mapgen /nonebula = 1;
No nebulae on the map.

mapgen /nowh = 1;
No wormholes on the map.

mapgen /nobh = 1;
No black holes on the map.

mapgen /noorion = 1;
Orion and the Guardian are not placed on the map.

mapgen /nosplint = 1;
No splinter worlds unless there is a monster guarding it.

mapgen /monsters = 255;
Sets the preferred number of monsters. The default of 255 means a random number (0-255) will be used.

mapgen -ttoxic = 1;
Toxic planets become radiated.

mapgen -tupoor = 1;
Huge ultra poor planets become poor. Other ultra poor planets become abundant.

mapgen -tlowg = 1;
Low gravity planets become normal gravity.

mapgen -theavyg = 1;
Heavy gravity planets become normal gravity.

mapgen -ttiny = 1;
Tiny planets become randomly from small to large, except if -tsmall flag is used, then they become medium.

mapgen -tsmall = 1;
Small planets become medium.

mapgen -sarti = 1;
Arti planets still exist, but do not give techs anymore.

mapgen -shero = 1;
All stars on the map that contain a hero become brown color, while brown stars without heroes become red color.

mapgen -smarooned = 1;
Marooned leaders are replaced by pirate caches.

mapgen -snatives = 1;
Natives are replaced by gold deposits.

mapgen -ssplint = 1;
Splinters are replaced by gem deposits.

mapgen -mgrav = 1;
Guarded rich and urich planets get gravity according classic gravity table.

mapgen -mterraform = 1;
Guarded desert and tundra planets with natives become swamp.

mapgen -mmonst = 1;
All guarded planets become normal gravity. Guarded rich & ultra rich planets (except gaia's) are upgraded to terran.


mapgen /planets = #;
Sets the minimum number of planets in all home systems to #. This value includes the home world. Valid values are 1-5 (default is 3). If you try a value outside of the valid range it will use the default.

mapgen /minstart = 1;
The unoccupied planet closest to the sun in all home systems will be at least 2 production per worker to a normal-g race.

mapgen /hugestart = 1;
The unoccupied planet closest to the sun in all home systems will be huge and its gravity will match that of the homeworld.

mapgen /richstart = 1;
The unoccupied planet closest to the sun in all home systems will be rich and its gravity will match that of the homeworld. (this switch is ignored if /goodstart is used).

mapgen /goodstart = 1;
The unoccupied planet closest to the sun in all home systems will be ultra rich and its gravity will match that of the homeworld.

The switches /minstart, /hugestart, /richstart, and /goodstart all affect the same ONE planet and their effects are cumulative.

mapgen -tflathw = 1;
Flattens unoccupied planets in home systems. All become abundant. Size is set in order: large, large, large, medium until there are no more planets to modify. Toxic and radiated planets become barren, and gaia’s become terran. If your homeworld is low or normal gravity, then all other planets will get the same gravity. If it is heavy gravity, all others become normal gravity except for one planet which becomes heavy gravity.

mapgen -tfixedhw = 1;
Forces -tflathw. Planets become: Large abundant swamp, large abundant arid, large poor tundra, medium poor terran. If your homeworld is heavy gravity, then swamp becomes heavy gravity.

mapgen -tgaia = 1;
DOES NOT imply -tfixedhw. Fifth planet becomes small poor gaia unless you are a creative, aquatic or tolerant race, in which case it becomes medium poor terran.

mapgen -thugehw = 1;
Makes first unoccupied planet huge

mapgen -trichhw = 1;
Makes first unoccupied planet rich.

mapgen -tgoodhw = 1;
Implies -thugehw and -trichw. Makes first unoccupied planet terran.

mapgen -bshowring = #;
Makes planets within # parsecs distance from the home world visible.