc
#  weapon_6_mods weapon_6_ammo weapon_6_amount weapon_7_type weapon_7_arc
#  weapon_7_mods weapon_7_ammo weapon_7_amount weapon_8_type weapon_8_arc
#  weapon_8_mods weapon_8_ammo weapon_8_amount special_1 special_2 special_3
#  special_4 special_5 special_6_average special_6_hard special_6_impossible
antaran_titan___defensive           appearance = 4;
antaran_titan___defensive            hull_size = 4;
antaran_titan___defensive                drive = 5;
antaran_titan___defensive                armor = 6;
antaran_titan___defensive               shield = 0;
antaran_titan___defensive             computer = 5;
antaran_titan___defensive        weapon_1_type = 4;
antaran_titan___defensive         weapon_1_arc = 1;
antaran_titan___defensive        weapon_1_mods = none;
antaran_titan___defensive        weapon_1_ammo = -1;
antaran_titan___defensive      weapon_1_amount = 10;
antaran_titan___defensive        weapon_2_type = 4;
antaran_titan___defensive         weapon_2_arc = 1;
antaran_titan___defensive        weapon_2_mods = hv;
antaran_titan___defensive        weapon_2_ammo = -1;
antaran_titan___defensive      weapon_2_amount = 2;
antaran_titan___defensive        weapon_3_type = 24;
antaran_titan___defensive         weapon_3_arc = 15;
antaran_titan___defensive        weapon_3_mods = none;
antaran_titan___defensive        weapon_3_ammo = 10;
antaran_titan___defensive      weapon_3_amount = 20;
antaran_titan___defensive        weapon_4_type = 13;
antaran_titan___defensive         weapon_4_arc = 15;
antaran_titan___defensive        weapon_4_mods = none;
antaran_titan___defensive        weapon_4_ammo = -1;
antaran_titan___defensive      weapon_4_amount = 3;
antaran_titan___defensive        weapon_5_type = 4;
antaran_titan___defensive         weapon_5_arc = 1;
antaran_titan___defensive        weapon_5_mods = pd;
antaran_titan___defensive        weapon_5_ammo = -1;
antaran_titan___defensive      weapon_5_amount = 15;
antaran_titan___defensive        weapon_6_type = 11;
antaran_titan___defensive         weapon_6_arc = 1;
antaran_titan___defensive        weapon_6_mods = hv;
antaran_titan___defensive        weapon_6_ammo = -1;
antaran_titan___defensive      weapon_6_amount = 2;
antaran_titan___defensive        weapon_7_type = 37;
antaran_titan___defensive         weapon_7_arc = 15;
antaran_titan___defensive        weapon_7_mods = none;
antaran_titan___defensive        weapon_7_ammo = -1;
antaran_titan___defensive      weapon_7_amount = 1;
antaran_titan___defensive        weapon_8_type = 31;
antaran_titan___defensive         weapon_8_arc = 15;
antaran_titan___defensive        weapon_8_mods = none;
antaran_titan___defensive        weapon_8_ammo = 1;
antaran_titan___defensive      weapon_8_amount = 6;
antaran_titan___defensive            special_1 = 7;
antaran_titan___defensive            special_2 = 7;
antaran_titan___defensive            special_3 = 24;
antaran_titan___defensive            special_4 = 33;
antaran_titan___defensive            special_5 = 26;
antaran_titan___defensive    special_6_average = 9;
antaran_titan___defensive       special_6_hard = 21;
antaran_titan___defensive special_6_impossible = 38;
# antaran_titan__offensive design
# rows:
#  appearance hull_size drive armor shield computer weapon_1_type weapon_1_arc
#  weapon_1_mods weapon_1_ammo weapon_1_amount weapon_2_type weapon_2_arc
#  weapon_2_mods weapon_2_ammo weapon_2_amount weapon_3_type weapon_3_arc
#  weapon_3_mods weapon_3_ammo weapon_3_amount weapon_4_type weapon_4_arc
#  weapon_4_mods weapon_4_ammo weapon_4_amount weapon_5_type weapon_5_arc
#  weapon_5_mods weapon_5_ammo weapon_5_amount weapon_6_type weapon_6_arc
#  weapon_6_mods weapon_6_ammo weapon_6_amount weapon_7_type weapon_7_arc
#  weapon_7_mods weapon_7_ammo weapon_7_amount weapon_8_type weapon_8_arc
#  weapon_8_mods weapon_8_ammo weapon_8_amount special_1 special_2 special_3
#  special_4 special_5 special_6_average special_6_hard special_6_impossible
antaran_titan___offensive           appearance = 4;
antaran_titan___offensive            hull_size = 4;
antaran_titan___offensive                drive = 5;
antaran_titan___offensive                armor = 6;
antaran_titan___offensive               shield = 0;
antaran_titan___offensive             computer = 5;
antaran_titan___offensive        weapon_1_type = 4;
antaran_titan___offensive         weapon_1_arc = 1;
antaran_titan___offensive        weapon_1_mods = none;
antaran_titan___offensive        weapon_1_ammo = 0;
antaran_titan___offensive      weapon_1_amount = 20;
antaran_titan___offensive        weapon_2_type = 4;
antaran_titan___offensive         weapon_2_arc = 1;
antaran_titan___offensive        weapon_2_mods = hv;
antaran_titan___offensive        weapon_2_ammo = 0;
antaran_titan___offensive      weapon_2_amount = 5;
antaran_titan___offensive        weapon_3_type = 24;
antaran_titan___offensive         weapon_3_arc = 15;
antaran_titan___offensive        weapon_3_mods = none;
antaran_titan___offensive        weapon_3_ammo = 10;
antaran_titan___offensive      weapon_3_amount = 30;
antaran_titan___offensive        weapon_4_type = 13;
antaran_titan___offensive         weapon_4_arc = 15;
antaran_titan___offensive        weapon_4_mods = none;
antaran_titan___offensive        weapon_4_ammo = 0;
antaran_titan___offensive      weapon_4_amount = 3;
antaran_titan___offensive        weapon_5_type = 4;
antaran_titan___offensive         weapon_5_arc = 1;
antaran_titan___offensive        weapon_5_mods = pd;
antaran_titan___offensive        weapon_5_ammo = 0;
antaran_titan___offensive      weapon_5_amount = 20;
antaran_titan___offensive        weapon_6_type = 11;
antaran_titan___offensive         weapon_6_arc = 1;
antaran_titan___offensive        weapon_6_mods = hv;
antaran_titan___offensive        weapon_6_ammo = 0;
antaran_titan___offensive      weapon_6_amount = 5;
antaran_titan___offensive        weapon_7_type = 37;
antaran_titan___offensive         weapon_7_arc = 15;
antaran_titan___offensive        weapon_7_mods = none;
antaran_titan___offensive        weapon_7_ammo = 0;
antaran_titan___offensive      weapon_7_amount = 2;
antaran_titan___offensive        weapon_8_type = 31;
antaran_titan___offensive         weapon_8_arc = 15;
antaran_titan___offensive        weapon_8_mods = none;
antaran_titan___offensive        weapon_8_ammo = 0;
antaran_titan___offensive      weapon_8_amount = 12;
antaran_titan___offensive            special_1 = 7;
antaran_titan___offensive            special_2 = 7;
antaran_titan___offensive            special_3 = 24;
antaran_titan___offensive            special_4 = 33;
antaran_titan___offensive            special_5 = 26;
antaran_titan___offensive    special_6_average = 9;
antaran_titan___offensive       special_6_hard = 21;
antaran_titan___offensive special_6_impossible = 38;
# Sets the weaponry space of the Antaran Star Fortress. Default is 1500, which is classic
# space 1200 * 1.25, as compensation for corrected arc cost (resulting beams = 8/12/26/12).
antaran_star_fortress_space = 1500;
# antaran_star_fortress design
# rows:
#  weapon_1_type weapon_1_arc weapon_1_mods weapon_1_space weapon_2_type
#  weapon_2_arc weapon_2_mods weapon_2_space weapon_3_type weapon_3_arc
#  weapon_3_mods weapon_4_type weapon_4_arc weapon_4_mods weapon_4_space
#  weapon_5_type weapon_5_arc weapon_5_mods weapon_6_type weapon_6_arc
#  weapon_6_mods weapon_6_space special_1 special_2 special_3 special_4
#  special_5 special_6 special_7 special_8
# Weapon_space determines how much space the weapon uses and represents weapon mod.
# Valid values (can be added together for multiple mods) are:
#    0 or 1 : No Mods
#    2      : Heavy Mount
#    4      : Point Defense
#    8      : Armor Piercing
#    16     : Continuous
#    32     : No Range Dissipation
#    64     : Shield Piercing
#    128    : Auto Fire
antaran_star_fortress  weapon_1_type = 11;
antaran_star_fortress   weapon_1_arc = 15;
antaran_star_fortress  weapon_1_mods = hv;
antaran_star_fortress weapon_1_space = 2;
antaran_star_fortress  weapon_2_type = 4;
antaran_star_fortress   weapon_2_arc = 15;
antaran_star_fortress  weapon_2_mods = none;
antaran_star_fortress weapon_2_space = 0;
antaran_star_fortress  weapon_3_type = 4;
antaran_star_fortress   weapon_3_arc = 15;
antaran_star_fortress  weapon_3_mods = none;
antaran_star_fortress  weapon_4_type = 4;
antaran_star_fortress   weapon_4_arc = 15;
antaran_star_fortress  weapon_4_mods = pd;
antaran_star_fortress weapon_4_space = 4;
antaran_star_fortress  weapon_5_type = 4;
antaran_star_fortress   weapon_5_arc = 15;
antaran_star_fortress  weapon_5_mods = pd;
antaran_star_fortress  weapon_6_type = 4;
antaran_star_fortress   weapon_6_arc = 15;
antaran_star_fortress  weapon_6_mods = hv;
antaran_star_fortress weapon_6_space = 2;
antaran_star_fortress      special_1 = 5;
antaran_star_fortress      special_2 = 7;
antaran_star_fortress      special_3 = 24;
antaran_star_fortress      special_4 = 26;
antaran_star_fortress      special_5 = 14;
antaran_star_fortress      special_6 = 27;
antaran_star_fortress      special_7 = 29;
antaran_star_fortress      special_8 = 32;
# ======================================== #
# ======================================== #
# Orion's Guardian design.
# rows:
#  appearance hull_size drive armor shield computer weapon_1_type weapon_1_arc
#  weapon_1_mods weapon_1_ammo weapon_1_amount weapon_2_type weapon_2_arc
#  weapon_2_mods weapon_2_ammo weapon_2_amount weapon_3_type weapon_3_arc
#  weapon_3_mods weapon_3_ammo weapon_3_amount weapon_4_type weapon_4_arc
#  weapon_4_mods weapon_4_ammo weapon_4_amount weapon_5_type weapon_5_arc
#  weapon_5_mods weapon_5_ammo weapon_5_amount special_1 special_2 special_3
#  special_4 special_5 special_6 special_7 special_8
guardian      appearance = 7;
guardian       hull_size = 4;
guardian           drive = 0;
guardian           armor = 6;
guardian          shield = 3;
guardian        computer = 5;
guardian   weapon_1_type = 11;
guardian    weapon_1_arc = 15;
guardian   weapon_1_mods = hv;
guardian   weapon_1_ammo = 0;
guardian weapon_1_amount = 2;
guardian   weapon_2_type = 4;
guardian    weapon_2_arc = 15;
guardian   weapon_2_mods = pd;
guardian   weapon_2_ammo = 0;
guardian weapon_2_amount = 10;
guardian   weapon_3_type = 20;
guardian    weapon_3_arc = 15;
guardian   weapon_3_mods = env,eccm,ovr;
guardian   weapon_3_ammo = 0;
guardian weapon_3_amount = 1;
guardian   weapon_4_type = 20;
guardian    weapon_4_arc = 15;
guardian   weapon_4_mods = env,eccm,ovr;
guardian   weapon_4_ammo = 0;
guardian weapon_4_amount = 1;
guardian   weapon_5_type = 13;
guardian    weapon_5_arc = 15;
guardian   weapon_5_mods = none;
guardian   weapon_5_ammo = 0;
guardian weapon_5_amount = 2;
guardian       special_1 = 13;
guardian       special_2 = 1;
guardian       special_3 = 5;
guardian       special_4 = 25;
guardian       special_5 = 19;
guardian       special_6 = 21;
guardian       special_7 = 18;
guardian       special_8 = 3;
# Loknar's Avenger design.
# rows:
#  appearance hull_size armor shield computer weapon_1_type weapon_1_arc
#  weapon_1_mods weapon_1_ammo weapon_1_amount weapon_2_type weapon_2_arc
#  weapon_2_mods weapon_2_ammo weapon_2_amount weapon_3_type weapon_3_arc
#  weapon_3_mods weapon_3_ammo weapon_3_amount weapon_4_type weapon_4_arc
#  weapon_4_mods weapon_4_ammo weapon_4_amount weapon_5_type weapon_5_arc
#  weapon_5_mods weapon_5_ammo weapon_5_amount weapon_6_type weapon_6_arc
#  weapon_6_mods weapon_6_ammo weapon_6_amount special_1 special_2 special_3
avenger      appearance = 44;
avenger       hull_size = 3;
avenger           armor = 6;
avenger          shield = 0;
avenger        computer = 5;
avenger   weapon_1_type = 4;
avenger    weapon_1_arc = 1;
avenger   weapon_1_mods = hv;
avenger   weapon_1_ammo = 0;
avenger weapon_1_amount = 4;
avenger   weapon_2_type = 11;
avenger    weapon_2_arc = 1;
avenger   weapon_2_mods = hv;
avenger   weapon_2_ammo = 0;
avenger weapon_2_amount = 2;
avenger   weapon_3_type = 4;
avenger    weapon_3_arc = 1;
avenger   weapon_3_mods = none;
avenger   weapon_3_ammo = 0;
avenger weapon_3_amount = 10;
avenger   weapon_4_type = 13;
avenger    weapon_4_arc = 15;
avenger   weapon_4_mods = none;
avenger   weapon_4_ammo = 0;
avenger weapon_4_amount = 2;
avenger   weapon_5_type = 4;
avenger    weapon_5_arc = 1;
avenger   weapon_5_mods = pd;
avenger   weapon_5_ammo = 0;
avenger weapon_5_amount = 10;
avenger   weapon_6_type = 24;
avenger    weapon_6_arc = 15;
avenger   weapon_6_mods = none;
avenger   weapon_6_ammo = 10;
avenger weapon_6_amount = 15;
avenger       special_1 = 7;
avenger       special_2 = 24;
avenger       special_3 = 33;
# =========================== #
# --    MONSTER DESIGNS    -- #
# =========================== #
# Monster hit points table.
# rows:
#  system_eel system_amoeba system_crystal_hydra_dragon event_amoeba event_eel
#  event_hydra event_crystal_dragon
monster_hit_points                  system_eel = 300;
monster_hit_points               system_amoeba = 400;
monster_hit_points system_crystal_hydra_dragon = 500;
monster_hit_points                event_amoeba = 750;
monster_hit_points                   event_eel = 1000;
monster_hit_points                 event_hydra = 1500;
monster_hit_points        event_crystal_dragon = 2500;
# Drives for both system and event monsters.
# rows:
#  amoeba_and_hydra crystal_and_guardian dragon_and_eel
monster_drive     amoeba_and_hydra = 2;
monster_drive crystal_and_guardian = 4;
monster_drive       dragon_and_eel = 6;
# event_amoeba design
# rows:
#  appearance hull_size shield computer weapon_1_type weapon_1_arc weapon_1_mods
#  weapon_1_ammo weapon_1_amount weapon_2_type weapon_2_arc weapon_2_mods
#  weapon_2_ammo weapon_2_amount
event_amoeba      appearance = 8;
event_amoeba       hull_size = 3;
event_amoeba          shield = 0;
event_amoeba        computer = 2;
event_amoeba   weapon_1_type = 45;
event_amoeba    weapon_1_arc = 15;
event_amoeba   weapon_1_mods = none;
event_amoeba   weapon_1_ammo = 0;
event_amoeba weapon_1_amount = 2;
event_amoeba   weapon_2_type = 23;
event_amoeba    weapon_2_arc = 15;
event_amoeba   weapon_2_mods = none;
event_amoeba   weapon_2_ammo = 10;
event_amoeba weapon_2_amount = 5;
# system_amoeba design
# rows:
#  appearance hull_size shield computer weapon_1_type weapon_1_arc weapon_1_mods
#  weapon_1_ammo weapon_1_amount weapon_2_type weapon_2_arc weapon_2_mods
#  weapon_2_ammo weapon_2_amount
system_amoeba      appearance = 20;
system_amoeba       hull_size = 2;
system_amoeba          shield = 0;
system_amoeba        computer = 2;
system_amoeba   weapon_1_type = 45;
system_amoeba    weapon_1_arc = 15;
system_amoeba   weapon_1_mods = none;
system_amoeba   weapon_1_ammo = 0;
system_amoeba weapon_1_amount = 1;
system_amoeba   weapon_2_type = 0;
system_amoeba    weapon_2_arc = 0;
system_amoeba   weapon_2_mods = none;
system_amoeba   weapon_2_ammo = 0;
system_amoeba weapon_2_amount = 0;
# Special system for both System and Event Amoeba. Default is 39 for Regeneration.
# Note: 39 is classic, even though regeneration special doesn't work in classic.
system_and_event_amoeba_special = 39;
# If 1, toxic amoeba has the regeneration special (20% repair).
# If 0 (default, classic), it has no regeneration.
amoeba_regeneration = 0;
# system_and_event_eel
# rows:
#  shield computer
system_and_event_eel   shield = 0;
system_and_event_eel computer = 4;
# event_eel design
# rows:
#  appearance hull_size weapon_1_type weapon_1_arc weapon_1_mods weapon_1_ammo
#  weapon_1_amount special_1
event_eel      appearance = 11;
event_eel       hull_size = 3;
event_eel   weapon_1_type = 44;
event_eel    weapon_1_arc = 15;
event_eel   weapon_1_mods = none;
event_eel   weapon_1_ammo = 0;
event_eel weapon_1_amount = 2;
event_eel       special_1 = 19;
# system_eel design
# rows:
#  appearance hull_size weapon_1_type weapon_1_arc weapon_1_mods weapon_1_ammo
#  weapon_1_amount special_1
system_eel      appearance = 23;
system_eel       hull_size = 2;
system_eel   weapon_1_type = 44;
system_eel    weapon_1_arc = 15;
system_eel   weapon_1_mods = none;
system_eel   weapon_1_ammo = 0;
system_eel weapon_1_amount = 1;
system_eel       special_1 = 19;
# rows:
#  shield computer special
system_and_event_crystal   shield = 0;
system_and_event_crystal computer = 5;
system_and_event_crystal  special = 0;
# event_crystal design
# rows:
#  appearance hull_size weapon_1_type weapon_1_arc weapon_1_mods weapon_1_ammo
#  weapon_1_amount weapon_2_type weapon_2_arc weapon_2_mods weapon_2_ammo
#  weapon_2_amount
event_crystal      appearance = 9;
event_crystal       hull_size = 4;
event_crystal   weapon_1_type = 42;
event_crystal    weapon_1_arc = 15;
event_crystal   weapon_1_mods = hv;
event_crystal   weapon_1_ammo = 0;
event_crystal weapon_1_amount = 1;
event_crystal   weapon_2_type = 26;
event_crystal    weapon_2_arc = 15;
event_crystal   weapon_2_mods = none;
event_crystal   weapon_2_ammo = 10;
event_crystal weapon_2_amount = 5;
# system_crystal design
# rows:
#  appearance hull_size weapon_1_type weapon_1_arc weapon_1_mods weapon_1_ammo
#  weapon_1_amount weapon_2_type weapon_2_arc weapon_2_mods weapon_2_ammo
#  weapon_2_amount
system_crystal      appearance = 21;
system_crystal       hull_size = 2;
system_crystal   weapon_1_type = 42;
system_crystal    weapon_1_arc = 15;
system_crystal   weapon_1_mods = none;
system_crystal   weapon_1_ammo = 0;
system_crystal weapon_1_amount = 1;
system_crystal   weapon_2_type = 25;
system_crystal    weapon_2_arc = 15;
system_crystal   weapon_2_mods = none;
system_crystal   weapon_2_ammo = 10;
system_crystal weapon_2_amount = 5;
# system_and_event_hydra
# rows:
#  shield computer special
system_and_event_hydra   shield = 0;
system_and_event_hydra computer = 2;
system_and_event_hydra  special = 10;
# event_hydra design
# rows:
#  appearance hull_size weapon_1_type weapon_1_arc weapon_1_mods weapon_1_ammo
#  weapon_1_amount
event_hydra      appearance = 12;
event_hydra       hull_size = 4;
event_hydra   weapon_1_type = 43;
event_hydra    weapon_1_arc = 15;
event_hydra   weapon_1_mods = hv;
event_hydra   weapon_1_ammo = 0;
event_hydra weapon_1_amount = 5;
# system_hydra design
# rows:
#  appearance hull_size weapon_1_type weapon_1_arc weapon_1_mods weapon_1_ammo
#  weapon_1_amount
system_hydra      appearance = 24;
system_hydra       hull_size = 2;
system_hydra   weapon_1_type = 43;
system_hydra    weapon_1_arc = 15;
system_hydra   weapon_1_mods = none;
system_hydra   weapon_1_ammo = 0;
system_hydra weapon_1_amount = 3;
# system_and_event_dragon
# rows:
#  shield computer
system_and_event_dragon   shield = 0;
system_and_event_dragon computer = 5;
# event_dragon design
# rows:
#  appearance hull_size weapon_1_type weapon_1_arc weapon_1_mods weapon_1_ammo
#  weapon_1_amount weapon_2_type weapon_2_arc weapon_2_mods weapon_2_ammo
#  weapon_2_amount weapon_3_type weapon_3_arc weapon_3_mods weapon_3_ammo
#  weapon_3_amount
event_dragon      appearance = 10;
event_dragon       hull_size = 4;
event_dragon   weapon_1_type = 41;
event_dragon    weapon_1_arc = 15;
event_dragon   weapon_1_mods = pd;
event_dragon   weapon_1_ammo = 0;
event_dragon weapon_1_amount = 20;
event_dragon   weapon_2_type = 40;
event_dragon    weapon_2_arc = 15;
event_dragon   weapon_2_mods = ovr;
event_dragon   weapon_2_ammo = 0;
event_dragon weapon_2_amount = 1;
event_dragon   weapon_3_type = 0;
event_dragon    weapon_3_arc = 0;
event_dragon   weapon_3_mods = none;
event_dragon   weapon_3_ammo = 0;
event_dragon weapon_3_amount = 0;
# system_dragon design
# rows:
#  appearance hull_size weapon_1_type weapon_1_arc weapon_1_mods weapon_1_ammo
#  weapon_1_amount weapon_2_type weapon_2_arc weapon_2_mods weapon_2_ammo
#  weapon_2_amount weapon_3_type weapon_3_arc weapon_3_mods weapon_3_ammo
#  weapon_3_amount
system_dragon      appearance = 22;
system_dragon       hull_size = 2;
system_dragon   weapon_1_type = 41;
system_dragon    weapon_1_arc = 15;
system_dragon   weapon_1_mods = pd;
system_dragon   weapon_1_ammo = 0;
system_dragon weapon_1_amount = 8;
system_dragon   weapon_2_type = 40;
system_dragon    weapon_2_arc = 15;
system_dragon   weapon_2_mods = none;
system_dragon   weapon_2_ammo = 0;
system_dragon weapon_2_amount = 1;
system_dragon   weapon_3_type = 0;
system_dragon    weapon_3_arc = 0;
system_dragon   weapon_3_mods = none;
system_dragon   weapon_3_ammo = 0;
system_dragon weapon_3_amount = 0;
# =============== #
# --    END    -- #
# =============== #